Watched Stranger Things over the course of 2 days. What an awesome show! Definitely a love letter to Spielberg, King, and Carpenter. The music choices were all top notch and the acting was amazing. Winona Ryder definitely knocked her part out of the park and the kids were excellent.
I finished Stranger Things this weekend as well. Fantastic in every sense of the word. At first it was hard for me to tell whether it was just the comfort watching aspect of the show that made me love it. Practically every element is lifted from a childhood favorite of mine. That would normally risk annoying me more than drawing me in, but in this case the sum really is greater than the parts. Stephen King himself summed it up perfectly imo:

Reading Stephen King from literally the time I learned to read is probably one of my most formative experiences and I felt exactly this way watching the show even though I didn't read the above tweet until I had finished it all and went looking for reviews.
I love Winona Ryder, but imo the most impressive thing about the casting is the chemistry among the kids who are all perfect. They even look like kids from 80s films when kids in movies looked totally average as opposed to today when a kid can hardly get cast as a main character without perfect hair and teeth.
show makes me sick with turturros feet, we get it...he has gross feet
This is like complaining about Lady Macbeth washing her hands - totally integral to the character and the show imo. This and the cat sub(subsub)plot are exactly the types of things contributing to this being the best show on television.