I watched ep 1, but did not love. Didn't love the movie either, but the book was very good. I had more hope for the series, but...
- Unexpected deaths are now cliche in HBO series. To see it so quickly was extremely trite. I would expect only the most simple-minded individual (or someone who hasn't watched an HBO series since the Sopranos) would have been shocked.
- Had to play "catch up" trying to figure out the world in which we live. Meanwhile the script continues to move forward. Connected to the movie, I think - but nothing stating that as fact. Nixon was a hero, racism is rampant, Rorschach is a good guy but the hero/leader of all that is bad... ???
Maybe in a few more episodes I'll catch on. I felt lost in the first episode of Game of Thrones as well, and that turned out to be pretty good... until they left the source material... which this one is doing from the start...