Also considering that what most Americans consider 'cream' requires no refrigeration tells you all you need to know about American coffee.
I'll even add that most everyone that adds cream to their coffee probably doesn't understand coffee.
That out of the way I decided to drive to the crown and anchor British pub on East Tropicana Ave
I'd love to hear your opinion of Crown and Anchor. It's one of my regular places when I have a vehicle when in Vegas, but have often wondered how it would stack up to an actual UK pub.
My next move was to get confused at the petrol station, as I didn't realise that you had to pay first. Weird.
If there is a way to scam the system, someone in America has done it. Drive and dash was a serious problem for a while, and now virtually every "gas" station requires money up front.
Oh and I stopped off at in n out burgers and had the double cheese. The burger tasted pretty great to be fair, but as well as being a coffee snob, I'm also a burger snob, and i've had burgers from at least 3 hipster burger joints in Perth that are definitely better.
Others have commented on this, but I will agree... In n Out is vastly overrated. I made a trip there once, and do not need to ever return. I have yet to find a chain burger that is anything more than a alternative to starving.
Oh and the chips were shit
They're fries, and yes, they are shit.
Other comments to go along with previous comments by others: Denny's is an average breakfast at a good price. Again, it's food that keeps you from starving to death, but it's nothing memorable. If you are over budget, Denny's is the breakfast answer.
A lot of people discuss Secret Pizza, which isn't bad, but it's not NY pizza. The best pizza in Vegas (IMO) is Pizza Rock, located downtown on 3rd. They have 5 different pizza ovens, all cooking at different temperatures and different fuel sources (electric, gas, wood fired) to get the particular style of pizza crust you want absolutely perfect.