My genuine advice instead of posting a joke or pron is to scrap everything you think you can make out of these chips. You are forcing a set. No good combination of chips ever came about from haphazardly throwing random stuff together. WW tried it with grail leaded chips and more often than not created (an expensive) Frankenstein's Monster that people fake-drooled over. The combinations from pulling from what you have above would be worse.
Slow down, take a genuine look around at 'mixed set pron thread' or similar ones, find out what chips are out there you don't even know you don't know of, come up with a vision based on what you like and what works, and then execute it.
(That said, you can pull the Paris' out and make an easy Paris set, using the peach as fracs without even milling. Can use the HS as $5s, but original is always better if possible for an actual casino set.)
Slow down, take a genuine look around at 'mixed set pron thread' or similar ones, find out what chips are out there you don't even know you don't know of, come up with a vision based on what you like and what works, and then execute it.
(That said, you can pull the Paris' out and make an easy Paris set, using the peach as fracs without even milling. Can use the HS as $5s, but original is always better if possible for an actual casino set.)