Racer96's sale threads (1 Viewer)


Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Hey gang,

I've had a few people ask me what was going on with my sales threads.

First off, I'm doing fine, (as fine as can be I guess, given the current state of the world.) Thanks for the concern. It's much appreciated.

Secondly, uhhh, hey everyone! I'm an old long time member, was on CT way back when, and when that site started to fall apart, I did create an account here, but things in my life also were changing pretty drastically, so I never really posted here. As you'll find, or perhaps have already found out from my sales threads, I tend to type a lot. It's not an internet kind of thing, in person I talk. A LOT. You can ask @Gear , @T_Chan , @Frank @Wifey , @Mesnik44 and any others that I've sat around a table with about that.

I used to be pretty active on the forums, and did develop a pretty big collection of chips. I have playable sets on most of CPC's molds, and at one time I was trying to build up playable sets of every WA casino that The Chip Room was able to get it's hands on. I've now given up on that endeavour , lol, seems like they just kind of keep popping up. I also used to pick up random racks of chips, trying to make a playable set of things. It's that reason why I have so many partial sets, that I'm now looking to sell off.

And yeah, why am I selling off? Well, I never thought I would sell chips off. Releasing chips back into the world was kind of unthinkable before. I had a plan for each and every chip, I just needed time to finish that plan. Fast forward to me sitting on way too many chips. I only realize that now that I'm getting to spend some time at home and actually dig through and find things again.
Also, last August my family had an opportunity to live in France, and we took it. I had spent my entire life in the Vancouver, BC, Canada area, and never imagined living anywhere else. During my time that I spent in France, (back in Canada for now, but, we will go back, hopefully) I started thinking again about poker chips , and building sets. My old work wouldn't be entirely too keen on our peculiar hobby of collecting chips, ( I worked in a casino ) and was a big part of why I kept pretty quiet on the site. I also had a second kid during my away from the site time. That also kind of took up a bunch of time. And of course, with the new job, and then a second child, I just did not have time to play poker as much any more. I went from playing hockey 3 or 4 times a week, as well as a poker game or 2 a week, to maybe 1 poker game a month. I think I might have gone almost a year without playing hardly any games, actually. That was rough.

So, I'm kind of back now. I've spent the last few months reading up on lots of back stories. There's been a ton of drama, which I'm pretty glad that I missed. I have read a whole lot of new usernames. I've also seen a bunch of familiar names disappear, which is really sad.

Uhhh, where was I? Oh yeah, I'm old. Kind of. Anyways, yeah, while I was in France, I decided that I would try and put together a set that would allow me to remember my time there. That's when I found out that the ACF chips and plaques had been released to the public at some point in my absence. That was a major shocker. I really wanted to try and put something together, but at the same time, I wasn't looking to spend a whole lot on this venture, which, is pretty counter intuitive. Luckily, I had something almost as good as money. Chips. Lots. Of. Chips.

Just before I left for France, I contacted a french chipper @albatros63 who was selling off some B&G chips. I thought maybe I'd purchase from him while I was in France, since I wasn't planning on bringing any with me (limited space/weight to take as we were bringing what we needed to live for a year). We were trying to work out a sale, then a trade, and unfortunately while I was trying to research pricing, one of the people i was price checking with, expressed an interest in the same chips that albatros was looking for. I ended up trading my set (about 1,000 GCOP chips) and that was what funded a bunch of my mini purchases as I eased back into things. Big thanks also to albatros again, as he was the person that put me in touch with my local poker group, a great group of people that have made me feel at home in a foreign country.

I really never thought I would trade the GCOP chips away, but once I had, I realized it wasn't life crushing. It wasn't soul stealing. It was,,,,,,, ok?!

And then I remembered that @liftapint had some ACF plaques. I remembered seeing some of her post about selling some plaques. So I contacted her. And boy, did she ever have a lot of ACF plaques. I had never even seen pictures of many of the denominations, and they were all so so so beautiful.

She also hadn't thought about selling off many of them. But then I offered her something that, well, people didn't really know existed. I had a rack of Nevada Lodge 1/8 pie $20 chips. T_Chan ran a mini meatup at his warehouse one year, and Frank remembered seeing me put my mixed TRK set into action. That set included the rack of NL $20s, as well as a rack of Pick Hobson 50c Fracs. Mel went through and researched all the pricing on everything, and then came up with a trade proposal for me. I knew that the chips I had, while I loved them, would never be loved as much as if they were in her hands. And I could put together a playable set of ACF plaques. We had to do this trade.

And then I let Mel know about a few other chips I had. And then a few more. And then I ended up bringing 1,500+ chips down to Seattle with me to send away. And it felt good.

I was done. Right?

Well, no. Otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here writing up this massive post. (See previous, I type a lot)

I found a thread by @kaimat listing chips that blew me away. They're not the most beautiful, don't have amazing colours and crazy spots, they're actually kind of plain. But they were a set of chips that I had a small-ish amount of (~1,000ish chips, including customs), that I did not think would be possible to add on to. They were a Chip Room sale set that were even before I started on CT. Lummi Eagles. A small casino that is just south of the border from me. Which rebranded later, and was a place where my hockey friends bought my wife and I a hotel/spa package trip for. A place that my wife and I love to talk and joke about, the eagle that's flipping the bird.

So, I started looking at what I could get rid of, to fund that set. And as I pulled out racks, I realized there was more and more that I would not feel bad about seeing in other people's hands. I'd look forward to seeing them in pics of games in use. It just kind of felt right. And I also realized that there was potential that the chips wouldn't sell. I liked them, but as I looked into it, I found that they just weren't readily available. Many of them probably haven't been sold in quantity since, well, when I bought them originally I guess. So I didn't know if my sales threads would generate interest, or if I'd only sell a couple of things. That just made me pull out more and more things.

And then, during my sales, I found out that I could pick up additions to 2 of my other sets that I want to hold onto. Again, things that I didn't think I'd be able to find. So, now here I set, with another 15 or so racks that I just took pictures of,,,,,, contemplating selling them as well.

Anyways, yes, I'm fine. My family is good. We're in a weird place right now, living in a country that I call home, but had not planned on being here for many more months. Away from the country that we were calling home. Going just a little stir-crazy, and now I'm releasing chips back into the wild.

PS I thought it would be funny to call this the purge of 2020 (chips) , but my wife said no. I still had to put that in here somehow.
Even though I have to set aside 30 minutes of my day, every time you post.......... I'm really glad you're back, Mike. And I hope you stick around longer this time. :tup:

Interested in some chips to go with those plaques?
Even though I have to set aside 30 minutes of my day, every time you post.......... I'm really glad you're back, Mike. And I hope you stick around longer this time. :tup:

Interested in some chips to go with those plaques?
You think that's bad , it took me a half hour or so to just write it out. And when I write, it's pretty much all just kind of stream of conscious , no set plan, just write. Which leads to weird segues and backtracking a lot. Like I said, basically the same way that I have a conversation.

I'm always interested in ACF chips and plaques. Or any chips and plaques, really.
Awesome read and I like the way you’re looking at things with your collection. I think I speak for everyone when I say releasing to some chippers who will cherish them in their sets means a lot and truly is appreciated. My sets would be garbage without the help of some generous people here.

oh and those Lummi chips are sweet. They were really tempting me.
Reading this post was awesome!

It also made me feel even worst about my mistake. I'm sincerely sorry Mike. Now that I feel your passion for the ACF, it stings a bit extra. Dang!

Anyways, I hope your family stays safe and healthy, and everything gets back on track so you guys can live free how and where you want..

I hope we meet someday. I've played poker with all the characters you have mentioned. So I could imagine how cool it would be.

Best regards
Good to see you posting again Mike, you were definitely never a heavy(spam) poster but when you did post it was cool stack pron from games or the kind of post that is fun to read.

I met you at Redbelly’s first Rumble on the Ridge (my name is Travis, I was brand new to chip talk before that meet up) and I remember two things about you: beautiful chips and you were someone that was incredibly easy to talk to. I remember really wanting to get up to a Vancouver area game because your pics and you talking about them made them sound like such a fun time, especially the @T_Chan game. (I think anyway, memory is hazy, that was a while ago now :( ). You also played well, but a lot of people at that meet up played pretty well.

Anyway, welcome back. I also was off the board for a while and came back to a ton of threads that just blew my mind. Glad I missed some of it, wished I would have been around for some of it, but more than anything it was good to start reading the board again. Hope you feel the same way and are going to be a regular again, you are one of those user names from back in the day that wasn’t around when I came back, hopefully other members find their way back as well.

Would also love to hear your thoughts on living in France v living in BC. I’m south of you by just a couple hours and I absolutely love this part of the world. My wife and I have been tempted to move a few times to other parts of the country (somewhere on the west coast, im restless not crazy ;) ) but this upper left part has won out every time so far.
Stay in touch, Mike. I haven't heard any of your casino stories yet, If you're no longer part of that world as far as employment goes, and you haven't signed some sort of NDA, I'd love to hear some of the stories from the inside.
It was great meeting you a couple weeks ago, Mike. Who would have thought that the world would be where it is now? :(

I love your passion for chips and chippers. You ARE easy to talk to, and that energy really comes through. I’m glad you are getting those Lummi chips. Very cool.

Now...you mentioned other Washington sets that you have...:)
Welcome back!
Thanks! Hopefully some day I'll make it back down to Portland, maybe for another convention, and we can meet again. Or even better, sit around a poker table somewhere!

Awesome read and I like the way you’re looking at things with your collection. I think I speak for everyone when I say releasing to some chippers who will cherish them in their sets means a lot and truly is appreciated. My sets would be garbage without the help of some generous people here.

oh and those Lummi chips are sweet. They were really tempting me.
Thanks man. Yeah, it was really hard to even consider letting chips go, but now that I have started doing it, it actually does feel good. Except for now when I have to narrow it down when there are multiple people wanting things. Then I have to be the bad guy. I don't usually like being the bad guy. Except when a situation calls for it. Like when someone suggests purchasing Lummi chips that I am after. Then I can be a bad guy :D

Reading this post was awesome!

It also made me feel even worst about my mistake. I'm sincerely sorry Mike. Now that I feel your passion for the ACF, it stings a bit extra. Dang!

Anyways, I hope your family stays safe and healthy, and everything gets back on track so you guys can live free how and where you want..

I hope we meet someday. I've played poker with all the characters you have mentioned. So I could imagine how cool it would be.

Best regards
No worries man. Like I said, I was angry at first, but yeah, things happen. And in the end, it's just something that I like, it's not something that I NEED. I think I might have seen you at one of the club games once,,,,, but I couldn't stay? or you couldn't stay? or something happened? But yeah, our timing just kind of missed so far. I'm sure we'll sit across a table from each other some time. Just let me win the all in, and we'll call it even.

Good to see you posting again Mike, you were definitely never a heavy(spam) poster but when you did post it was cool stack pron from games or the kind of post that is fun to read.

I met you at Redbelly’s first Rumble on the Ridge (my name is Travis, I was brand new to chip talk before that meet up) and I remember two things about you: beautiful chips and you were someone that was incredibly easy to talk to. I remember really wanting to get up to a Vancouver area game because your pics and you talking about them made them sound like such a fun time, especially the @T_Chan game. (I think anyway, memory is hazy, that was a while ago now :( ). You also played well, but a lot of people at that meet up played pretty well.

Anyway, welcome back. I also was off the board for a while and came back to a ton of threads that just blew my mind. Glad I missed some of it, wished I would have been around for some of it, but more than anything it was good to start reading the board again. Hope you feel the same way and are going to be a regular again, you are one of those user names from back in the day that wasn’t around when I came back, hopefully other members find their way back as well.

Would also love to hear your thoughts on living in France v living in BC. I’m south of you by just a couple hours and I absolutely love this part of the world. My wife and I have been tempted to move a few times to other parts of the country (somewhere on the west coast, im restless not crazy ;) ) but this upper left part has won out every time so far.
I remember meeting you! Yeah, posting pics from the different games I went to was a lot of fun. That was the second most favourite thing about posting on CT. The favourite was getting all the different people around the world to pose with the Links Strong chip and posting those galleries.
Yeah, I'm enjoying reading threads again, and really enjoying the trip down memory lane that going through the chip cabinet has been. Looking forward to a time when we can all gather again and just have some fun.
As far as France? Well, quite simply, I really do love it there. I could honestly see myself living there, were it not for my friends and family here. That said, the West Coast is pretty much one of the nicest places in the world, in my opinion. And I know that this will also , always be home.

Stay in touch, Mike. I haven't heard any of your casino stories yet, If you're no longer part of that world as far as employment goes, and you haven't signed some sort of NDA, I'd love to hear some of the stories from the inside.
Things are still kind of,,,,, unknown at this time. I'm kind of , and kind of not, still a part of the casino. We'll see what happens. I know that the longer I am away from it, the more I enjoy the freedom of being away from it. Some day I'd love to share stories from the casino life. It really can be a lot of fun. It can also be horrible. Pretty much like any other job I guess. I will say that if we're sitting at a table, and you'd like to know anything, I'd be much easier about chatting with anything you'd like to know, lol!

It was great meeting you a couple weeks ago, Mike. Who would have thought that the world would be where it is now? :(

I love your passion for chips and chippers. You ARE easy to talk to, and that energy really comes through. I’m glad you are getting those Lummi chips. Very cool.

Now...you mentioned other Washington sets that you have...:)
Yeah, everything is just so strange and different. I really hope everything pulls through. I've always been a hope for the best, but expect the worst kind of guy, and this situation is not fun for that kind of temperament.

I enjoyed meeting you too! One day when the border opens back up, I'm going to travel down there and try to sneak my way into one of those tech building poker games,,,,,,,,

Ok, I don't know how many people were following along in the sales threads.
In the end, I mostly wussed out, and just let the cards decide, rather than having to choose who would get the chips.

I decided on doing a strange kind of hold'em game. I asked the people that were interested in purchasing, to shoot me a pm with their favourite hold'em starting hand, with a caveat that they could not pick a pocket pair. I then used everyone's hands as their hole cards, and ran out a board (full 52 cards) , to see who would win. I also had a second part of it, where the low (razz) hand would win, in the case of having 2 racks for sale, or if there was only 1 rack, I would have the two (or more, if a tie happened) face off in a random omaha hand.

It ended up being pretty fun for me, actually. It's the closest I've come to any poker in a long time. Haha!

Anyways, here's the PNY quarter sales thread, with the run out.
PNY quarters sales game

And here's the Empress $5 sales thread, with the run out.
Empress $5 sales game

And the Empress $100 sales thread, with the run out.
Empress $100 sales game

And then gopherblue gave up his dibs on the PNY quarters, and I had to do another game. This time I thought I'd change it up, and run it as 7 card stud. Using the player's chosen hole cards.
PNY quarters , 7 card stud style

It took a bunch of time, of which I'd really like to thank my wife for handling the kids and their various emergencies. I had fun doing it though. Something different to change the day.

Oh, and I also did up a fun little game sheet for each.




Now, I have a couple more sales to figure out...... Going to try something a little different this time.....

That’s sweet, I like it when sales threads are fun. I’m a huge Washington casino fan, if you end up selling any of that stuff I might have to jump in and test my luck.
The threads were fun, Mike. Thanks for hosting them and thanks for sharing your chips with us. I was following the other threads as well even though I wasn't after the chips just to see the action. I'm going to need to branch out my poker skills into some of these new games.

I remember the CT days as well, though I was never a heavy poster there. Life took over for many years and I just got back into chipping again last year so about a 6 or 7 year break. The catch up is fun and some of the drama is head scratching so I don't try to understand.
Ok, so I had to do yet another game to sell the 2nd rack of PNY quarters.
PNY quarters, run the cards

And after tallying up the totals from what sold, and what didn't, I still needed funds if I am going to fill out some of my grail sets. So I posted some more sales. Including sales of 2 items that I really, really, reallllllly don't want to sell.

Also, while I did enjoy running the card contests to pick the buyers, I'm a lazy guy at heart. So, for the new sales (if there is multiple interest) I decided to do a different kind of competition. One where I don't have to do any work, and hopefully there will still be some enjoyment. It actually came to me from some recollection of events that happened on CT, which actually came from me getting @ovo and @PAZ mixed up .

So, in that vein, I think I'm going to start up a new thread , based on what I used to do on CT, but maybe I'll kick it off, PAZ style..........

The best part of your sales, Mike, was being able to connect and all the PMs. All the chips be damned!

Can't wait to meet up someday! Hopefully sooner rather than later, but who knows how this whole world is going to straighten if ever again.

Good luck acquiring the set you are after!
Ok, so I had to do yet another game to sell the 2nd rack of PNY quarters.
PNY quarters, run the cards

And after tallying up the totals from what sold, and what didn't, I still needed funds if I am going to fill out some of my grail sets. So I posted some more sales. Including sales of 2 items that I really, really, reallllllly don't want to sell.

Also, while I did enjoy running the card contests to pick the buyers, I'm a lazy guy at heart. So, for the new sales (if there is multiple interest) I decided to do a different kind of competition. One where I don't have to do any work, and hopefully there will still be some enjoyment. It actually came to me from some recollection of events that happened on CT, which actually came from me getting @ovo and @PAZ mixed up .

So, in that vein, I think I'm going to start up a new thread , based on what I used to do on CT, but maybe I'll kick it off, PAZ style..........

@PAZ is a legend

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