Hot Deal @ $399! Just bought one.
I wasn't looking. Went to BestBuy yesterday and saw the Samsung 6270 55", 4K, UHD. $479, a thin mount, and 6 hours later, and it's in my gameroom.
Great picture.
Now the downside, it's been almost 24 hours of Gilmore Girls... My wife and daughters like my TV so much they've been in my room all weekend. Maybe this 50" would be nice for the familryoom...
Cool. Mine came today. Wasn't supposed to get until Tuesday.
Let me know what you think, when you get it set up.
The only PITA about it is connecting HMDI cables, etc., once it's mounted. I like the simple mount I bought and after being mounted, I can lift the TV away from the wall and access the ports. However, the ports are not I the side of the TV, rather they are recessed. So getting the angle right and plugging cable in was a pain. I'll leave the cables in now and used a simple organizer to clean up the look.
Let me know what you think, when you get it set up.
MentalNomad, that is a nice mount. I have a few TVs on mounts and they worked out nicely.