4 of a Kind
Who was that crazy loud pro who would make a big deal about his little shark, at a few main events back in the ‘00’s?
humberto brenes
Who was that crazy loud pro who would make a big deal about his little shark, at a few main events back in the ‘00’s?
Humberto BrenesWho was that crazy loud pro who would make a big deal about his little shark, at a few main events back in the ‘00’s?
I'll post a pic of mine later but had to share the most entertaining card protector I've ever seen.
I'm sitting at my local track playing $1/$2 and a mid 50s gentleman that was a hoot to have at the table sits down and sets a little dump truck down on his cards.
It was one of those you can set it against a hard surface like a table and wind it back and then it slowly drove forward. I commented on it and he shoots a wink wink and says "just wait til I win a big pot!".
30 minutes later and he doubles up. As he rakes in the pot he gives me a friendly nudge as to say watch this as his face lit up like a little boy at Christmas with his new toy.
He puts a chip into the back of the dump truck, winds it back and sends it to the dealer to tip her. The table busted into laughter and she thanked him, put the chip in her drop box and winds it back to send it back to the man.
He was by far one of my most favorite random neighbors at a public card room table.
Who was that crazy loud pro who would make a big deal about his little shark, at a few main events back in the ‘00’s?
With much thanks to @p5woody, I'm proud to unveil the special card capper made for WCB9 attendees!
2 inches in diameter. Bronze. One side with enamel, the other just with metal.
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Did you steal that from Doyle?
Did you steal that from Doyle?
Oh I am jealous of that one. How did you acquire it?
Oh I am jealous of that one. How did you acquire it?
is that Skeletor's Staff? That's Sweet!
It is!is that Skeletor's Staff? That's Sweet!