Stolen Chips! Please keep an eye out. (3 Viewers)

We need a Cops-style ride-along video to see this resolved.

Bad Boys.gif
So pretty unfortunate situation here. The information I was sent by @LeLe very clearly showed my chips listed for sale. It showed the exact set that was stolen and I have pictures of the set in use to prove that it was mine. I have pictures of the fracs which were relabels and even have 50ish extra labels to prove that I actually did relabel them. This, however, was not enough to prove that they were mine. I got stonewalled but the detective (he was nice) who basically said he wouldn't be able to get a subpoena to get the chips or a warrant due to the fact that it is possible that someone legitimately purchased the chips. I tried to no avail to explain to him that the chips were purchased on a niche collectors forum and to my knowledge the only other member on that site is @Samoth311 who doesn't even have an HSI set. I tried to explain to him that the fracs were unique and that I can say with a high degree of confidence that the population of HSI owners in Tallahassee with a fully inlay replaced Red Rock frac consists of just me. NOTHING I could say made a difference. So in short I was told that if you want your things back that you are going to have to get it on your own (I had sunglasses listed as well that showed the persons FUCKING FACE). So I'm basically stuck either waiting for the person to slip up in a major way and by major I mean like just confessing it's stolen or listing the other set of chips. Or my other option is to just do it old school and try to get the chips on my own. I dunno. I not going to try and get the chips by beating the shit out of the thief or anything like that so I guess I'm just fucked. Super frustrating to see all your stuff, that you paid for, that you put together being sold by someone. The amount stolen is enough to take the person to smalls claims court, but I'm not in the income bracket to make it worth my while since it would basically be a form of revenge and I'd just want to bleed them dry. Sucks. I will say this to everyone though: PUT A SERIAL NUMBER ON YOUR CASES. I'm planning on hiding an air-tag in the case so it tracks it as well as either cutting the number off an old credit card and using PVC cement to attach it to the inside of the case under the foam or just etching my full legal name with DOB. You gotta take picture of it as well.

I'll keep ya'll posted with updates I'm still trying to get it back, but things are looking grim.
Also if anyone on here knows the listing I respectfully ask that you don't message or harass the seller. I've reached out to them in an attempt to get them to make a mistake so that I can get more info and hopefully get them to reveal that they have another one of the stolen items. They've listed a second item for sale (not mine) on the account with the chips and they listed my Raybans on a different account. Hopefully, they'll say they have the HSI Tournament chips or just list them which would definitely help the situation. If nothing happens for a little bit I'll post the info publicly to see if anyone here can help.
That sucks, I always thought if mine were ever stolen they would be easy enough to track and get returned if they turned up for sale with my relabeled fracs but sounds like they are being pretty crap about it. How more obvious can it be that it's your set, I mean come on. Fingers crossed for you it gets resolved somehow.
Even if there could be a chance the person who's selling it now bought it "legitimately", couldn't the cops reach out to get them to "assist" in the investigation of stolen goods? That might scare them enough to give it up...
Even if there could be a chance the person who's selling it now bought it "legitimately", couldn't the cops reach out to get them to "assist" in the investigation of stolen goods? That might scare them enough to give it up...
Yeah the cop didn’t seem to interested in solving it to be honest. He closed the case 2 days after he received it because I had no camera showing the theft and there was nothing to follow up on. He basically said that they had nothing to go on since it might be legally purchased. They also didn’t come out the day of the theft because it wasn’t a gun that was stolen. Even though there were clear markings where they had dented the leather from putting the cases on my seat so you could prolly get something to see who it was. I’m pretty good at finding people though so I’m confident I will find who it is. Last time my family had dealings with someone who scammed us and I found out a lot of things about them that we are going to use in court to show they are a con man and have been for a long time.
Shitty Solution: Put a gun in the poker chip case...

But in all seriousness. Good luck and be careful! Who knows what kind of miscreants they are...
How much are they? Go buy them with a check or money order
It's listed for 1k. The only people on the planet who will spend 1k on a set of used poker chips are on this forum and everyone here knows its stolen property. For those reasons I don't believe they'll ever sell at a grand so I've got time to explore other options before I try and do that.
Shitty Solution: Put a gun in the poker chip case...

But in all seriousness. Good luck and be careful! Who knows what kind of miscreants they are...
Tallahassee near FSU can get pretty dodgy so if I ever went to meet this guy I'd either bring friends or do it in public. There are a few low income neighborhoods near my complex so I think it might've been someone from there. Wouldn't really make sense for someone to drive that far to see if some college kids left their cars unlocked.
Soo... ask the seller if he offers local pick up instead of shipping... I mean it's not that far away, why pay shipping.

I would have started with "hey man, really interested in these chips, you don't seem very far away. Just take the shipping off and I will send funds, then we can arrange to pick up at your leisure"

Also could go with the whole... "you're new to eBay, I am interested but would like to see the chips in person first angle"

Sorry for those that don't like violence, but then break his F**king face! Many criminals aren't the most intelligent. If he thinks he might get the money, he may be willing to meet in person.

Hope this works out!

Also if trying to figure out where they are, buy em, have em shipped... his return address will likely be on the package!
Soo... ask the seller if he offers local pick up instead of shipping... I mean it's not that far away, why lay shipping.

I would have started with "hey man, really interested in these chips, you don't seem very far away. Just take the sh io pping off and I will send funds, then we can arrange to pick up at your leisure"

Also could go with the whole... "you're new to eBay, I am interested but would like to see the chips in person first angle"

Sorry for those that don't like violence, but then break his F**king face! Many criminals aren't the most intelligent. If he thinks he might get the money, he may be willing to meet in person.

Hope this works out!

Also if trying to figure out where they are, buy em, have em shipped... his return address will likely be on the package!
You can try to get a video confession about the stolen incident while you confront him with a few of your Friends

People usually don’t react well when put in uncomfortable spot out of a sudden
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Not going to lie, I haven't really had to time to read everything in detail here and only picked up bits and pieces, so this may be pointless, but did you reach out to the regular police? If so, since this happened at or on FSU property/campus, is there a campus police you can reach out to instead? I know they had this at my college and they provided some different functions. If it is a fellow student, you could consider filing a report with FSU themselves. Regardless of whether or not they can legally solve or fix the situation, this could violate their code of conduct or provide other potential avenues for resolution. Figured that is worth mentioning, but like I said I'm probably missing a few things from previous posts.

Good luck, I hate you have to deal with this in the first place.
I won't say where we found them, but they were found and I am making every effort possible to find them and hopefully locate the individual.
Maybe contact the folks where they are listed and see if they will allow full disclosure of the sellers info. Might be worth it.
Not going to lie, I haven't really had to time to read everything in detail here and only picked up bits and pieces, so this may be pointless, but did you reach out to the regular police? If so, since this happened at or on FSU property/campus, is there a campus police you can reach out to instead? I know they had this at my college and they provided some different functions. If it is a fellow student, you could consider filing a report with FSU themselves. Regardless of whether or not they can legally solve or fix the situation, this could violate their code of conduct or provide other potential avenues for resolution. Figured that is worth mentioning, but like I said I'm probably missing a few things from previous posts.

Good luck, I hate you have to deal with this in the first place.
So FSU does have FSUPD, however, the incident occurred off FSU's campus so they wouldn't be able to deal with it. I reported it to local police and am in the process of IDing the person. Just gotta be patient.
Maybe contact the folks where they are listed and see if they will allow full disclosure of the sellers info. Might be worth it.
The site it is listed on will not disclose any information about the seller and I dont think reporting it to the site would eb smart since they'll just pull it. As long as it stays up I can work towards finding them. It will never sell at a grand so I've got time to catch them.
That's a horrible situation. I don't condone violence, but if I knew where they were, I would be enlisting a group of people to take them back by force (minimal violence where necessary) :ninja:
Sorry to hear about the temporary lack of progress! Unfortunately, different agencies have different policies/procedures/workloads/etc. Could be that detective is a lazy POS or it could be his hands are tied - hopefully the latter.

IMnshO, if you reported the car burglary and have pictures of what was stolen, along with unique identifying factors/features (and extra labels!, receipts, posts here on PCF, etc), that would be enough for a "preponderance of evidence" (enough to show more likely than not that your claim is true). BUT, IANAL or a DA/DDA. Around this neck of the woods, even if that seller "legitimately" purchased the chips (not knowing they were stolen) from someone else, if it's "proven"/shown that they were stolen to begin with, that seller doesn't get to keep them - it's then up to him to get compensation or whatever from where/whom he bought it.

Maybe you could request to speak with that detective's supervisor - perhaps a sergeant or lieutenant (or whatever higher rank there is for them) for his unit or maybe the on duty watch commander. Maybe going into the station in person with whatever evidence you can bring with you might help?

Also, IMnshO, worse comes to worst, you did your due diligence and honestly tried going through proper channels. Whatever happens to the POS who stole them, he/she/it has it coming. That being said, I'm not suggesting or recommending any particular course of action and IF you end up meeting with the seller, there is that small chance that he/she/it wasn't the original thief (less likely if he/she/it is also selling other stolen items as well).

Good Luck and be careful!

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