Stolen Chips! Please keep an eye out. (2 Viewers)

Sorry to hear about the temporary lack of progress! Unfortunately, different agencies have different policies/procedures/workloads/etc. Could be that detective is a lazy POS or it could be his hands are tied - hopefully the latter.

IMnshO, if you reported the car burglary and have pictures of what was stolen, along with unique identifying factors/features (and extra labels!, receipts, posts here on PCF, etc), that would be enough for a "preponderance of evidence" (enough to show more likely than not that your claim is true). BUT, IANAL or a DA/DDA. Around this neck of the woods, even if that seller "legitimately" purchased the chips (not knowing they were stolen) from someone else, if it's "proven"/shown that they were stolen to begin with, that seller doesn't get to keep them - it's then up to him to get compensation or whatever from where/whom he bought it.

Maybe you could request to speak with that detective's supervisor - perhaps a sergeant or lieutenant (or whatever higher rank there is for them) for his unit or maybe the on duty watch commander. Maybe going into the station in person with whatever evidence you can bring with you might help?

Also, IMnshO, worse comes to worst, you did your due diligence and honestly tried going through proper channels. Whatever happens to the POS who stole them, he/she/it has it coming. That being said, I'm not suggesting or recommending any particular course of action and IF you end up meeting with the seller, there is that small chance that he/she/it wasn't the original thief (less likely if he/she/it is also selling other stolen items as well).

Good Luck and be careful!
Yeah, I'm not gonna go out and do some vigilante justice and get my friends to beat his ass with me. I've spent a lot of time on this, but I really really don't like to lose and I feel like if your bold enough to list my stolen items within 5 miles of where you took them I have to give it my best shot to get them back. So that's what I'm going to do. I will do everything in my power to ensure this guy is found. I used to have things stolen from me when I was younger and nobody would do anything to help. I'ver always been a smaller person so I wouldn't win a fight so I just promised myself that if it ever happened again I'd make sure that they get what's coming. I'm more relaxed and mellow now, but I still feel like I owe it to myself to try and resolve the situation. I've reached out to @Gear to see if they sold any of the 25c labels to anyone else. If they haven't then I will use that as a unique identifier. Part of the problem is that the cop doesn't understand anything about them. I tried explaining that it is nearly impossible for this person to have legally obtained these chips. I've gone to FSU since 2019. In that time I have seen ZERO other Paulson sets. I tried to explain that to the cop and he didn't understand. I explained to him that the only way someone would have legitimately obtained the set would be through PCF which is a collectors forum. I tried to explain to him that the gray chips were custom and that in order to buy the labels you'd have to buy them through the forum and he didn't understand. Everytime I tried to explain to him the ways in which the set was one of a kind I was met with 4 dumb reasons why the seller might've legally obtained them. I will never understand how somebody could rationally think that someone had a HSI set that was stolen in x breakdown. 10 days later someone lists and HSI set in the EXACT SAME BREAKDOWN for sale 5 miles from where the chips were stolen. Okay maybe a coincidence. What is not a coincidence is the fact that the listing used the same fracs, used the same case, cut the foam in the case in the same way, and used the same shitty racks. I sent the detective pictures of the chips in my closet in racks and he still said it might not be mine.
Yeah, I'm not gonna go out and do some vigilante justice and get my friends to beat his ass with me. I've spent a lot of time on this, but I really really don't like to lose and I feel like if your bold enough to list my stolen items within 5 miles of where you took them I have to give it my best shot to get them back. So that's what I'm going to do. I will do everything in my power to ensure this guy is found. I used to have things stolen from me when I was younger and nobody would do anything to help. I'ver always been a smaller person so I wouldn't win a fight so I just promised myself that if it ever happened again I'd make sure that they get what's coming. I'm more relaxed and mellow now, but I still feel like I owe it to myself to try and resolve the situation. I've reached out to @Gear to see if they sold any of the 25c labels to anyone else. If they haven't then I will use that as a unique identifier. Part of the problem is that the cop doesn't understand anything about them. I tried explaining that it is nearly impossible for this person to have legally obtained these chips. I've gone to FSU since 2019. In that time I have seen ZERO other Paulson sets. I tried to explain that to the cop and he didn't understand. I explained to him that the only way someone would have legitimately obtained the set would be through PCF which is a collectors forum. I tried to explain to him that the gray chips were custom and that in order to buy the labels you'd have to buy them through the forum and he didn't understand. Everytime I tried to explain to him the ways in which the set was one of a kind I was met with 4 dumb reasons why the seller might've legally obtained them. I will never understand how somebody could rationally think that someone had a HSI set that was stolen in x breakdown. 10 days later someone lists and HSI set in the EXACT SAME BREAKDOWN for sale 5 miles from where the chips were stolen. Okay maybe a coincidence. What is not a coincidence is the fact that the listing used the same fracs, used the same case, cut the foam in the case in the same way, and used the same shitty racks. I sent the detective pictures of the chips in my closet in racks and he still said it might not be mine.
This is so aggravating! Does this police department have a tip line? What if a few hundred of your closest internet friends called to report a stolen one-of-a-kind chip set that we notice for sale in their jurisdiction.

If you still go to FSU, you should absolutely go to the public safety office and involve them. They are connected the city cops and can push them along. You are paying part of your tuition for them and FSU doesn’t want a mommy and daddy afraid to send their kids there. Even if off campus, you’re a student and they should help you.
This is so aggravating! Does this police department have a tip line? What if a few hundred of your closest internet friends called to report a stolen one-of-a-kind chip set that we notice for sale in their jurisdiction.

If you still go to FSU, you should absolutely go to the public safety office and involve them. They are connected the city cops and can push them along. You are paying part of your tuition for them and FSU doesn’t want a mommy and daddy afraid to send their kids there. Even if off campus, you’re a student and they should help you.
I'm working with someone locally who is going to try and help me out with them. So before I unleash the full power of PCF to try and get things moving I'm going to see what I can make happen locally. I still go to FSU, but was advised by a family member that going to them would be futile since the incident occurred about 10 minutes from campus in a apartment complex. I may go to them tomorrow to see what they can do. Also, if mommy and daddy want FSU to be a safe school they're gonna need more than just FSUPD. Every semester a few people get mugged, a few people get shot, and there's a lot of just sketchy areas nearby. Just gotta make sure to stay aware because if your walking at night there are definitely people who will take advantage of you.

Now if nothing comes of the situation I will happily share some info with PCF. We might not be able to get Poopin, but we'll get this guy.
Stick a new post up asking if any forum members are a cop in the Tallahassee area. Long shot but you never know. Then ask them if they will contact the officer to confirm chips will be yours from description. Cops listen to other cops
Or maybe a cop at all, especially one who knows chips? @Trihonda perhaps?
Stick a new post up asking if any forum members are a cop in the Tallahassee area. Long shot but you never know. Then ask them if they will contact the officer to confirm chips will be yours from description. Cops listen to other cops
I have someone locally connected who is going to help me. In a similar fashion.
I've reached out to @Gear to see if they sold any of the 25c labels to anyone else. If they haven't then I will use that as a unique identifier.
I'll have to check more thoroughly to be 100% sure (which will take some time) but after a quick check I'm pretty sure yours are the only labels I've made in that specific configuration (HSI 25c, primary style, IR on Red Rock $1.) I'd need to see a photo to say for sure "yes I made those labels for Bill_Man" but I'm reasonably certain I haven't made labels like that for anyone else.
I don’t understand why the detective is concerned if the seller may have bought them. If they’re unique and you can show that, it doesn’t matter how the seller came across them. Stolen goods are stolen goods. The buyer should be out the cash, not you.

Same thing happened to my dad years ago. He unknowingly bought stolen ski equipment and it was confiscated and returned to the owner when it was identified. The only downside in this situation would be the seller would get off scott free since it would be considered that he “unknowingly obtained” stolen property. Personally, I’d just rather have the chips back.

Sorry the detective is being uncooperative in this case.
I'll have to check more thoroughly to be 100% sure (which will take some time) but after a quick check I'm pretty sure yours are the only labels I've made in that specific configuration (HSI 25c, primary style, IR on Red Rock $1.) I'd need to see a photo to say for sure "yes I made those labels for Bill_Man" but I'm reasonably certain I haven't made labels like that for anyone else.

These were the exact chips stolen
I don’t understand why the detective is concerned if the seller may have bought them. If they’re unique and you can show that, it doesn’t matter how the seller came across them. Stolen goods are stolen goods. The buyer should be out the cash, not you.

Same thing happened to my dad years ago. He unknowingly bought stolen ski equipment and it was confiscated and returned to the owner when it was identified. The only downside in this situation would be the seller would get off scott free since it would be considered that he “unknowingly obtained” stolen property. Personally, I’d just rather have the chips back.

Sorry the detective is being uncooperative in this case.
I think the issue with the detective is that he knows nothing about poker chips. It’s hard to explain to anyone the differences between chips since most people think they are the same. It’s even harder to convince someone that these chips are unique because I put a label on it. He told me he would have to subpoena to get the chips and he didn’t think he could get a judge to write a subpoena for it since it wasn’t certain they were unique to me. Hopefully, showing him that I was in fact the only owners of these labels will help. It makes no sense at all to me why he won’t take anything I give him. He’s gonna send me some stuff so I can upload the pictures to evidence lol.
The other crazy thing about the whole situation is that the relatively high profile murder was the murder of one of my old TA’s. I knew him and am friends with the prof who taught the class. Crazy shit in Tallahassee.
I guess it’s more than a little high profile since it’s been picked up nationally. He was a great guy and always nice to me and my classmates. Hopefully, the person gets caught. I’m grateful that I only lost my chips and not a family member, but I figured I’d post it here since I’ve mentioned it a few times. Give y’all some context.
Are there any chips within the set that clearly stand out as unique? Any with a large flea bite, off-center inlay etc. that you may have a photo?
Are there any chips within the set that clearly stand out as unique? Any with a large flea bite, off-center inlay etc. that you may have a photo?
Sadly not, but I’m trying to use the fracs as the unique item. It appears that I in fact was the only owner of those labels so it would hopefully clearly prove that the items were stolen.
If you have a problem that no one else can help and if you can find them...

View attachment 849577

Sorry it hasn't been smooth for you BM!
I had a redneck friend that would happily show up unannounced and tell the seller a few reasons it would be smart to give the chips back. He’s in Colorado now though. And yeah I now know why people just take things into their own hands man.
Sorry to read this. My redneck in me would come out. I can tell you don’t live in the sticks of KY, because those chips would be back home. Off topic - a new “justified” is being rebooted on FX. Harlan County KY.

Probably not want you want to do, but maybe offer to buy chips in person at a public place. When he lets you inspect the chips you just take them back. He has no proof he bought the chips and you have pictures and all the documentation you own them. If it looks sketchy, you abort mission.
Probably not want you want to do, but maybe offer to buy chips in person at a public place. When he lets you inspect the chips you just take them back. He has no proof he bought the chips and you have pictures and all the documentation you own them. If it looks sketchy, you abort mission.
That’s honestly not a horrible idea. Can’t call the cops if thier stolen. He might know where I live though since he got me for a memorable ammount. If I was back home I wouldn’t be worried I’ve got guns and big dogs. Here I’ve only got an apartment complex with some of the worst security I’ve ever seen and no guns.
Since he stole them from your car, does he necessarily know where you live?

<PSA: don't leave anything of value in your car, ever, anywhere>
I tried to explain that to the cop and he didn't understand. I explained to him that the only way someone would have legitimately obtained the set would be through PCF which is a collectors forum. I tried to explain to him that the gray chips were custom and that in order to buy the labels you'd have to buy them through the forum and he didn't understand.
Sometimes it’s hard to remember that everyone is not like us.

If a woman claimed her high-valued perfume that she mixed herself was stolen but it clearly was the perfume listed ___ because the bottle has her ‘custom’ label, no one else’s mix would smell that awesome, and it’d only be sold by her on…

What’s a cop to do?

Just trying to shine some light on the reality of the situation where proof is an internet forum, ‘custom labels’, ‘cause I said so’ etc!!

OP: sorry for your loss but expecting the police to do more than already done just feels like a tall order!
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It's basically a fingerprint. The cop just doesn't want to be bothered for what he sees as a petty crime that won't result in any jail time.

This country anymore....

It's entirely possible that he's swamped with higher priority (i.e. more serious crimes) cases (in addition to being ignorant about poker chips) but man IMO, if it is at all possible, it sure would be nice to help someone recover their property (even if there are no arrests involved).
Yeah, I'm not gonna go out and do some vigilante justice and get my friends to beat his ass with me. I've spent a lot of time on this, but I really really don't like to lose and I feel like if your bold enough to list my stolen items within 5 miles of where you took them I have to give it my best shot to get them back. So that's what I'm going to do. I will do everything in my power to ensure this guy is found. I used to have things stolen from me when I was younger and nobody would do anything to help. I'ver always been a smaller person so I wouldn't win a fight so I just promised myself that if it ever happened again I'd make sure that they get what's coming. I'm more relaxed and mellow now, but I still feel like I owe it to myself to try and resolve the situation. I've reached out to @Gear to see if they sold any of the 25c labels to anyone else. If they haven't then I will use that as a unique identifier. Part of the problem is that the cop doesn't understand anything about them. I tried explaining that it is nearly impossible for this person to have legally obtained these chips. I've gone to FSU since 2019. In that time I have seen ZERO other Paulson sets. I tried to explain that to the cop and he didn't understand. I explained to him that the only way someone would have legitimately obtained the set would be through PCF which is a collectors forum. I tried to explain to him that the gray chips were custom and that in order to buy the labels you'd have to buy them through the forum and he didn't understand. Everytime I tried to explain to him the ways in which the set was one of a kind I was met with 4 dumb reasons why the seller might've legally obtained them. I will never understand how somebody could rationally think that someone had a HSI set that was stolen in x breakdown. 10 days later someone lists and HSI set in the EXACT SAME BREAKDOWN for sale 5 miles from where the chips were stolen. Okay maybe a coincidence. What is not a coincidence is the fact that the listing used the same fracs, used the same case, cut the foam in the case in the same way, and used the same shitty racks. I sent the detective pictures of the chips in my closet in racks and he still said it might not be mine.
So to get out of anything you just claim you bought them!???,
Go steal them back and tell the police you legally purchased them for $1 and some broken teeth
Just wow
Sometimes it’s hard to remember that everyone is not like us.

If a woman claimed her high-valued perfume that she mixed herself was stolen but it clearly was the perfume listed ___ because the bottle has her ‘custom’ label, no one else’s mix would smell that awesome, and it’d only be sold by her on…

What’s a cop to do?

Just trying to shine some light on the reality of the situation where proof is an internet forum, ‘custom labels’, ‘cause I said so’ etc!!

OP: sorry for your loss but expecting the police to do more than already done just feels like a tall order!
I definitely see the point. If I was in his shoes I’d prolly have a similar reaction. Having something unique like the fracs is helpful, but only if I can prove it. Which based on what Gear said early is likely. The detective told me that if I could find something that makes them unique and I can prove to him why then he could get the subpoena to get the chips. Th whole issue was the fact that he had to get subpoenas and a warrant and I wasn’t giving him enough to do that.
Exactly. All they would have to do is show up and demand the chips back.

And i used to think the same thing, until you see all the videos on the internet of like 10 cops showing up to arrest guy with a camera in public for making people feel uncomfortable.....

If you havent checked these out before, there are hundreds of them:

It's basically a fingerprint. The cop just doesn't want to be bothered for what he sees as a petty crime that won't result in any jail time.

This country anymore....
It’s a piece of paper someone claims was printed on sticky paper they then stuck to little disks of clay.

If you think that’s basically ‘a fingerprint’ to anyone outside of us chip geeks….you need to get out more (just say’in!)

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