Auto insurance generally does not cover theft of personal items that are left in your car. However, your homeowners or rental insurance may.Is there anything your car insurance can do since they were stolen from your car?
Auto insurance generally does not cover theft of personal items that are left in your car. However, your homeowners or rental insurance may.Is there anything your car insurance can do since they were stolen from your car?
in Europe it's exactly the opposite: FIRST you get your card back, THEN you take the moneyWalmart has their stupid self serve checkouts to set up to return your card before it dispenses your cash, which is the opposite of what ATMs are required to do by law specifically because it makes it more likely someone is going to grab their card and walk away without waiting for the cash.
Hats down if someone can make exact replicas, with the same size and laminate type, without even seeing originals (assuming he still has some left to be able to show a comparison)By the way, there is no way to prove that these labels are unique to you alone because Gear only made these for you. Even if Gear makes 90% of all the custom poker chip labels, it's not 100%. Just check out all the posts in the Poker Chip Labeling forum about using other vendors/services/at home printers/etc.
I'm pretty sure the vast majority like over 99% of the inlay replacement relabels come from Gear. Even if they don't and there are other companies that make them I don't think you could make a legitimate claim to them without something proving you bought the labels. At the end of the day if the cops do seize the items they won't be turned over to either of us without proof of ownership. So I'll be there with receipts, extra labels, PM's discussing purchase and the use for them, and pictures of the chips in my possession a week prior to the theft. The thief is just gonna be there with nothing. He won't have receipts, he won't have proof that he bought the labels (if he even knows they are relabeled), he literally will have nothing. In that case who is gonna get the chips? I guess I can't prove it 100%, but El Chapo might not have been a drug lord either. I just gotta get close enough that they'll take the time to move on the case.Sorry this happened to you. Is there anything your car insurance can do since they were stolen from your car? Or maybe small claims court once you ID the person?
By the way, there is no way to prove that these labels are unique to you alone because Gear only made these for you. Even if Gear makes 90% of all the custom poker chip labels, it's not 100%. Just check out all the posts in the Poker Chip Labeling forum about using other vendors/services/at home printers/etc.
I got $500 back from my auto insurance.Auto insurance generally does not cover theft of personal items that are left in your car. However, your homeowners or rental insurance may.
Walmart has their stupid self serve checkouts to set up to return your card before it dispenses your cash, which is the opposite of what ATMs are required to do by law specifically because it makes it more likely someone is going to grab their card and walk away without waiting for the cash.
in Europe it's exactly the opposite: FIRST you get your card back, THEN you take the money
When I visited, Las Vegas I took cash from ATM and nearly walked away ... I was forgetting my card inside the ATM
these days u never know what people are capable of someone might shoot you over something that isn't worth much I was big into the shoe game for along time kids die over pairs of sneakers its a wild world we live in I am only on page 2 of this I hope you get your chips back but be careful u never know who u are dealing withThat's a horrible situation. I don't condone violence, but if I knew where they were, I would be enlisting a group of people to take them back by force (minimal violence where necessary)![]()
By the way, there is no way to prove that these labels are unique to you alone because Gear only made these for you. Even if Gear makes 90% of all the custom poker chip labels, it's not 100%. Just check out all the posts in the Poker Chip Labeling forum about using other vendors/services/at home printers/etc.
Lol….fingerprints vs a sticker. 2 different things. Unless the police officer is on PCF, they aren’t going to help. I’m just being realistic.By that logic, finger prints on a murder weapon don't prove you're the killer. After all, someone else could have touched the knife in the store before the killer bought it.....
I swear, all these crime drama shows have people not realizing that circumstantial evidence can surpass proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Just because you can IMAGINE a different set of facts whereby the suspect is innocent means nothing.
crazy thing about it too they knew at the time nobody was gonna be home some snakes in the grass always some messed up people out thereI once had 2 people that I thought were my friends in middle school break into my house opened a bag of dog treats to give to my dog it was a black lab wasn't gonna hurt a fly they stole all my cd's my playstation and all my games long story short I got a buddy of mine to talk to these kids on the phone while cops were on my other phone listening and they admitted to stealing my goods I got my items back and those kids did alil bit of July time it was messed up
If you’re brazen enough to steal items as big, heavy, and bulky as poker chips in a populated apartment complex then you might be crazy enough to kill or seriously injure someone over those poker chips. I’m not going to go and deliver a vigilante beat down. I’ll handle it through the appropriate legal channels and if that fails then it’s an expensive lesson to learn. Hopefully, I get them back as some of the items are important to me sentimentality. But, if I don’t I will know I did everything I could to get them back and I wasn’t able to.these days u never know what people are capable of someone might shoot you over something that isn't worth much I was big into the shoe game for along time kids die over pairs of sneakers its a wild world we live in I am only on page 2 of this I hope you get your chips back but be careful u never know who u are dealing with
Not just a sticker. If that's all the evidence you think there is, I can't help you.Lol….fingerprints vs a sticker. 2 different things. Unless the police officer is on PCF, they aren’t going to help. I’m just being realistic.
I have proof of purchase for all the items so that’s no issue. If I went to forcefully get my items back I prolly could. I’d only get the chips back though which would be great, but I still would have other things missing. My ideal outcome is that either the police seize all the stolen items and then I get them back when the case is closed. Or it goes to small claims and he shits bricks when the summons shows up in the mail and just tries to give it back. I think if he no shows in small claims I will get a judgement for the ammount I’m suing for. I think if the guy gets papers indicating he’s facing legal action over the theft he’s gonna crack.After kind of semi reading everything I think you need proof of purchase not sure what laws are there but possession is 9/10 where I’m from. With that being said I would have met with him as a buyer with some friends and try to gain possession of them without paying and let them know they’re yours, if he’s outnumbered he will most likely give them up without a fight. If they put up a fight then consider if it’s worth it but I doubt they will. I’d attempt it and the goal is to not use violence but intimidation. I’d even get friends to act as if they were me to keep your identity safe if that’s possible.
Sucks hope you get them. I’ve had things stolen from my house and always wished I knew who it was but maybe it’s better that I never did. Good luck
These dirt bags are judgment proof. No job, no assets. A civil judgment will do you no good.I think if he no shows in small claims I will get a judgement for the ammount I’m suing for. I think if the guy gets papers indicating he’s facing legal action over the theft he’s gonna crack.
Thank you. I was about to type a more long-winded response. Anybody who’s going to try to take a scumbag to small claims court over $600 (or a grand, whatever) would do better paying a therapist.These dirt bags are judgment proof. No job, no assets. A civil judgment will do you no good.
WoW just WoW I feel so sorry for that kid some people shouldnt be parents<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Seriously...that sucks. I had my sons first set of hockey gear stolen out of my car by some meth-heads. Went to a Play it Again Sports to buy replacements so he could play the next night...realized when he was trying on skates...that they were HIS SKATES! Owner tells me he can't do anything about it. I call a Sherriff friend of mine. He sends a local cop out. She says she can take the items into evidence, but we won't get them back anytime soon. Alternately, I can pay the owner the $20 he paid for them and my son gets to play hockey that weekend. (The gear was worth $300, minimum.) I swallowed my pride and ponied up the $20.
The thieves used their real ID with their real address...but before the cops could even go to their house, they got caught for 2 other crimes!
1) they tried to take a TV off the rack at a Target and return it. When that didn't go right they fled and...wait for it...
2) ABANDONED THEIR BABY!!! Left it in a car seat at the return desk at Target. they were fleeing the scene, they...
3) ...ran a red light. That's what got them caught.
The police victim's advocate told me that paying me back would end up being a requirement of their probation, or whatever. I never saw a dime.
The baby was placed in the custody of a grandparent. Probably ended up back with the parents.![]()
Thank you. I was about to type a more long-winded response. Anybody who’s going to try to take a scumbag to small claims court over $600 (or a grand, whatever) would do better paying a therapist.
I have no idea. Maybe that’s worth pursuing. I’m just saying small claims court is unlikely to yield any actual money, so any time or energy put into that is probably a waste.Is there not a chance that pp/eBay would be willing to put a hold on the funds if/when it sells?
Yeah I’m not expecting anything material from the judgment of I even get one. Anything in that path would just be tactical to try and get em to freak and then return it. Honestly, if nothing comes from the cops I’m just gonna let it go. I did what I could and this time it didn’t work out. It’s $600 of chips I’m not gonna lull myself over it, but I’ll give it a college try.Thank you. I was about to type a more long-winded response. Anybody who’s going to try to take a scumbag to small claims court over $600 (or a grand, whatever) would do better paying a therapist.
Is this Ted Cruise?In Texas, if a victim (owner) has some type of proof of ownership, they have a right to contest the ownership. Peace officers (police officers) have a right to pick up the alleged stolen items, and book them in for safekeeping. This can be done without a warrant.
A property hearing would be scheduled. This hearing would be in front of a justice of the peace (judge) and both the victim and new person in possession of the item would have to prove ownership of the items.
It would be up to the judge to then award the item to it's rightful owner. I would guess that you would have a good chance of recovering the chips, since I am thinking that you would have proof, like pictures of ownership.
Again, but this would be in the State of Texas.
Huh?Small claims is not worth it. Judgements are unenforceable. This is from a magistrate I know in Michigan. I suppose other states could be different.
Civil court is where it's at. You have proof, you know who did it, you pay a nice lawyer a few hundred to draft a letter saying so with intent to sue for the items, damages, and lawyer fees. I think you'll get your items back quickly. Burden of proof in civil courts is much different (and lower) than what the detective needs for criminal prosecution.
Sure would be handy if your fingerprints were found on the case or some of the chips inlays. Doubt they would go that far for that much work over that but just sayingI have proof of purchase for all the items so that’s no issue. If I went to forcefully get my items back I prolly could. I’d only get the chips back though which would be great, but I still would have other things missing. My ideal outcome is that either the police seize all the stolen items and then I get them back when the case is closed. Or it goes to small claims and he shits bricks when the summons shows up in the mail and just tries to give it back. I think if he no shows in small claims I will get a judgement for the ammount I’m suing for. I think if the guy gets papers indicating he’s facing legal action over the theft he’s gonna crack.
Preponderance of the evidencei would think in civil claims you wouldn't need to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt and the fact that he chose to list them in exact quantity that OP can show a paper trail for owning, alongside the sunglasses would be more than enough. the police will require a much higher burden of proof to convict. you can still file a civil claim against him.
try making an offer for just the hsi 100's for instance, and then you'll have his personal info.
If you’re brazen enough to steal items as big, heavy, and bulky as poker chips in a populated apartment complex then you might be crazy enough to kill or seriously injure someone over those poker chips.
Well done! A classic and fitting Big Libowski clip!<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Seriously...that sucks. I had my sons first set of hockey gear stolen out of my car by some meth-heads. Went to a Play it Again Sports to buy replacements so he could play the next night...realized when he was trying on skates...that they were HIS SKATES! Owner tells me he can't do anything about it. I call a Sherriff friend of mine. He sends a local cop out. She says she can take the items into evidence, but we won't get them back anytime soon. Alternately, I can pay the owner the $20 he paid for them and my son gets to play hockey that weekend. (The gear was worth $300, minimum.) I swallowed my pride and ponied up the $20.
The thieves used their real ID with their real address...but before the cops could even go to their house, they got caught for 2 other crimes!
1) they tried to take a TV off the rack at a Target and return it. When that didn't go right they fled and...wait for it...
2) ABANDONED THEIR BABY!!! Left it in a car seat at the return desk at Target. they were fleeing the scene, they...
3) ...ran a red light. That's what got them caught.
The police victim's advocate told me that paying me back would end up being a requirement of their probation, or whatever. I never saw a dime.
The baby was placed in the custody of a grandparent. Probably ended up back with the parents.![]()