Last week at Live!, flop a set of 2’s on a A23 board. He has AA.
Flop a set a 4’a on a 458 board. Turn 7, river 3rd spade. Initial Raiser had AA, other player has 69.
Flop a boat with an open limp of 44. Flop is QQ4. Want someone with the Q to commit. We get it in on the flop. He turns over Q7. Turn… 7
Turn 2nd nut flush into nut flush.
Poker still sucks
Flop a set a 4’a on a 458 board. Turn 7, river 3rd spade. Initial Raiser had AA, other player has 69.
Flop a boat with an open limp of 44. Flop is QQ4. Want someone with the Q to commit. We get it in on the flop. He turns over Q7. Turn… 7
Turn 2nd nut flush into nut flush.
Poker still sucks