[Tampa] Seeking Stake For Live 25/25 PLO (6 Viewers)

I play 25/25 big o and plo all the time. 3 buying/15k per session is not enough.……

It depends on the lineup of players and the stack sizes involved.

This game is 2500 min buyin and uncapped max.

I've been monitoring it to see lineups and stack sizes. Sometimes most everyone is in for 5-10k, but I have seen a whale buyin for 50k and there were a bunch of sharks there to chew him up with 20-30k stacks (he played 15 hours straight and dumped 100k, but he was also playing Q984 like it was a pot of gold)

So you are correct, there are instances where 3 buyins of 5k won't be enough, depending on the players involved.

Fortunately the game being pot limit helps to curtail a deep pocketed player from just buying in for a million and shoving every hand.

Plus there is a wide enough group of players in the game and it's running frequently enough that I can better pick my lineups
I'd say I love to play at those stakes, but honestly I get enough joy and degen tingles playing .25/.25 circus.
This statement has more merit than u realize. At 25/25 and above you will generally get 2 types of players - the very good pros and the players with extremely deep pockets. Both can be very hard to play against. I am no pro. I typically only play 25/25 and above at the semi private games in the casino or home games where I know the line up is favorable. I actually prefer the lower stakes because the quality of play goes way down and people tend to splash around more. Even the 5/5 games can get pretty crazy but generally speaking when u have a bad night u r not driving a (insert ur favorite high performance sports car) off a cliff.
lol @ the 30 buyins per session comment... I know it's a misunderstanding / mis-statement but it's fucking hilarious to think about. Have you ever seen someone go more than 10 buyins deep in a cash game and come up in the black at the end of the night? Honestly after 5 you're really just punting off buyins...
I'd bring 20 buy-ins to a cash game, but i'm not there to pay the rent. And I don't really play in casinos, so maybe that's apples and oranges.

I didn't realize the pro move was to quit when youre down. I'd assumed riding out the variance in a session is what makes a pro a pro. And I'd think that takes buy-ins.
lol @ the 30 buyins per session comment... I know it's a misunderstanding / mis-statement but it's fucking hilarious to think about. Have you ever seen someone go more than 10 buyins deep in a cash game and come up in the black at the end of the night? Honestly after 5 you're really just punting off buyins...
I see it all the time. It’s plo, anything can happen. In action games where people are swinging for the fences you people get healthy fast. Maybe you don’t experience that much when your playing 1/3 holdem with a bunch of nits.
I'd bring 20 buy-ins to a cash game, but i'm not there to pay the rent. And I don't really play in casinos, so maybe that's apples and oranges.

I didn't realize the pro move was to quit when youre down. I'd assumed riding out the variance in a session is what makes a pro a pro. And I'd think that takes buy-ins.

No matter how good of a pro one is, you absolutely cannot win every session you play (unless you're Cuban and marking the deck)

My results over the long run have me winning roughly 2/3 of my sessions (65%)

In the short run you might have 9 winning sessions in a row, but that never lasts.

My approach in the 1/2, the 2/2/5 and the 5/5/10 has been to bring 3k

That's all I have in my wallet. If I lose that, I don't go to the ATM, I don't borrow money. I'm done for the night and tomorrow is a new day.

On top of that, just because my daily loss limit is 3k doesn't mean I HAVE to lose every last dollar in my pocket

It's ok to leave down $600 or $1500, it happens.

I'm not immune to tilt, even the best PLO player in our room I've witnessed go on monkey tilt and turn into the action player in the game

It's important to recognize when you're tilting and get up from the table. Whether that's to leave altogether or just take a break

And losers aren't the only players who tilt. You can go on winners tilt too, where you feel invincible and start widening your ranges because you "just can't miss"
lol @ the 30 buyins per session comment... I know it's a misunderstanding / mis-statement but it's fucking hilarious to think about. Have you ever seen someone go more than 10 buyins deep in a cash game and come up in the black at the end of the night? Honestly after 5 you're really just punting off buyins...
Btw, last night, at a 5card plo game, I was buried for 11 buyins. At about 5 am, I ran good in two big hands and ended up by 2 buyins. so I guess that answers your question. if I adhered to your theory I would have been a massive loser last night. I guess the world of plo IS very different than the world of small stakes casino holdem.
I'd bring 20 buy-ins to a cash game, but i'm not there to pay the rent. And I don't really play in casinos, so maybe that's apples and oranges.
As a rec, I usually bring three or four BI to a session.

If the game is meh, I'm done after I lose #2. If the game is good, I'll go for a third.

BI #4, if I bring it, is there for that rare evening when the game is incredibly good and I'm not tilting or tired after losing #3. I think I've used it once (and ended up losing it to a drunk who was opening every hand for 25-35 in a 1-2 game).
casino or home game?
Btw, last night, at a 5card plo game, I was buried for 11 buyins. At about 5 am, I ran good in two big hands and ended up by 2 buyins. so I guess that answers your question. if I adhered to your theory I would have been a massive loser last night. I guess the world of plo IS very different than the world of small stakes casino holdem.

I have been down 5 buy-ins at a PLO game on several occasions and didn’t doubt for a minute that I would be able to get it all back. The action is definitely different in PLO than hold’em.
I suppose it also depends on what you consider a buyin... there's a difference between being stuck 500BB and being stuck 2,000BB
I suppose it also depends on what you consider a buyin... there's a difference between being stuck 500BB and being stuck 2,000BB
Ummmm, sure there is a difference - being stuck 500 BBs is not really stuck. I was stuck 4000 BBs, and I was not even close to being stuck the most. Welcome to 5card plo.
Money you are in for in any particular session really doesn't matter. Stop loses don't really matter either. All that matters is the hourly. You have to have the mindset that you are making x/hr by being there and playing at least your B+ game. More hands played, equals more money won if you are a winner. How you put in those hours didn't matter a ton except when the game is really good. But putting in extra hours when the game is good, just means you aren't putting in hours at some other point when the game is also good. Unless your game selection is REALLY good, all the play evens out and it's just about the hours put in.
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lol @ the 30 buyins per session comment... I know it's a misunderstanding / mis-statement but it's fucking hilarious to think about. Have you ever seen someone go more than 10 buyins deep in a cash game and come up in the black at the end of the night? Honestly after 5 you're really just punting off buyins...
I saw a guy go 12 racks ($200/rack) at 8/16 limit once. And that was just what I saw, played 6 hours and he was there before I sat and still playing after I had to go.

For a session, which I assume to be a standard night 3-6 hours, I bring 3-4 buy ins. I am not going to get in deeper than that.

In my bankroll, which is all poker funds, I have 30 buy ins in reserve. I would downstake if I lost 30% of that.
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I saw a guy go 12 racks ($200/rack) at 8/16 limit once. And that was just what I say, I played 6 hours and he was there before I sat and still playing after I had to go.

For a session, which I assume to be a standard night 3-6 hours, I bring 3-4 buy ins. I am not going to get in deeper than that.

In my bankroll, which is all poker funds, I have 30 buy ins in reserve. I would downstake if I lost 30% of that.
My best "racks" in a limit game were 7 in the Soaring Eagle 6/12 back in '06 and 9 at the Orleans 4/8 in '07. Those were the days.
lol @ the 30 buyins per session comment... I know it's a misunderstanding / mis-statement but it's fucking hilarious to think about. Have you ever seen someone go more than 10 buyins deep in a cash game and come up in the black at the end of the night? Honestly after 5 you're really just punting off buyins...
You’ve never played in New England. We’ve seen players in very deep get coolered and lose 50-70 buy ins.
PLO swings


down 45 buyins at that point. PLO can be very swingy.

The swings in Omaha can be compared in all formats IMO. Variance is real!

An online headsup match you're going to be forced to play a lot more hands than you will in a live full-ring situation. This is going to mean you'll be playing thinner edges more frequently than you will in the games I'm in. You can't be as patient in a headsup match as you can in an 8-10 handed game.

Fortunately in the roughly two years I've been playing for a living my worst downswing was 9 buyins over a two week period. Of that, 1 buyin was tilt-related, the others were standard spots (I have top set vs combo draw or vice versa and lost).

I do agree that PLO can be much swingier than NLHE, which is why NLHE is typically recommended 20+ buyins and PLO is 30+ buyins. As far as Rob mentioning someone getting "coolered" and going down 50-70 buyins, you should be moving down in stakes well before that occurs (unless you have a roll large enough to absorb that kind of loss)

Whatever the case, I've already found backers and combined my own roll into the agreement to make this happen. Started playing with a bigger daily loss-limit and higher stakes a few weeks ago and it's been going well.

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