Things That Are Bullsh*t (13 Viewers)

I don't know if it's been mentioned, but engagement rings. They're fucking horseshit. I know they're horseshit, my girlfriend knows they're horseshit, everyone knows they're horseshit. So why did I spend over $3k for one last week? Because that's just "what you do". That could have gone towards my bankroll, or chips, or hookers and blow, but NOOOOOOOOOOO I have to buy a diamond because of fucking ARCHDUKE MAXMILLIAN OF AUSTRIA OVER 500 FUCKING YEARS AGO WHO CREATED THE STUPID TREND TO BEGIN WITH.

k I feel better.
While I do agree, I've found resistance is futile. However, if anyone needs helpful advice/guidance on what to look for and how to buy diamonds, I'm your guy. My jaded view of the whole thing caused my OCD to go apeshit and I concluded that if I'm going to buy a diamond, I'll be damned if I blow all that money on a crappy diamond. So I digested a metric sh!t ton of info about diamonds and how to buy them. For one bloody purchase. So basically, given the time and effort I spent, I'd like to get more utility out of it and pass along my hard-won knowledge.

...And congrats!
While I do agree, I've found resistance is futile. However, if anyone needs helpful advice/guidance on what to look for and how to buy diamonds, I'm your guy. My jaded view of the whole thing caused my OCD to go apeshit and I concluded that if I'm going to buy a diamond, I'll be damned if I blow all that money on a crappy diamond. So I digested a metric sh!t ton of info about diamonds and how to buy them. For one bloody purchase. So basically, given the time and effort I spent, I'd like to get more utility out of it and pass along my hard-won knowledge.

...And congrats!
Is a metric shit ton more or less than a US shit ton? How many carats in a metric shit ton. These are the questions I needed to answer to evaluate your offer.

A metric ton is ~1.102 US tons. Is this the same relationship for shit tons?

Google is surprisingly unhelpful on this topic.
Is a metric shit ton more or less than a US shit ton? How many carats in a metric shit ton. These are the questions I needed to answer to evaluate your offer.

A metric ton is ~1.102 US tons. Is this the same relationship for shit tons?

Google is surprisingly unhelpful on this topic.

1 metric shit ton = 1 US crap load

i thought we already established this
Poker is more of a sport, than either of the two. I'm glad I haven't seen the Summer Olympics, since '84. Apart from that, I'm all about Winter Olympics Ice Hockey.


I get you are probably trolling but still.

Anybody who thinks skateboarding/snowboarding/skiing isn't a "sport" that takes highly athletic people to excel at the Olympic level, shit even the local comp level, hasn't done anything athletic since the mid 80's when they quit watching the Olympics, probably before that, if ever. Reminds me of the same people that say NASCAR drivers aren't skilled because "they just drive in dem der circles"... :rolleyes::LOL: :laugh::LOL: :laugh: Sure bud, head back to your sensible commuter car and hit the left lane at 53mph to continue you're hating.

Enjoy your couch though, the view is real nice from there in HD!! ;)

Damn it, I fell for a troll....
I don't know if it's been mentioned, but engagement rings. They're fucking horseshit. I know they're horseshit, my girlfriend knows they're horseshit, everyone knows they're horseshit. So why did I spend over $3k for one last week?

Two words: cubic zirconia.

I get you are probably trolling but still.

Anybody who thinks skateboarding/snowboarding/skiing isn't a "sport" that takes highly athletic people to excel at the Olympic level, shit even the local comp level, hasn't done anything athletic since the mid 80's when they quit watching the Olympics, probably before that, if ever. Reminds me of the same people that say NASCAR drivers aren't skilled because "they just drive in dem der circles"... :rolleyes::LOL: :laugh::LOL: :laugh: Sure bud, head back to your sensible commuter car and hit the left lane at 53mph to continue you're hating.

Enjoy your couch though, the view is real nice from there in HD!! ;)

Damn it, I fell for a troll....

No trolling, here. Nor have I ever looked down on snowboarding or skiing, in comparison to skateboarding. .Although, I see you're very sensitive on the subject, when someone states an opinion not to your liking. I would never say NASCAR doesn't require skill, either, it's just boring to watch. Is that trolling, too?

The previous low set when they admitted snowboarding as a sport, presumably?

To be fair, you can't really compare snowboarding (which is just is entertaining as skiing), with skateboarding. That's just me...
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Although not specifically troll posts, the other posts are pretty entertaining, not to mention very informative :whistle: :whistling:

Others here have described how to finger a girl. It just takes some practice. Where you rub, whether your finger goes in, it all depends on the girl since not every girl likes the same thing. You might feel confused at first but you'll get it down.

The main goal is to eventually be able to give her the most intense orgasms she's ever felt or will ever feel. Even if things don't work out relationship wise, she'll always remember you. There are certain things you can do to achieve this and it's all laid out here...

Quick video:

Apparently I'm pretty good at this so I'll give it a shot at answering this.

First of all she has to feel comfortable. A little foreplay like petting, kissing and sweet talking can go a long way.

Once she's ready, rub her pussy up and down slowly and gently at first and pick up speed as she gets wetter and wetter. After a little while, rub her clit in a circular motion and if you want you can use your tongue at this point. Continue rubbing her clit as you lick up and down up and down for a good while till she cums once. If you wanna give her multiple orgasms, next you'll want to slide a couple fingers inside her and make a sort of "come here" motion while you lick her clit very very gently it should be super sensitive by this point sort of how the tip of your penis is after you come but even more. Keep alternating between using the come here motion and licking her pussy until she comes again.

That's basically it.

Using your fingers on a woman's vagina can reap amazing results -- given that you use the right finger techniques. Of course, it's up to you to figure out exactly what your particular woman prefers when it comes to speed, tempo and amount of fingers. The clitoris is the place to stimulate for most women. When she's adequately self-lubricated, or you've put some water-based lube on your fingers, use the tips of your index and middle fingers to rub her clitoris softly in a circular motion. Her reaction will let you know that you're on to something. Continue your pace and slowly begin to increase speed. At no point, however, should you go so fast that you end up losing focus. If she yells out something like "Don't stop!" then don't stop. Some women, however, like it when you take a break from the clitoris and proceed to insert those very same fingers inside the vagina at a rhythmic pace. Take cues from her reactions to see if she's one of these women. using your middle finger to go in and out of her at high speeds may be beneficial in the orgasm department. good luck
No trolling, here. Nor have I ever looked down on snowboarding or skiing, in comparison to skateboarding. .Although, I see you're very sensitive on the subject, when someone states an opinion not to your liking. I would never say NASCAR doesn't require skill, either, it's just boring to watch. Is that trolling, too?

To be fair, you can't really compare snowboarding (which is just is entertaining as skiing), with skateboarding. That's just me...

No, not sensitive, my posts are usually tongue in cheek and while I understand that doesn't come across as well on the net it's just me and my personality so it's how I post. I thought throwing in a gif of fiddy and a winking face at the end would help to make that clear.

You are welcome to your opinion bud and free to type it out on a public message board but that also means that people are free to react to your opinion. I say it is ridiculous if you honestly believe poker is more of a sport than snowboarding or skateboarding and you probably don't do anything athletic now or ever, at least that's the only way I can rationalize how someone could come to that conclusion. That's it, no hate, no drama, just my opinion that I'm free to have and type.

I also fully admit that when I post a lot of times what makes sense in my head makes absolutely no sense when I type it, the NASCAR analogy probably falls under that heading. :D The reason I brought it up is because the people who would say NASCAR drivers have zero driving skill because they only turn left are usually only casual fans of racing at BEST and have definitely never attempted to pilot anything with an engine around any type of course as fast as they can. To say that poker is more of a "sport", and believe it, takes the same level of misguided thinking in my opinion. In other words both of those opinions suffer the Dunning-Kruger effect...

Sorry if I came off as an asshole, my intention was only to disagree with you vehemently with humor.
Can you tell me what the heck a Jakey is? I've been wondering for awhile.

-concerned citizen

Lol I forgot that was there. It went with my avatar guy that had a hundred popped collars.

1:40 at one of my favorite cringe videos to come out of the poker boom, right up there with Gavin Smith's house tour and tge dudes that had fruit flies in their ice maker.
People not knowing that the on ramp is for getting up to speed so you can merge with traffic! So you DO NOT cause an accident! That is why there is a temporary 4th lane. Good god, people need to learn how to drive

Just got back from going to the theater with my daughter. Happened both times getting on the highway.
Having to purchase a DirecTV package in order to STREAM the NFL Sunday Ticket online. (already checked, my address does not qualify and I am not a student) I REFUSE to buy a package, I just want to stream my games DAMNIT!
Having to purchase a DirecTV package in order to STREAM the NFL Sunday Ticket online. (already checked, my address does not qualify and I am not a student) I REFUSE to buy a package, I just want to stream my games DAMNIT!
NFL options on line are the worst. I wish they'd get their shit together.
Teams that change their colors/logos/jerseys every fifteen seconds.

Get the underemployed fashion designers out of pro sports. Some of these teams look like they should be attending a Pokemon convention.
Installing a ductless AC/Heat unit and being told I will receive an Energy Trust $800 refund within 6-8 weeks without having to do anything to get it. Calling on day 67 to find out why I haven't received it, only to find out the application was never submitted by the company that installed it and that there is a 60 day limit to get the paperwork in.......I will have someone's ASS.
Wow Jack, just wow.

You should know the difference between fact and opinion... but there are plenty of motorists charged with murder and attempted murder that could use a quality lawyer like yourself.

I wish the general public in my home country would take a more world view regarding road cyclists. The Dutch have it right and very few people die.
Wow Jack, just wow.

You should know the difference between fact and opinion... but there are plenty of motorists charged with murder and attempted murder that could use a quality lawyer like yourself.

I wish the general public in my home country would take a more world view regarding road cyclists. The Dutch have it right and very few people die.

To be fair, you are quite far from the US of A, so what are facts here might be mere opinions over there. Sort of like how some laws of physics don't apply in Australia and Kim Jong-Il never had to poop in North Korea. Geography is crazy.

Not much to say about the Dutch other than that my wife is not fond of their ovens.
Wow Jack, just wow.

You should know the difference between fact and opinion... but there are plenty of motorists charged with murder and attempted murder that could use a quality lawyer like yourself.

I wish the general public in my home country would take a more world view regarding road cyclists. The Dutch have it right and very few people die.

What are the Dutch roads like? Part of my commute is a 5+ mile stretch of two-lane road (one lane in each direction) that is very curvy and hilly with no passing permitted. The speed limit is 30 (normal speed is 35), and the bikers do about half that. There is NOTHING worse than getting stuck behind a pack of 30 bicyclists riding two abreast and enough oncoming traffic and blind roadway that you could barely two bicyclists much less 30. Even thinking about this increases my blood pressure.
You know I love smart ass.

I'm lucky to be here after a cement truck driver tried to kill me on a lonely desert road east of PHX. Couldn't get the plate and the impact crushed my phone.

Road rage drivers are friggin' total bullshit!!!! Ask the families in Kalamazoo. ;)

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