Thoughts on this hand (2 Viewers)


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Jun 18, 2024
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Billerica, Massachusetts, USA
Playing $1/2 NLHE, effective chip stacks me around 200 , other player around the same, I rase to $15 with AA, he calls , flop 689 , two suited. He is first to act, bets $25 , so almost pot size bet, I didn't put him on a draw, I put him on a set. He plays a bit aggressive, but not stupid . Yes, I layed down the Aces face up. I felt he was saying he had a better hand than my Aces. Should of I called the raise or even re-reaised his bet? Love to hear other players thoughts.
With such a draw heavy board, I’d see another card. If he’s aggressive, he could be betting out his flush or straight draws thinking the board is more likely to connect with him than you.

I’d just call the flop. Re-assess on the turn. If I hit my ace, Yahtzee. If the turn completes the straight or the flush, I probably bow out. But if it’s a blank or the board pairs (especially bottom pair) I’m most likely betting or raising turn.
Playing $1/2 NLHE, effective chip stacks me around 200 , other player around the same, I rase to $15 with AA, he calls , flop 689 , two suited. He is first to act, bets $25 , so almost pot size bet, I didn't put him on a draw, I put him on a set. He plays a bit aggressive, but not stupid . Yes, I layed down the Aces face up. I felt he was saying he had a better hand than my Aces. Should of I called the raise or even re-reaised his bet? Love to hear other players thoughts.
What position were you in and was there any other action before your $15 bet? It is hard to know without knowing the players, but I'm not calling a $15 bet with A8, or A9. 66, 88, 99 are possibilities, but AK, AQ, KK, QQ, JJ are more likely. You're ahead of half the hands he could have. Not too worried about the flush unless he played AK, AQ. I'd probably have raised to $60-75 to see where I was. I guess you could fold if he goes all in.
You don't have to get stacks in here, but I think giving it up on the flop is a little too quick outside a very good reason to believe he only has sets or straights here. 689 two suit generally favors the OOP caller here (assuming big blind?) so he might just be stabbing.
What position were you in and was there any other action before your $15 bet? It is hard to know without knowing the players, but I'm not calling a $15 bet with A8, or A9. 66, 88, 99 are possibilities, but AK, AQ, KK, QQ, JJ are more likely. You're ahead of half the hands he could have. Not too worried about the flush unless he played AK, AQ. I'd probably have raised to $60-75 to see where I was. I guess you could fold if he goes all in.
Thank you , I lead out for $15 , he called, I looked at a straight draw and put him on a set.
SPR = 185/30 ---> 6. intermediate between one pair hands and speculative hands. Leaning towards favoring speculative hands. Hero needs a dry flop to proceed with confidence.

Villain reads, table conditions, Hero's table image and the details of the action matters. Home game vs casino. It also matters if hero has the flushing ace, both as a blocker and as extra equity on a runner-runner turn and river. (don't laugh that flushing ace is worth something like 3% - 5% equity)

Hero has to consider burning those aces, not face up though. That sort of board favors villain's calling range. For sure villain has lots of pure draws. He also has a wide range of combo draws a few sets and a rare made straight. Even over pairs. Hero can't put a tight range on villain.

An aggressive villain is going to put Hero to the test on the turn and perhaps the river. Hero's range is over pairs and a couple of Ax flush draws.

Hero has to decide how much he is willing to spend to keep villain from out playing him. Every chip Hero shovels in gets his closer to pot committed. If Hero raises, he is past the point of no return on a "safe" turn. The only raise I would consider is all-in.

Hero needs to evaluate the villain and the rest of the circumstances. I can't say if fold is better than jamming, but I don't like calling and letting villain fire away at a scare card - of which there are lots.

Let's say it is a judgment call between fold and jam -=- DrStrange
Thinking about the hand after that , that is what I should of done.

I should have called or raised his post flop bet, and see where I was on the turn.
It’s hard to tell because there are so many variables at play. If he’s playing fairly aggressive he could be easily holding suited connectors and already made a straight or holding pocket pair and made a set. I seem to lose the most money with AA and KK because they never hold.
I’d have to have a huge read before laying down AA, especially face up. I think the size is too big to raise. I’d probably take a call/raise all in line, or call/bet line if villain checks
I’d have to have a huge read before laying down AA, especially face up. I think the size is too big to raise. I’d probably take a call/raise all in line, or call/bet line if villain checks
Thinking about the hand , I should of either called or re-raised his bet to see where I was at.
It's ok to get stacks in at 100bb with AA barring rock solid reads on Villain. You're more inclined to play for stacks when you unblock the nut flush draw.
Playing $1/2 NLHE, effective chip stacks me around 200 , other player around the same, I rase to $15 with AA, he calls , flop 689 , two suited. He is first to act, bets $25 , so almost pot size bet, I didn't put him on a draw, I put him on a set. He plays a bit aggressive, but not stupid . Yes, I layed down the Aces face up. I felt he was saying he had a better hand than my Aces. Should of I called the raise or even re-reaised his bet? Love to hear other players thoughts.

I think you need to float at least one street there. What if he only has 55, 77, TT, JT or a flush draw?

The villain may also be using a blocking bet to set his own drawing price by leading into you. Might have something like AQ which is hoping to catch on later streets but not wanting to face a bigger cbet from you on the flop.

I would also consider clicking it back at him to $50-$70. If he has a set you’re going to find out quick with most players. But at least you find out now while the pot is manageable, not on the river after it’s bloated to like $250-$300.
Your intuition is right that this board favors Villain's range, but I'd encourage you to think about broader ranges vs soul-reading. If you exaggeratively extend your logic, anytime a Villain donks a board without a broadway card, they could have all three sets and you should fold. This board is bad for your range because Villain can also have all combos of T7s and 75s depending on how wide they are defending BB pre-flop. You can call the flop bet because there is also a large semi-bluffing range that Villain has.
that hand I put him on a set post flop

Don’t put villains on specific hands. Think of all the hands they could play this way (their range), start counting combos and act accordingly.

or re-raised his bet to see where I was at.

Not a good strategy. We raise for value (enough combos of worse hands can continue), or as a bluff (enough combos better hands may fold). Either way, information is gained, but it shouldn’t be the sole purpose of the raise.

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