Full House
If hero is auto all in the next hand, and its hand-for-hand, any smart players at other tables are going to fold pretty much all their holdings to allow the .01 BB person to hang themselves. The other table's BB might even get a walk...
Best to count on the hero to bust than risk putting chips at risk.
Unless each table has a scout checking out the other tables and updating all of the players at their respective tables, I don't see this being much of an issue. But it is possible, and it raises an interesting question.
If that is happening at all—in fact, if even one player says to one other player, "We should fold regardless of our cards because the guy on the other table is about to bust," I'd have a hard time calling it anything but collusion, and it would be an ugly spot to have to rule on.
How do you penalize collusion when the outcome of the collusion is that all the involved players decide to fold everything? Obviously a sit-out penalty is meaningless, but you can't force them to bet either. The only effective penalty seems like DQing the active colluder (the guy who said something), which would lock up the seat for Hero.
Anything other than that doesn't actually address Hero's stolen EV, allowing the collusion to succeed at no cost. But if there's more than one colluding player, what do you do, DQ them all and award the overage in seats to the most recently busted players?
Ugh. Glad I've never had to actually make this decision, though I would personally revel a little in DQing everyone who actively participated in the collusion (because fuck cheaters).
I spend an undue amount of time in Live Casino Poker on 2+2, so these questions are always on my mind.