One thing I have noticed about this set after doing many semi-custom orders by now, is that the designs were very carefully thought out in terms of where the stock denominations are placed in relation to each Muertos figure. The designer did a fantastic job of working the denominations into the design in a very particular way, where the stock denominations don't cover up or block a part of the (awesome) Muertos design on each chip. The only downside to that, is that if you try to add a larger denomination (or a word), it can look busy or crowded because there's not always a lot of extra space in the design. For example the pink chip normally is a non-denominational chip, so very little empty space was included on the joker design. Another one I run into issues with is the red $5 chip, there's a pretty small open space for the $5, so when people want, for example, a red $5000 chip, it can look crowded or squished, or I have to size it down pretty small to fit without covering up a large chunk of the figure. Because these were custom drawn for each design, we can't move the figures around either. And as another comment mention, we aren't able to change the text color...really all we are supposed to be changing is the denomination. It's definitely something to think about if you're on the fence about certain semi-custom designs with this set.