Video Games? (7 Viewers)

KOTOR 1 and 2 for the OG Xbox are playable on XB1 thanks to backward compatibility. I'm about to dust off my copies and play them again. :wow:

Yeah I was just gonna say the same thing. I didn't have the game anymore so I just bought the online version through the xbox1 store. It is an xbox360 game but you can still buy it on xbox1 and my kotor1 copy only cost 10 bucks so I call that a solid win.

I don't think Kotor2 is available on xbox1 though and I have never played it so I might need to track down a physical copy.
My brother has been insisting that I try out Apex Legends. Anyone's guess as to whether I'll be able to get it up and running on my Linux machine, though.
I installed it, need to put in my new GPU before I boot it up though. Been busy with stuff after work though

It's a lot of fun, if you like BR games. I've been playing BR stuff since DayZ (I consider it a BR predecessor) and the original PUBG mod for ARMA 3.

I've always liked the art/graphics style of Titanfall and even though I never played the original games the universe seems cool. Big plusses for me over PUBG are faster pacing, a lot more mobility, and some great quality of life improvements (like the ping system and the jumpmaster).

KavaxAT on Origin if anyone wants to play!
Agreed as well, KOTOR 1/2 are awesome. I plan to replay them with my son sometime soon hopefully.
I wish they would've made a KOTOR 3 for Xbox 1. With the modern graphics on an Xbox 1 it would have been incredible. Now its all star wars MMO games :/
I wish they would've made a KOTOR 3 for Xbox 1. With the modern graphics on an Xbox 1 it would have been incredible. Now its all star wars MMO games :/
Something like that could be great, but the money is in multiplayer and microtransactions, so that's where most of the big publishers focus these days.

Lately, I've found myself playing a lot of older titles and indie games. Pretty much all my multiplayer gaming is with my kids, otherwise I want to spend my gaming time as the hero in a well-crafted story.
I feel like most all of the good RPGs released recently have been kickstarter/indie games.
I play a bunch. Obviously love the Farcry series lol. Recently I just finished the Spiderman game, which was absolutely stellar. (the DLC's are pretty good too) I just started RDR2, I'm not very far, maybe 2-3 hours into it, but excited to be able to get deep into er. Mostly into zombies games, the Dying Light ones are great and am REALLY looking forward to Days Gone (Which seems to keep getting pushed back and pushed back ugh). I play NHL quite a bit too. I don't have a lot of free time lately, but when I do, chilling on the couch gaming out is one of my happy places.
I'm 75% completed in Spiderman. Just a fantastic game!
Video gamer, board gamer and musician here.

Have a healthy(*unhealthy depending on who you ask) collection on Steam and am a Sim-racer as well. Motion sim, cockpit and VR if you dig that.

Steam library:




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Damn that's quite the rig!!

Favorite board game?
Thank you, sir! ;) Tough for me to pick. I will have to post some of my board game shelves so you can see what I have. Maybe a different thread though(haven't searched to see if one is already running, my guess is yes, haha)?
Thank you, sir! ;) Tough for me to pick. I will have to post some of my board game shelves so you can see what I have. Maybe a different thread though(haven't searched to see if one is already running, my guess is yes, haha)?

You know I don't think so, although we do have a few board gamers around here.

Favorite is hard to pick, I agree. How about top 5? Or start a thread if you like! :tup:
Is paddle shifting an option?

Very curious about this, maybe that spot in the basement for air hockey table becomes this
i want to play video games but I just feel like i'm too old for all the online gaming these days.

I don’t know how old you are but I say go for it.

I’m 33 and just built my first gaming pc. Everyone online kicks my butt, but I’m having fun so I don’t care. BFV is pretty much all I’m playing at the moment, lots of fun.

OMG how did I not see this thread til today?? Long time console gamer since Atari, but pretty much exclusively PC for past 20 years, starting with Age of empires on PC, Unreal tournament, etc...Fairly eclectic addiction since then...

In the past, lots of dota mod for WC3, 1800 hours in dota 2 (want to go to The International tourney someday)

GTA 5 is/was amazing

Survival games: ARK (1200 hours), The forest, Minecraft, little bit of Conan, subnautica

Battle royale: PUBG, Blackout, little bit of ARMA 3 pubg. Haven't played Apex yet, but love watching and looks fun

Blizzard: Destiny 2, diablo 3, overwatch, COD blackout

Played some Arma 3 exile mod recently and love anything like that.

I have the HTC vive and love showing that to people. Got a logitech sterring wheel and pedals with a seat for the VR version of Project cars....but nothing like @anotherdaydown :rolleyes:

Anyways. Anyone feel free to hit me up as well if we have any overlap on interests :tup:
OMG how did I not see this thread til today?? Long time console gamer since Atari, but pretty much exclusively PC for past 20 years, starting with Age of empires on PC, Unreal tournament, etc...Fairly eclectic addiction since then...

In the past, lots of dota mod for WC3, 1800 hours in dota 2 (want to go to The International tourney someday)

GTA 5 is/was amazing

Survival games: ARK (1200 hours), The forest, Minecraft, little bit of Conan, subnautica

Battle royale: PUBG, Blackout, little bit of ARMA 3 pubg. Haven't played Apex yet, but love watching and looks fun

Blizzard: Destiny 2, diablo 3, overwatch, COD blackout

Played some Arma 3 exile mod recently and love anything like that.

I have the HTC vive and love showing that to people. Got a logitech sterring wheel and pedals with a seat for the VR version of Project cars....but nothing like @anotherdaydown :rolleyes:

Anyways. Anyone feel free to hit me up as well if we have any overlap on interests :tup:

Add me on Origin for APEX, KavaxAT

Blizzard for Overwatch, v1pe#1721

Discord is v1pe#2326
Looking forward to jumping into this when I have a good chunk of free time!
I just finished the Leon campaign last weekend, and can't wait to do the second run through with Claire - I ended up finishing with a bunch of keys/items in my inventory, so I know there was a bunch of stuff I missed. The game's pretty awesome.
Yay video games! I work on video games for a living, been doing it for the last 23+ years. If you've ever played stuff like Twisted Metal, Gran Turismo, Crash Bandicoot, Call of Duty and lots others including the first WSOP game, I had my dirty hands on it lol.
Loved Twisted Metal and most of the Gran Turismo games. Very cool!
I only worked on the first 3 GTs. Fun experience, I bought an Impreza WRX after we went to the test track to do sound and track data collection. Loved that car, ended up owning 4 of them one after the other.
Those were my favorite ones, to be honest. I have leaned more towards the Forza series since then. I'm a WRX/STI fan as well, although I haven't owned one. :tup:

We have a couple of forced induction cars though. A 2013 MazdaSpeed3 and a supercharged 97 Cobra.
Looks like one of my most played games of last year is getting a sequel.

For those of you who haven't played it, Hollow Knight is an amazing 2d metroidvania.


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