What a joke! (5 Viewers)

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I normally stay quiet about these things, but I have to say that this is kind of poor form @tootsmagoots .

yep they called dibs like a chump. Dibs means fuck all to me, this entire site got the panties in a knot just because they thought they were getting these super RARE chips. Even people who were not in the deal felt like they had to spread the toxicity feeling the butthurt with their fellow chippers. The majority of your people are the blond lady and yes, i am that cat. The fat cat with the chedda. You all claim to have morals but you have to remember one thing. I am not here to make friends, i am not here to give you Deals on these amazing chips. I am here to cash out my investment. Yes im here only for the money.

this community is so self righteous. You all claim a chip is worth x but you fail to realize that chips are a commodity. So supply and demand are in effect weather you like it or not. You all whine about people flipping chips for profit. Why do you hate capitalism so much? Do you hate apple for selling computers more than they paid for them? Do you hate all collectable store owners just as much?

the only thing you guy should be whining about is getting ripped off. Someone steals your money that sucks, someone offered more money for a rack of chips, deal with it. The price just went up.

Now to be clear in my situation , I didnt accept any offers from anyone initially. (except for the friendly german). So i really dont know why you guys are so damn salty over my chips. Local offered to buy my aztars, CdI, and CdM chips. Aztars were confirmed sold and im assuming the local guy didnt want to buy $6 chips.. Then i had about 20 offers on the WTHC chips and i didnt want to deal with going through and seeing whos buying what etc.. Luckily i got an PM that simply said, whole lot.. How much? I responded whats your offer and then he said, well you ad says $2060 i went back and did the math, it was $2160 so i told him $2160 and he replied sure. I accepted his offer, (these messages were pretty much instant) so i when i asked how do you want to settle the transaction, it was radio silence. I got a bit ansi and annoyed because again, i dont care to deal with this mess. I really wanted to sell them as a lot. So i simply just said instead of going through all the offers and "better" offers, ill let you guys fight for them publicy." Then i wrote the message. Luckily the nice man got back to me and we have made a deal

i have sold my entire lot for the asking price. So you all should just settle down and chill out. Stop the witch hunt and there was no WRONG Doing. Your stupid dibs rule doesnt apply to everyone, Especially people who never come to this site.

You wouldnt believe how many people wrote me about this auction telling me not worry, i was like worry about what, then the mob came out. OHHH worry about them. luckily i have thick skin and i dont give 2 fucks about your feelings. in reality you are just pixels on a screen as am i.

You guys should really take a look in the mirror and the mods should not enable these toxic people to create posts like this. Its quite shameful. You all should also remember not everyone is on this site 10-40x a day either and are not always up to par on all the details. Even if you read through this thread, (and one of my other threads) you will find so much dirty laundry being aired and rehashed. its pathetic the way some of you act. Grown ups (presumably) acting like 10 yr olds or even worst 14 yr old bullies.

If you are still reading stay tuned for my next auction of 700 CPS chips mint never used, chips!

what are you twelve years old, my god, i was right, look how fucking childish you people are.. Dealing with memes. its quite sad..

honestly , how was i being a complete ass in my sale? what did i do that was so assholish?

You tagged me as someone who would vouch for you, which you should have asked first. I'm sorry but I didn't even know who you were, I had to ask someone else and just recently found out. We haven't spoken for years and have met just a few times. I was especially not very pleased to see that I was offered as someone to even escrow. And if you are going to offer me as a reference, then you should consider that before posting stuff like quoted above.

People are complaining that you offered to sell chips at a particular price, it looks like you decided to not honor the first few offers. They're your chips and you're welcome to do that, but it looks bad. If you want to do more business, then these kind of decisions will impact your ability to sell IMO. It seems like you've sold all you have so it's probably moot, but something to consider for anyone else who wants to sell anything to other members. "I will not sell to this guy" lists exist.

Agreeing to terms to me is like a virtual handshake. If we made a deal in person, and shook on it, then later I cancelled the deal then would anyone ever want to buy from me again? Probably not. I think the same thing applies virtually to an extent. Can I do it? Sure. Should I do it? Probably not. The Dibs system isn't perfect, but to me it implies "I will buy what you're selling at the posted terms". I think it's hard to argue that this is not what is implied. Sure, circumstances might change that, such as examples rainmaintrail posted up, but to me those are not "dibs", those should be "PM coming" for further discussion. Dibs to me means, "I will buy them", with no further negotiations.

This thread did not have to be made though, he posted a for sale ad, chips were sold, to anyone who didn't like how it was done, don't buy from him again. If you still want to buy from him, or sellers who do the same, then that's your prerogative.

My 2c.
yep they called dibs like a chump. Dibs means fuck all to me, this entire site got the panties in a knot just because they thought they were getting these super RARE chips. Even people who were not in the deal felt like they had to spread the toxicity feeling the butthurt with their fellow chippers. The majority of your people are the blond lady and yes, i am that cat. The fat cat with the chedda. You all claim to have morals but you have to remember one thing. I am not here to make friends, i am not here to give you Deals on these amazing chips. I am here to cash out my investment. Yes im here only for the money.

this community is so self righteous. You all claim a chip is worth x but you fail to realize that chips are a commodity. So supply and demand are in effect weather you like it or not. You all whine about people flipping chips for profit. Why do you hate capitalism so much? Do you hate apple for selling computers more than they paid for them? Do you hate all collectable store owners just as much?

the only thing you guy should be whining about is getting ripped off. Someone steals your money that sucks, someone offered more money for a rack of chips, deal with it. The price just went up.

Now to be clear in my situation , I didnt accept any offers from anyone initially. (except for the friendly german). So i really dont know why you guys are so damn salty over my chips. Local offered to buy my aztars, CdI, and CdM chips. Aztars were confirmed sold and im assuming the local guy didnt want to buy $6 chips.. Then i had about 20 offers on the WTHC chips and i didnt want to deal with going through and seeing whos buying what etc.. Luckily i got an PM that simply said, whole lot.. How much? I responded whats your offer and then he said, well you ad says $2060 i went back and did the math, it was $2160 so i told him $2160 and he replied sure. I accepted his offer, (these messages were pretty much instant) so i when i asked how do you want to settle the transaction, it was radio silence. I got a bit ansi and annoyed because again, i dont care to deal with this mess. I really wanted to sell them as a lot. So i simply just said instead of going through all the offers and "better" offers, ill let you guys fight for them publicy." Then i wrote the message. Luckily the nice man got back to me and we have made a deal

i have sold my entire lot for the asking price. So you all should just settle down and chill out. Stop the witch hunt and there was no WRONG Doing. Your stupid dibs rule doesnt apply to everyone, Especially people who never come to this site.

You wouldnt believe how many people wrote me about this auction telling me not worry, i was like worry about what, then the mob came out. OHHH worry about them. luckily i have thick skin and i dont give 2 fucks about your feelings. in reality you are just pixels on a screen as am i.

You guys should really take a look in the mirror and the mods should not enable these toxic people to create posts like this. Its quite shameful. You all should also remember not everyone is on this site 10-40x a day either and are not always up to par on all the details. Even if you read through this thread, (and one of my other threads) you will find so much dirty laundry being aired and rehashed. its pathetic the way some of you act. Grown ups (presumably) acting like 10 yr olds or even worst 14 yr old bullies.

If you are still reading stay tuned for my next auction of 700 CPS chips mint never used, chips!
Serious question.

Is it Toots, like "boots"?
Or is it Toots, like "foots"?
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