What a joke! (7 Viewers)

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I made it to page 4...

If its listed in the classifieds then YES. a 'dibs' or 'I'll take it' should be honored.

There should be no 'Ass-hat ' clause. You listed it publicly.

If you want to sell via pms. then do so, Ass hat clause all you like. Sell to who you like. Back out own a sale/ trade all you like.

LISTING IN THE CLASSIFIEDS makes it public. You lose those special clause protections when you do.

All Classified listings should honor an 'I'll take it'


There should be no 'Ass-hat ' clause. You listed it publicly.

If you want to sell via pms. then do so, Ass hat clause all you like. Sell to who you like. Back out on a sale/ trade all you like.

LISTING IN THE CLASSIFIEDS makes it public. You lose those special clause protections when you do.

All Classified listings should honor an 'I'll take it'


Exemption to "PERIOD": if those exclusions are specified in the ad, by PCF name or description. Won't that be fun? :confused

A) "I'll take it' is honored and that's that. With some sort of forum rules around honoring that. (obviously not legally binding) but we are a community and having some set of rules beyond the now TOS. would be helpful and stop stuff like this happening.


B). 'I'll take it' doesn't have to be honored and basically its a free for all Craigslist style classifieds and who gives a shit what happens and we have no right to complain, except we do, and we can chose not to deal with a member we think is shady.

Yeah right now according to the site and moderators, DIBS means nothing. Ok then, What does mean something?
My personal summary of this thread:

- a little into the thread there were some interesting arguments/discussions. Maybe even worth to discuss further (dibs system, no dibs system, how to sell in general etc).
- then some added drama (nobody got threatened to be bitch slapped on a meetup, so still not that bad imo).
- video of the facebook dad (this alone was clearly worth it)
I really don't envy anyone who has to try and settle disputes around here.

Average age of this circus has to be in the 40s and everyone has a strong opinion.

What a donkey fest,
@tootsmagoots post reminds me vaguely of the original scrub donkey post by @Hammer2171. Except much angrier. Can the creative folks make another chip set, @BonScot?
Now I have over $5,000 worth of poker chips :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: At least I owned up to being a drunk Jack Ass.... I seriously love y’all , but still hate to pay the price for poker chips;) but you get what you pay for, quality over crap quantity.
Looks like I might have to send the scrub donkey @tootsmagoots a Hammer I Hate U Dealer Button :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
I finally read through a bunch of the messages on here.... and ya, that does suck. I try to do my best on here to not screw over anyone and honor FROR. But, that’s life man, there is the good and the bad, but it’s unfortunate to get some of the bad on here. At the end of the day, people are going to do whatever they want to do, and it’s not always the most honorable thing to. I’m sure an admin could block him from future classified sales posts, if he broke some kind of rule. I personally know from experience to follow the rules, they are there for a reason.

A) "I'll take it' is honored and that's that. With some sort of forum rules around honoring that. (obviously not legally binding) but we are a community and having some set of rules beyond the now TOS. would be helpful and stop stuff like this happening.


B). 'I'll take it' doesn't have to be honored and basically its a free for all Craigslist style classifieds and who gives a shit what happens and we have no right to complain, except we do, and we can chose not to deal with a member we think is shady.

Yeah right now according to the site and moderators, DIBS means nothing. Ok then, What does mean something?
Means something.
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