I'm not sure what other sentiments there are, but the classifieds here are really pleasant transactions, and I say that as both a buyer, seller, and trader. In addition to collecting poker chips, I collect coins. A couple years ago, I was pretty active on
eBay, both buying and selling. I wasn't really in it to make a profit, I made a little bit, but not enough that it would have been worthwhile. But I got what I wanted and got rid of what I didn't need.
But when you're on
eBay it always ends up being about money. Everyone on
eBay wants to screw you over, and the act of listing things, dealing with buyers, packing things up, mailing them, etc. got really tedious really fast. I hated it. Collecting wasn't a hobby any more, it was a job. I lost all motivation for collecting coins. Being an
eBay buyer (and eventually seller) put me off coin collecting.
I'm so glad I found PCF. This is a real hobby, and there's a real community. When I'm buying in the classifieds, I have that inherent trust that the people selling want to help me. When there's something I want, there are people helping me find it, and making sure I'm happy and it's well packed. Not because it's their job but because they love the hobby too. Yes, when I buy and sell I lose a little bit every time, but mostly due to shipping and PayPal costs.
No one on PCF has ever tried to screw me over. When I'm selling, it doesn't feel like a chore. I know I'm helping someone to get what they need. I can share in that sense of community, and I never really realized it until now. PCF has been such a great environment, and I sincerely hope that mentality doesn't die. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, I mean this with the most respect possible.