What are your chipping goals? When do you reach your "chipping nirvana" ? (4 Viewers)

I’ve already reached my chipping goal...

Don't think I have any chip goals anymore. I'm happy with my CPC sets and my house mold set. The rest I imagine I will probably sell at some point and buy a replacement if the price is right.

Leaded, shaped inlay thc sets are out for me now. The prices are just too damn stupid for me to justify keeping, so I'll settle for sets that are still priced in a range that doesn't feel like burning money. I find that I get more joy out of sets that feel like they were put together for a good price.

This was very cheap to put together and I love it. So I think I'll stick to building it out with spare denoms that can sub in and out depending on my mood.

That was a bit of a ramble, and I think like many others I'm losing a lot of joy for the hobby recently. If I don't keep some kind of project set going, I think I'd just give up.
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Love this thread. Quick update, I’m the last couple of months I put together at WTHC tournament set. I wanted a 10K starting stack STT (12/12/5/6), quickly surpassed 600 chips. So with the extras I’m sure it could cover two tables. I’m getting closer to nirvana.
My other project was a huge tournament made up of used solids. My initial plan was to mill and label them with some clever made up card room name. I still plan on milling them however I’m splitting them up into three single table sets. I’m gifting them to three regulars in our group that host our monthly game. All three recently cleaned up or renovated their basements. The sets will have the same breakdown of chips. They will have different labels but be similar enough to form a huge set large to host a multi-table tournament if need be. I’m well on my way to chip nirvana.
If I'm to equate "Nirvana" with the perfect chip collection, then I'm not sure I'll ever achieve it - tastes change with time and there's always something new and exciting out there.

That said, I just recently made a big step towards my current chipping ideal by putting together a CPC set. The only things that really scratch my itch atm otherwise would be obtaining a THC cash set with shaped inlays and/or a THC Cali cash set. I think, currently, ultimate dream set would be something like the moustache bird cruise chips (aka Starlite), the coke giraffes, etc.

Ultimate, ultimate "Nirvana" would be having the chance to make a true custom Paulson set, or discover a retired THC set somewhere from an old casino. A guy can dream.
Don't think I have any chip goals anymore. I'm happy with my CPC sets and my house mold set. The rest I imagine I will probably sell at some point and buy a replacement if the price is right.

Leaded, shaped inlay thc sets are out for me now. The prices are just too damn stupid for me to justify keeping, so I'll settle for sets that are still priced in a range that doesn't feel like burning money. I find that I get more joy out of sets that feel like they were put together for a good price.

This was very cheap to put together and I love it. So I think I'll stick to building it out with spare denoms that can sub in and out depending on my mood.
View attachment 587491

That was a bit of a ramble, and I think like many others I'm losing a lot of joy for the hobby recently. If I don't keep some kind of project set going, I think I'd just give up.
Dibs on PCA :)
Don't think I have any chip goals anymore. I'm happy with my CPC sets and my house mold set. The rest I imagine I will probably sell at some point and buy a replacement if the price is right.

Leaded, shaped inlay thc sets are out for me now. The prices are just too damn stupid for me to justify keeping, so I'll settle for sets that are still priced in a range that doesn't feel like burning money. I find that I get more joy out of sets that feel like they were put together for a good price.

This was very cheap to put together and I love it. So I think I'll stick to building it out with spare denoms that can sub in and out depending on my mood.
View attachment 587491

That was a bit of a ramble, and I think like many others I'm losing a lot of joy for the hobby recently. If I don't keep some kind of project set going, I think I'd just give up.
I can definitely empathize with that feeling Mike. By this point I've built a pretty diverse portfolio of a collection. I have Paulsons, CPC's, BCC's, hybrids, and will be making a set of ceramics next year. I have cash and tournament sets and am making one of my existing cash sets a limit set.

I really have tried to think about "well, what's next?" with the above in mind, and I've essentially arrived at the same conclusion as you. I'm really happy with what I have and as is; most sets are only going to be put into play once a year as is, even if I host twice a month. I can't really justify any more sets than what I'm already working on. Dennis coming out with a new line of chips over at Key West has me intrigued, but that's about it. I don't see many more if any leaded THC Paulsons coming to light with more dedicated and motivated collectors out there.

Whatever else that I may want is way above and out of my bankroll or unobtainable. That is unless someone comes around with a quarter pie Riverboat cash set or MGK Suicide King cash set. Pursuit of these really rare BCC sets is almost as much of a fool's errand as the next great Paulson find. I'm almost certainly going to be outbid in any public sale, and those that may offer these sets privately either haven't made it over from the Chiptalk era when a lot of these sets were made, or that they are here but not selling.

That turned into a bit of a ramble too, sorry folks!
Chipping goals: finish at least 1 of the 8 or so mill & relabel projects I started. :bag:

Actual Goals:
- finish real Fitzgeralds cash / tourney set
- finish custom relabel of a few casino tributes
- finish custom mill/relabel of a few personal/local ideas I have

I haven't had much time for chipping the last few months. But I should be able to get the drill press back out soon and finish milling all my sets.

I have a few ideas for personal custom sets related to my dogs and a few things the city is known for.
I lived in nirvana for about 8 years with an awesome Grand Vic roulette mold solids set that covered all the bases, cash, tournament... whatever I needed out of them... they provided... it was a modest 800 piece set. I kinda drifted when CT was closing down and didn’t make it here. Like tattoos, I figured it best to buy slowly.

Then I caught the bug again.

In the last couple years went through about 6 big sets, building, buying selling, seeking. Never feeling satisfied.

My roulette mold set grew to 2000 pieces of tournament bliss. It can easily do 4 tables, 5 with some ingenuity. I’m enamored with it, the goal is now to mill those chips, realistically it’s going to take years given the little amount of free time I have, but I will do it.

I just went Nutz on the HSI set. I feel amazing like I did after I first built the Grand Vic set, it’s going to cover me for a lifetime. It’s a cash set of a lifetime. I know I won’t be able to beat it... given my budget and given the type of sets I like. I like tons of chips. I skipped a bunch of sets from Jim’s sales, I’m glad I waited for this HSI because it hit a home run for me.

I sold off almost everything else I had laying around to afford those chips. I am sitting on 4 sets now. The HSI cash set(doubles as limit set) and the Roulette molds tourney set. I’m keeping them for life (unless my family needs money badly)

The other two are probably going for sale, And then I’m going into semi retirement.

The other two are a minty 600 piece solids THC tourney set of very very choice colors and a minty H-mold limit set.

There’s a ton of sets I love, and I have had so much fun in the hunt, but I think i got it. Nirvana. Now it’s time to love the sets I got.
John - wonderful write up and so very true of how blissful building and completing a set can be! Congratulations on your 2 keeper sets, hope you enjoy them as much as possible!!!! (boo covid)
Don't think I have any chip goals anymore. I'm happy with my CPC sets and my house mold set. The rest I imagine I will probably sell at some point and buy a replacement if the price is right.

Leaded, shaped inlay thc sets are out for me now. The prices are just too damn stupid for me to justify keeping, so I'll settle for sets that are still priced in a range that doesn't feel like burning money. I find that I get more joy out of sets that feel like they were put together for a good price.

This was very cheap to put together and I love it. So I think I'll stick to building it out with spare denoms that can sub in and out depending on my mood.
View attachment 587491

That was a bit of a ramble, and I think like many others I'm losing a lot of joy for the hobby recently. If I don't keep some kind of project set going, I think I'd just give up.
Mike - I can certainly understand your feelings here. CPC makes amazing customizable chips, and the market now a days is just out of control. There's tons of glamorous sets out there that fit the bill, but are no where near "affordable" or reasonable to build. Btw - happy December! Month of the motswaris!
Love this thread. Quick update, I’m the last couple of months I put together at WTHC tournament set. I wanted a 10K starting stack STT (12/12/5/6), quickly surpassed 600 chips. So with the extras I’m sure it could cover two tables. I’m getting closer to nirvana.
My other project was a huge tournament made up of used solids. My initial plan was to mill and label them with some clever made up card room name. I still plan on milling them however I’m splitting them up into three single table sets. I’m gifting them to three regulars in our group that host our monthly game. All three recently cleaned up or renovated their basements. The sets will have the same breakdown of chips. They will have different labels but be similar enough to form a huge set large to host a multi-table tournament if need be. I’m well on my way to chip nirvana.
Adam - congratulations on the WTHC set, can't wait to see that thing. I think it is awesome of you to help your buddies out and you still get to play with awesome chippies! That is an amazing gesture!!
Dibs on PCA :)
Sorry no PCA dibs in the PCA queen's thread :whistle: :whistling:
I pretty happy where I’m at with my sets. Some of them could use an extra rack of some denom here and there but I don’t see myself chasing after any more full sets right now.

LCO cash
Mardi gras v1 cash
Protege cash/tournamnet
CPC scrown cash on the way
Small Matsui tourney set I’m trying to sell
Only have a few goals
  1. Complete the second rack of Players Club fracs
  2. Find the IBP chips I need to complete that set.
  3. Sell the rest of my chips I don’t need (mostly done)
I always have my eye out for those players clubs!
I pretty happy where I’m at with my sets. Some of them could use an extra rack of some denom here and there but I don’t see myself chasing after any more full sets right now.

LCO cash
Mardi gras v1 cash
Protege cash/tournamnet
CPC scrown cash on the way
Small Matsui tourney set I’m trying to sell
Amazing sets, congratulations!
I don’t have many sets, but I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got. Chasing down old Foxwoods chips is enough to keep me active. Other than that, maybe rebuild my travel heads-up/OFCP set.
It isn’t a bad thing, having expensive tastes. Most of the stuff that’s available doesn’t interest me. And I’m not crazy enough to overspend on stuff that does interest me. It keeps my wallet in my pocket for the most part.
I got hooked on chipping because of the Lakeshores and I still think that’s the end goal for me. Having said that, I have picked up some cool stuff so far on my chipping journey and I feel I am in a good place with my Caminos, my (slowly growing) mixed Cali relabel project and my CPC custom tourney set (wsop tribute) that I should hopefully receive in the next few weeks.



It’s by no mean a huge collection, but just looking at the pictures above makes me happy :D Now, if I’m completely honest with myself, I know I’m buying and selling stuff just to help with the wait for that one opportunity to acquire a set of Lakeshores. The journey to get there is what makes collecting special/interesting. I can be patient :)
I got hooked on chipping because of the Lakeshores and I still think that’s the end goal for me. Having said that, I have picked up some cool stuff so far on my chipping journey and I feel I am in a good place with my Caminos, my (slowly growing) mixed Cali relabel project and my CPC custom tourney set (wsop tribute) that I should hopefully receive in the next few weeks.

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View attachment 587644

It’s by no mean a huge collection, but just looking at the pictures above makes me happy :D Now, if I’m completely honest with myself, I know I’m buying and selling stuff just to help with the wait for that one opportunity to acquire a set of Lakeshores. The journey to get there is what makes collecting special. I can be patient :)
Not a huge collection, sure, but those are some killer sets! Great job!
I'm feeling pretty close to my personal chip nirvana. Now that I finally have my CPC customs I am starting to get rid of the superfluous sets that I have. What's the use for 7 cash sets if I'm going to use my CPCs 75% of the time? There are a couple sets I would never let go of, but do I really need 3 RHC cash sets? Probably not.

Of course I'm saying this now, we'll see if it holds next time the Chip Room does a sale! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
This concept came up in another thread this evening with me.

I currently have five cash sets. Seven tournament sets.

One 44mm CPC cash set arriving in a matter of weeks (hopefully)

One B-mold tournament set (can be flexed as a cash set too) hopefully arriving by autumn of this year

I'm working on mock ups and designs for a large DIASQ cash and tournament set

I'm planning on making WSOP Final Table ceramic tributes with ABC/BRPRO this winter.

This will leave me with seven (8 if the B-mold set is counted as a cash set) cash sets and 10 tournament sets. Enough to cover a different tournament set for each annual league game, in which I will have a 10 game season that I'm planning on starting later this year, and enough variety in my cash sets to offer something new just about once every 6 months. I have good variety too. Ceramics. Ceramic hybrids. BCC's on two different molds. CPC's on multiple molds, and Paulson's on the RHC and THC mold.

I will have enough of sets by 2022 that I don't think I'll ever need anymore sets of poker chips. Chips are meant to be put into play and aren't meant to sit on a shelf just to look pretty.

However, there are two things that may make me change my stance on this that preclude me from true chip nirvana. One is if a cash set of BCC's on the MGK mold is available to me in a playable breakdown and doesn't totally destroy the piggy bank. The second would be if I ever have the chance to get my hands on fully custom, THC molded Paulsons. Only then will I be able to achieve true chip nirvana.
I currently have xx cash sets. xx tournament sets.

I don't think I'll ever need anymore sets of poker chips.
I've said that exact same thing so many times.... starting way back in 2010 or so. 50,000+ more chips and two dozen sets later....

I no longer make those claims. Even as I have now started to downsize the collection in my golden years, I realize that the 'need' will always be there.
For me, it's to create a 2,000 chip custom limit set and a Cali colored cash set of CPC customs on the scrown mold that I love.
For me, it's to create a 2,000 chip custom limit set and a Cali colored cash set of CPC customs on the scrown mold that I love.
I got a 1000 chip limit set (to add on to my current 1000 chip set). It came a few weeks ago but I’ve not had the chance to use it yet because we’re in another lockdown here. The sheer volume of chips is just amazing.


* yes I was sad enough to set them all out on the table even though I wasn’t having a game :LOL: :laugh:
I don't understand the question?

I think ill be chasing new chalky Paulsons till the sharp corners have been taken off them in play, then i need more new Paulsons.

Rinse and repeat.

It cant end can it?
I don't understand the question?

I think ill be chasing new chalky Paulsons till the sharp corners have been taken off them in play, then i need more new Paulsons.

Rinse and repeat.

It cant end can it?
Let me know when you want to move some of those chips that are no longer able to cut steaks. Would be great to pick up a set from local chipper!

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