What are your chipping goals? When do you reach your "chipping nirvana" ? (4 Viewers)

I think my goal is now: one nice cash set of paulsons (where I like the inlay/chip colour. The longer I’m here, the more I realise I’m not going to buy a Paulson just because it’s a Paulson. Some chips out there are just not that appealing to me), one custom set of card mold ceramics (whenever the next group buy occurs), and mayyybe one set of CPC customs.

Not too long ago I was in a one and done camp. Now it’s up to 3 sets. But no more, I’m 99% sure.
I never said we didn't have the problem, trust me, it's a nuisance lol hence why we are always on hunt for specific chips to close out projects!

I think my goal is now: one nice cash set of paulsons (where I like the inlay/chip colour. The longer I’m here, the more I realise I’m not going to buy a Paulson just because it’s a Paulson. Some chips out there are just not that appealing to me), one custom set of card mold ceramics (whenever the next group buy occurs), and mayyybe one set of CPC customs.

Not too long ago I was in a one and done camp. Now it’s up to 3 sets. But no more, I’m 99% sure.
And then that turns into 10 sets before you know it. Got a RHC Paulson set? THC's are out there. CPC set? Need another one on a different mold. Ceramics that can stretch the limit of your imagination? Absolutely! Cards mold chips that can recreate any tribute set that you want? Hell yeah. May you receive mercy if you get some BCC's and start hunting those.
I think my goal is now: one nice cash set of paulsons (where I like the inlay/chip colour. The longer I’m here, the more I realise I’m not going to buy a Paulson just because it’s a Paulson. Some chips out there are just not that appealing to me), one custom set of card mold ceramics (whenever the next group buy occurs), and mayyybe one set of CPC customs.

Not too long ago I was in a one and done camp. Now it’s up to 3 sets. But no more, I’m 99% sure.
That 1% ... lol
I do see the perspective though that some things are just not that appealing to certain folks. Customs are honestly a great route because you are able to design them specifically tuned to your flavor. Both cards mold and CPC have put out some great sets!
That 1% ... lol
I do see the perspective though that some things are just not that appealing to certain folks. Customs are honestly a great route because you are able to design them specifically tuned to your flavor. Both cards mold and CPC have put out some great sets!
Leaving that 1% because I swore I was one and done, hahaha
And then that turns into 10 sets before you know it. Got a RHC Paulson set? THC's are out there. CPC set? Need another one on a different mold. Ceramics that can stretch the limit of your imagination? Absolutely! Cards mold chips that can recreate any tribute set that you want? Hell yeah. May you receive mercy if you get some BCC's and start hunting those.
Well so while we do plan to do some CPCs in the future, we already did the excessive varieties of cash and tournaments chips lol now it's honestly dwindling down to what we really love and are going to use, and what we aren't.
I think the real nirvana is getting geared up for meet ups. The chips are only 50% of this hobby. The meet ups and the people make up the rest, we really want to get to that happy place in chipping and we're so close now, so we can focus on getting to more meet ups and making those connections with people. It's really the cherry on top
This is what I posted almost a year ago:

Man, I love these threads. I hit the hobby hard my first year here. Only you, Ben, and @Jeevansluck hit it harder I think. There was a time at the end of last year where I hit a wall and wasn't sure where the journey would take me next. Then I discovered THC molded Paulsons :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

After my CDI set is completed, that's going to be it for a while in terms of new sets for quite a while besides filling in a rack here and there to (finally) finish my Rounders Tourney set and Key West cash set.

I may go the route of custom Cali colored Rounders for a cash set, but probably not until next year. I'm also planning a mega CPC cash/tourney set that I'm going to order either at the end of the year or beginning of next, just need to get the artwork files and finalize the colors and edge spots. I have my 44mm cash set also pending from CPC that I'm hoping to have by the end of the year.

At that point, honestly and realistically, I'm just about there already. My absolute 100% grail set is an Empress Star Primary Tournament set, but realistically I'm priced out of these chips. I don't have the capital to plop down $4,000 to $7,000 on a complete set all at once.

Maybe there's a Sunfly buy that will get my attention. Maybe a surprise to the community will come about in the form of another big find a la the Santa Ysabel's or a really solid Chip Room offering, but I will have to say it will take a lot to pique my interest. I'm not expecting any new Chip Room offerings any time soon sadly.

At 5 cash and 5 tournament sets plus the major CPC combo set that I'm working on, I think I'm just about there. I don't see myself selling anything any time soon either. I'm happy with what I have and have a solid rotation plan for use of the sets.
I'm still chasing that ESPT grail. Only difference is that I sold off some stuff to actively pursue it. The hunt for them is more exhausting and discouraging than any other set I've tried to accumulate. Just hoping the pay off is going to be worth it. I own two of my three non custom personal grail sets. The last is going to be the toughest, and it's going to take the right seller and some luck to be in the right place at the right time, like I needed (and got) with the other two.

Beyond that, outside of keeping one eye open for a BCC MGK molded cash set, CPC is just about the only thing keeping me in the hobby. I have too many good ideas that I still want to bring to life, and that'll keep me excited and in the hobby for the intermediate/long term-ish future.

As @FordPickup92 mentioned, the long term fulfillment is going to be able to make meetups and put faces to names on here. It's going to be difficult to go out on meetups while my kids are little, but in the future, definitely.
>When do you reach your "chipping nirvana" ?

All I know is I'll know it when I'm there, and not one minute sooner.

One day I'll be thinking about some chips that I want, and then will realize that while I will always want something else, I'm content with what I have. And then I'll be done.

This has happened before and it will happen again, here, too.

I just realized I've hit my one-year mark in the poker chip hobby. I started learning about poker chips in early June 2020, made my first post on PCF in late July, and made the post above in early August.

So. One year later...

I stand by my assessment above. But now I have a much clearer picture of what the endgame is likely to look like. Along the way I've picked up fifteen sets, each one filling a specific niche, and I have a general idea of what sets I still want to acquire to fill the remaining niches - a custom CPC set, a THC set, maybe a stock ceramic set, and maybe a custom ceramic set... and maybe a few other interesting and odd ideas if inspiration strikes and opportunity arises.

But who knows. Maybe I'll become content before that happens.

Time will tell. All part of the journey.
Interesting topic. Sorry I missed it last year.

I haven't read through the entire thread (or any of it, TBH) to see if this has been addressed, but something jumped out at me when considering the OP's initial question.

'What is our 'chipping nirvana?'

Do people have one? If so, why? And how many do and how many don't?

Compared to other hobbies, chipping is kind of unique in the sense that it incorporates a rare of combination of utility, scarcity, FOMO and history into the culture.

I can only speak for myself... and I'm kind of a minimalist in many ways. I don't like the idea of owning things I'll never 'use'. So accumulation beyond saturation doesn't interest me. I also don't like the idea of owning something someone else might get more enjoyment from - especially if there are alternatives. In fact, I've peddled chips I liked just because someone else seemed like they wanted them more.

So I have my big bet set, my $3 limit set, my $2 limit set (that I'm still building), and my tournament set. I'm always tweaking, adding on and upgrading the chips in my sets as the opportunity allows, but the idea of having more sets or individual chips that I need or will never likely use is pretty foreign to me.

So it's really a question of 'why does anyone collect anything'? What hole in your soul does chipping fill?
To find 40x Mark twain $25s and a designer for my labels then leave this godforsaken forum never to return (before I end up getting sucked into a THC project)...
I am definitely not a "chipper" and I once again fall in line with @Legend5555 and potentially @Moxie Mike . To me, chips are utilitarian. The beauty is when the chips function perfectly for the game that is being spread. I am currently hanging on to a set of Desert Sands for cash and tournaments and 2 seperate limit sets....for if ever I can host a game again. None of them would get a second glance by a chipper....trust me, I tried. Since I am not currently hosting, I feel no desire to purchase sets that will not be used, or singles that will get put in a drawer.

I do appreciate chippers, however. I am drawn to this site over other poker sites because people here appreciate the proper spreading of a game, and the history of things that most poker players could give a shit about. Straight up fact: Chippers host great games. It's the reason I will drive over an hour to a chipper's game instead of 10 minutes to a guy that takes a rake....I am probably burning my share of the rake in gas driving the extra distance, but I know the game will be great.

See you Friday, @Seeking Alpha Social Club
As a simpleton, I'm almost there.

The real challenge for me will be culling. I currently own well over twice as many chips as I plan on keeping long-term (here's why). So do I hang onto them knowing they’ll likely come in handy down the road, or do I “release” them back to PCF community so others can enjoy? **not rhetorical**

A few things I’ve learned about myself in pursuit of “nirvana”:
  • While I am a collector at heart, I’m not a hoarder. 600 chips max runs my NL home games almost exclusively, so there’s very little point keeping anything outside 100/200/200/80/20. Doing my best to stick to that magic (600) number on premium sets takes pressure off constantly seeking “just one more rack”.
  • I buy way too many tourney sets and low-key hate myself for it.
  • I’ve seriously overdone it on Mixed Sets … partially because the majority of my purchases have been public “dibs” sales one rack at a time, making it the only choice to get cool chips on display and in play … but mostly because I just like mixing & matching (colors, condition, spots, etc.)! Really need to sort this out and limit Mixed Sets to chips that provide no other option.
  • I really, really like yellow chips and always have. I have learned the hard way that I’m not alone.
Otherwise, I feel I’m in good shape! Will I be lured into the next shiny thing? Probably. But that’s what makes it fun, no?
I remember when this thread came up a bit after I first joined and I hesitated to post, because I did not know the true answer as my tastes change very frequently.

That's all. Nothing has changed.

On a serious note, I am pretty much set on where my chipping nirvana lies. I have officially completed two sets, being my main original desire of a THC cash set and an RHC/IHC tournament set all from one casino. I am now trying to complete a relabel cash set and a "custom" micro-stakes Cali set. Those being completed would put me into chipping retirement, although if the latter does not pan out I'll go with a custom CPC set, since having both is simply not in the chipping budget.

That being said, there are always things in the background. For example, if I am ever able to get a workable number of Claim Stake $25s without selling my soul, I am making a Claim Stake set and reworking my mixed set (which has the $5s). Further, my groups have never given tournaments a real shot, so if we do and the desire is not there, I will part with my tournament set since I have no intention to have chips that will not see the felt. What if a reasonably-priced or opportunity for a grail set pops up? So I guess that is all part of the beauty of chipping; we may have an end goal and relative nirvana, but there is always the potential for improvements for sets or unforeseen opportunities that could change things a bit. We may hit nirvana, but are we truly done?
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I think chipping Nirvana comes when you are sure you have absolutely nothing to sell anymore, whatever the price offered.
When all you have is to be bequeathed to children, or godchildren, or nephews or to a museum.

Shoot I might give them a slight discount but I don’t just give shit away.

Like D’Angelo said..


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