What video games are you playing? (10 Viewers)

Just watched the review of Elden Ring from IGN. The reviewer said, “one of the most unforgettable games I’ve ever played.”
Guess I’ll get my feet wet with my first Souls game.

Which class for Elden Ring do you recommend for a first Souls gamer?
I usually tend to like hybrid melee with some magic characters. I’m not the all magic or archer/ranged type of player.
Generally prefer 60% melee/40% magic.
IGN is paid for their reviews, I believe Elden Ring was getting review bombed on Steam with shitty optimization
I really dislike review bombing a game over technical issues. I get that it's frustrating and you'd hope for better from the developer. But technical issues aren't the game itself.

To me it always comes off as, "I'm too impatient to wait for things to get fixed or play on a different platform. So since you don't have it perfect by my impeccable standards, it fucking sucks!"

Yet, most of these people will end up playing it anyway as is, or play it once it's patched, or on a different platform. And down the line they will all say it was amazing and just had some technical issues at launch.
Which class for Elden Ring do you recommend for a first Souls gamer?
I usually tend to like hybrid melee with some magic characters. I’m not the all magic or archer/ranged type of player.
Generally prefer 60% melee/40% magic.
Outside of the very first souls game on PS3, Demon's Souls, you don't really have a realistic option of ignoring melee. Typically, a mix of melee and magic has been a go to in most of the games except Bloodborne and Sekiro. Those are basically all melee all the time.
I really dislike review bombing a game over technical issues. I get that it's frustrating and you'd hope for better from the developer. But technical issues aren't three game itself.

To me it always comes off as, "I'm too impatient to wait for things to get fixed or play on a different platform. So since you don't have it perfect by my impeccable standards, it fucking sucks!"

Yet, most of these people will end up playing it anyway as is, or play it once it's patched, or on a different platform. And down the line they will all day it was amazing and just had some technical issues at launch.

I think folks are rightly pissed about the paid 10/10 reviews and companies releasing unfinished, buggy and poorly optimized games
I really dislike review bombing a game over technical issues. I get that it's frustrating and you'd hope for better from the developer. But technical issues aren't three game itself.

To me it always comes off as, "I'm too impatient to wait for things to get fixed or play on a different platform. So since you don't have it perfect by my impeccable standards, it fucking sucks!"

Yet, most of these people will end up playing it anyway as is, or play it once it's patched, or on a different platform. And down the line they will all day it was amazing and just had some technical issues at launch.

I don't disagree with review-bombing, but will say the video game industry seems like the only one that frequently has big releases that are unfinished, haven't been fully beta-tested (or are using the customers for this), or have multiple issues on release. Somehow it has become common practice or relatively accepted and it's just frustrating/annoying. I can't speak to Elden Ring personally, but have experienced this for multiple games over the past five years and it pisses me off. Stop setting unrealistic deadlines or release dates and expecting the customer to just take it on the chin.
Which class for Elden Ring do you recommend for a first Souls gamer?
I usually tend to like hybrid melee with some magic characters. I’m not the all magic or archer/ranged type of player.
Generally prefer 60% melee/40% magic.

I don't know what any of the stats mean as this is my first entry in the series but had to pick this class purely for the headgear.
I think folks are rightly pissed about the paid 10/10 reviews and companies releasing unfinished, buggy and poorly optimized games
It's not like this on PS5 though. History has shown repeatedly that games that are primarily developed for console tend to have issues on PC, especially at launch. This was all too predictable. It's just standard these days to release things semi buggy on PC fix it later. Yet people still get outraged over it every time like they didn't know better. It's silly.
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Outside of the very first souls game on PS3, Demon's Souls, you don't really have a realistic option of ignoring melee. Typically, a mix of melee and magic has been a go to in most of the games except Bloodborne and Sekiro. Those are basically all melee all the time.
Oh I didn’t want to avoid melee, I meant I like classes that are mostly melee with a fairly good ability to use magic.
Played a few hours of elden ring myself today. Fun so far, but also pretty confusing still, as i haven't played any other souls game and don't really understand all the mechanics. Starting to get the hang of it though!
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Played a few hours og elden ring myself today. Fun so far, but also pretty confusing still, as i haven't played any other souls game and don't really understand all the mechanics. Starting to get the hang of it though!
So many Souls noobs in here! Love to see it.

I'm OG. Bought my PS3 specifically to play Demon's Souls.
It's not like this on PS5 though. History has shown repeatedly that games that are primarily developed for console tend to have issues on PC, especially at launch. This was all too predictable. It's just standard these days to release things semi buggy on PC fix it later. Yet people still get outraged over it every time like they didn't know better. It's silly.

People were upset over capped frames at 60, micro-stuttering, lack of any quest tracking mechanism (requiring you to remember details from 5 hours ago) etc

Consoles really dumb down PC games unfortunately, in game mechanics, UI, etc
lack of any quest tracking mechanism (requiring you to remember details from 5 hours ago) etc
I get the first 2 things. But again, that's just something we should come to expect these days. But this last thing you reference... That's a feature of Souls games, not a bug. Souls games are meant to be cryptic and difficult. Hell, I'm surprised they even have a map at all.

Not every game has to be some mechanically dense nonsense like Civ, Stellaris, or The Witcher. Besides there are plenty of games developed for PC first that aren't even as mechanically heavy as a Souls game. And when controller is the primary way to play a game, an interface designed for mouse and keyboard doesn't make sense.

The point is, Souls games are developed first for console. To expect it to be some perfectly designed game for PC is just foolhardy and unrealistic. Anyone that is shocked by the state of a game day 1 seems to have forgotten the history of games where console was the primary target. *Ahem* Arkham Knight *Ahem*

Look, I know you are a PC gamer. I play everything. I've been both a PC and Console gamer since 1999 (when I first had a PC that could play things realistically). I think all games have merit. And I'm no longer surprised or shocked by the state of PC launch games. Especially console intended ones. I think everyone needs to adjust their expectations to the reality, not hope against hope that things are going to get better. It sucks, but I just accept it. And I don't get games at launch anymore because of it.
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Stuck at the office for the day, but tonight, I shall be there in Elden Ring as well. Counting the minutes!
Man, this game just kicks you in the ass and laughs about it lol. Yet, it's still really fun to play.

One death came after I'm running down these fire inferno filled tunnels trying not to go up in flames, and once I get past one and inch down to the end of the corridor, a fucking monster jumps off the wall from around a corner at me and kills me in two hits. You really have to watch attacks from everywhere.

Another death, I see this strange rare monster off the side of a stone road that just runs from you. I had a couple escape me from before but this time I corner it against a rock and kill it. As soon as I hit the killing blow, a giant fireball blows me up in one shot. I figure it's the monster that I just killed explodes on death. So I head back to where I died to pick up my runes and suddenly BOOM! A giant fireball explodes on me but I manage to survive. Apparently, there's a catapult farther down the road launching them at me. By the time I figure out what is happening, second fireball takes me out lol. This game is just evil to you, and it's great.
Which class for Elden Ring do you recommend for a first Souls gamer?
I usually tend to like hybrid melee with some magic characters. I’m not the all magic or archer/ranged type of player.
Generally prefer 60% melee/40% magic.
Prisoner fits that pretty well.
Man, this game just kicks you in the ass and laughs about it lol. Yet, it's still really fun to play.

One death came after I'm running down these fire inferno filled tunnels trying not to go up in flames, and once I get past one and inch down to the end of the corridor, a fucking monster jumps off the wall from around a corner at me and kills me in two hits. You really have to watch attacks from everywhere.

Another death, I see this strange rare monster off the side of a stone road that just runs from you. I had a couple escape me from before but this time I corner it against a rock and kill it. As soon as I hit the killing blow, a giant fireball blows me up in one shot. I figure it's the monster that I just killed explodes on death. So I head back to where I died to pick up my runes and suddenly BOOM! A giant fireball explodes on me but I manage to survive. Apparently, there's a catapult farther down the road launching them at me. By the time I figure out what is happening, second fireball takes me out lol. This game is just evil to you, and it's great.
I got destroyed by that "catapult" a couple of times as well :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
I am still trying to figure out GWENT...it is confusing to me for some reason.
Same here, the tutorial was so early in the game (when I wanted to get out and explore and fight) that I completely lost interest, never picked it back up. Maybe I'll try it if I play through again.
Yeah, Gwent is unfortunately a bit tricky to figure out. The tutorial leaves a lot to be desired in terms of helping newbies understand the game. I actually picked up Gwent via their standalone game (man, I miss beta Gwent) and then played Witcher 3 because of it years later.

The objective of Gwent is to win your match by winning 2 out of the 3 rounds. This is actually a main strategic consideration for the game. How you play your losing round is as equally important as the rounds you win. The reason being is that both you and your opponent have the same number of cards to play during your match. Another strategic element is to place a higher value card down to force your opponent to play their higher value card or (better yet) spend multiple cards to 'catch up' to your higher value card.

The most critical mechanic to consider in Gwent is the action of passing. Passing essentially ends the round for you. You're saying, 'Yep, that's it for me. You do what you need to do.' This is important because you can basically force your opponent to spend more than they're willing to spend and leave you with a considerable advantage going into later rounds. Or, conversely, you can cut your losses short and start anew going into a fresh round.

Consider this:

You just won Round 1 with 6 cards remaining. Your opponent has 7 cards remaining.

You can try to win round 2 by playing all your remaining cards but your opponent will probably be able to beat you considering she has 1 more card than you. This is when you would normally pass round 2. Since your opponent has to win Round 2, she'll be forced to play 1 card to win this round (ties count as losses for both sides). Now you both have the same number of cards going into the next round.

Remember, you can lose one round and still win the match so all you have to do is win Round 3. Your goal is to have more or at least equal number of cards going into Round 3.

I won't go into specific strategies for cards here. The game does a pretty good job of showing you how those work. The Gwent quests are worth doing (to get more cool cards) as there are some cool cards that pull extra cards into your hand (super OP), reduce points on the board, etc. It's such a great game once you get the hang of it.

I hope this helps!
Gwent is really only difficult a few times throughout the game:

1. When you're just starting out and have no Hero cards / Spies.

2. During the tournament at the Passiflora when everyone has bonkers good decks.

3. Playing in the Blood & Wine DLC at the tournament where you play the Skellige deck / at your home in Corvo Bianco with the difficulty at the highest.

Of course you can change the Gwent difficulty to suit your tastes whenever you want as well. Just don't play Scoia'tel, they suck.
2. During the tournament at the Passiflora when everyone has bonkers good decks.
You just reminded me I never finished that tournament. Right, I'm going to go get rocked.

AFTER... I make sure I collected all the cards available in game...

(spends yet another 100+ hours)
Runs pretty well for me. What problems are you having?

I got it working well for the most part now, but there are a few significant freeze-up/frame rate drops here and there. granted, i am running it below recommended specs, but these do seem to be the general consensus. but after tweaking some settings, i find it it plays mostly fine if i stop obsessing over it and just enjoy the game. i probably should have gone with the ps5 version, but i strongly prefer my pc setup for games like this, my ps5 is in my living room and i have to compete for time lol.
I got it working well for the most part now, but there are a few significant freeze-up/frame rate drops here and there. granted, i am running it below recommended specs, but these do seem to be the general consensus. i find it it plays mostly fine if i stop obsessing over it and just enjoy the game. i probably should have gone with the ps5 version, but i strongly prefer my pc setup for games like this, my ps5 is in my living room and i have to compete for time lol.
Ahh okay. I have a 3080 so maybe its just not optimized well and chugging on pcs closer to recommended specs. The only issues I've noticed are occasional stutters and the fact that it runs at max 60 fps.
First night with Elden Ring. Getting used to playing a controller-based game on keyboard...there's not much help in-game what keys are mapped to what.
Plenty of "YOU DIED" :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: .
No issues so far stuttering or freezing with a i7 11th gen, with a 2070 Super.
First night with Elden Ring. Getting used to playing a controller-based game on keyboard...there's not much help in-game what keys are mapped to what.
Plenty of "YOU DIED" :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: .
No issues so far stuttering or freezing with a i7 11th gen, with a 2070 Super.
Just plug a controller into your pc!
First night with Elden Ring. Getting used to playing a controller-based game on keyboard...there's not much help in-game what keys are mapped to what.
Plenty of "YOU DIED" :ROFL: :ROFLMAO: .
No issues so far stuttering or freezing with a i7 11th gen, with a 2070 Super.

Also no issue stuttering or freezing, bit it really is super lol with all the in game tutorials/hints and tips only refrencing controller options... You open the map with G by the way, the game somehow doesn't tell us keyboard users that, lol.

Still having a lot of fun with the game!
A little off topic / on topic. I started to get into collecting older sealed video games. They are bringing stupid money. They will only go up exponentially is my thoughts.


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