Who's Who of PCF (1 Viewer)

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Great post
Heres the family visiting the holiest of holies.

This is how I'm feeling after last nights bucks show. (Photo is a few years old but I don't really have any recent ones)
Still have my pink hat from the Kiraly days, but no love for Sinjin? :confused:

Oh, no disrespect to Sinjin whatsoever! Dude was the machine that fed the Stoklos beast, and w/o Smith it's possible the AVP wouldn't have come to fruition in the first place.
She's not really taller -- she's 5-9, I'm 6-3.



Unfortunately, a bone-on-bone right knee is limiting my singles tennis play, and has ended volleyball and basketball. 60+ years of jumping sports has taken its toll -- putting off a new knee as long as I can play doubles effectively and ride the bike.

Poker is fine, until I need a butt replacement. :cool:
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My wife, a height comparison pic with Ben (I stand a commanding 5 feet and 3/4th of an inch) and my obligatory shot with the Paulson Noire's

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I am actually a squash player but not as much anymore (former big time beach volleyball nut). I am fixated now more on weights and nutrition currently.
I am looking to compete in a few years in fitness competitions locally. I have a good solid 205 lbs frame at 6 feet at 10% body fat but when I cut this summer I will be about 187-190 at 5-6%.

This from 2012 and I am a decent size bigger now I think.

Share your secret man!
Sixspeed - No 'secret'. Its just a LOT of hard work in the kitchen and at the gym. And lots of rest to repair. I took 2 years of health and fitness in college so I have a good knowledge of the body and nutrition. When you have a dream and an end goal its easy to keep pushing the the temporary pain. I will get updated pics soon a few weeks into my 'cut' phase.
Its a lot of sweet potatoes, protein shakes, avacados, oatmeal, steaks, chicken, fish and eggs :)

I love this thread.. always wonder what that username you see all the time looks like!
I hear that man. My biggest vice is soda, no matter how long I go without, I always go back lol.
Here are from my recent trip to Central America.
Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Guatamala.


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Sorry, no pics of the family, but here is a pic of me and a bee. We go a long way back.

Loved me some beach volleyball back in the day. Stoklos was my favorite, but watching Kiraly/Steffes play was somethin' special.

And then there was Liz Masakayan... #crush

Wow, those are some old school references :).
Here's me now on my new (to me) bike


Here's one of me and the fam from vacation three years ago. I'm not quite this skinny right now.


Here's the one my wife throws in my face when she is trying to tell me I'm currently in need of a tune up (ie. Out of shape). This photo was taken about 15+ years ago, when I was transitioning from VB to triathlon. I raced hard-core for around 10 years. Btw, big Sinjin fan, oh and loved Karch. I toured briefly, but not at that level.


Really got got into XC skiing, briefly raced the Midwest and in Europe about 10 years ago, but not elite by any stretch. Now I just enjoy it with the kids

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Here's me making a stupid face on a job site:
And here's me in my numerous high profile acting gigs:
Alan-Brave heart.jpgAlan-Dumb & dumber.jpgAlan-StarWars.jpgAlan-SavedByTheBell.jpg
And here's me in my masterpiece:

And in all seriousness, here is me and my awesome family:
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