quick aside..
As a kid (14-16 year old at the time), a friend of mine had an uncle who was a dentist. The uncle gave the nephew (my friend) the old x-ray vests that contained lead plates. We had the GREAT idea that we would take the lead, melt it in the un-ventilated basement, and create body armor for clay figures. we would then place the figures on the wood pile on the other side of the basement and shoot at with the pellet guns. once the armor was riddled with holes, we would re-melt it and form new armor. we also created copies of a local arcades tokens (they had 3 slots on each side) using the melted lead. it worked in some games, but not all.
Of course, we also did lots of model building in that basement with glue, model paint, etc...
Oh, and we also ground up rocket engines, black powder, firecrackers, and anything else that could explode.. and merged it into one plastic straw with a fuse in the middle (wax caps on each side). They were pretty cool.
But, yeah, I'm fine (I think), and we melted a lot of lead. ..