Yeah, that makes sense. Just strange to me that its surfacing now, and that it wasn't a known thing on PCF. I thought they were shaped inlay chips, which is why I bought them. I guess its going to be an important distinction in buying them now, I wonder what it does to the value of one type of chip versus the other.
I'm baffled here....NEVER have I seen faux shaped inlays (CT nor PCF)
@kk405 @David O @BGinGA @liftapint ever seen these secondaries with faux shaped inlays ?
These are not milled so it's OEM Paulson
The offset is in the inlay...can't do this with milling & labels....also micro dot
Are these smooth or textured inlays ?
Throw a barrel of Eddy's on the scale if possible...inquiring minds wanna know

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