Windwalker’s Chipping Journey in Pr0n0grAph1C Detail (35 Viewers)

I also think it's interesting that the 5 in the denomination looks more like an upside-down and backwards 2, than it does a normal 5.

Except the red ink is missing from the "P".

Krish - are yours all missing the red ink?

My assumption on these not being from the dig was that they’re all in excellent shape, and as I understand it, all the chips from the dig have some sort of damage on them because they were poured into concrete.

If it helps, the documentation for these chips I have from the estate is the purchase date, and a Xerox copy of a check made out for the purchase (it’s to an individual). The purchase date was July 27, 1993.

I don’t know when the “dig” was compared to that date. The only weird thing about that purchase date is that I would have thought these chips were live back then. Maybe an under-the-table deal? It was the gambling world in Nevada, after all.
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My assumption on these not being from the dig was that they’re all in excellent shape, and as I understand it, all the chips from the dig have some sort of damage on them because they were poured into concrete.

If it helps, the documentation for these chips I have from the estate is the purchase date, and a Xerox copy of a check made out for the purchase (it’s to an individual). The purchase date was July 27, 1993.

I don’t know when the “dig” was compared to that date. The only weird thing about that purchase date is that I would have thought these chips were live back then. Maybe an under-the-table deal? It was the gambling world in Nevada, after all.
Best I can tell is your chips ceased being live around 1989. I imagine the casino sent them for "destruction" (a.k.a. thrown into a concrete pour somewhere) soon after, but an enterprising soul saw how nice and beautiful your 99 chips were and rescued them.
I sat at work all day thinking about how amazing this find is. So much admiration for @Windwalker in making this happen. It’s got to be the greatest single find ever. What other pictures do you have for us? Inquiring minds want to know.
Best I can tell is your chips ceased being live around 1989. I imagine the casino sent them for "destruction" (a.k.a. thrown into a concrete pour somewhere) soon after, but an enterprising soul saw how nice and beautiful your 99 chips were and rescued them.

That makes sense. The purchase record says 100. But there were only 99 in the lot. Lost somewhere in the shuffle, I suppose.
man I want to do a jay-z meme but I just don't have it in me this morning

"if you collect singles I feel bad for you son..."
Why? Now 99 other singles collectors have a chance to make their collection whole. Or maybe it’s about the value of the collection vs the completeness? Are these people collecting chips for passion or for a business? If it’s passion then it’s good, more chips for more collectors. If it’s because their business may lose a little of its value because supply or demand changed - well that’s just the nature of businesses and they should know it.
Why? Now 99 other singles collectors have a chance to make their collection whole. Or maybe it’s about the value of the collection vs the completeness? Are these people collecting chips for passion or for a business? If it’s passion then it’s good, more chips for more collectors. If it’s because their business may lose a little of its value because supply or demand changed - well that’s just the nature of businesses and they should know it.
I should have added a disclaimer that I'm just some clueless newbie/outsider with no dog in the fight, opinion, or even enough experience/knowledge to form an opinion. I see "99" and I meme. It's how my monkey brain works :LOL: :laugh:

I'm sure my comment will rustle some jimmies but I mean no harm, just being silly.
Prolly sent The Chip Board into a frenzy. But if Krish doesn’t sell then I don’t think it’ll have to much of a difference. If he sells them though I’d say the singles prices for these will promptly take a nose dive.
Just the confirmed existence will drive it downward. Just ask any singles guy. Just because someone “says” they’ll never sell doesn’t mean anything. People change their minds all the time.

well, f*uck. those are just about perfect.

Easily the best use of the Sam's Town $1s I've seen on this site. Pairing with that $5 is perfection.

Thanks, guys!

I agonized over the lineup for almost 18 months, the first time I acquired a Sam’s Town rack, and then decided I wanted to build a nice playable set around it.

I really wanted to get a yellow in every spot. The $25 was hard, because the only hotstamp’ed yellow that seemed available in quantity with a yellow was the Silver Star $25, but that would mean using that chip in both the SS set, as well as the mixed set, and that gave my OCD nightmares. I also knew that I wanted to use the Shy Clown hundo, so wasn’t necessarily thrilled about using a 3d14 pattern for both the $25 and the hundo.

So, I finally elected for a compromise: use either yellow or a shade of pink in every spot pattern, and if possible, both.

I also fiddled with the frac options for a long time. I originally went all meta with a yellow quarter and a hot pink $0.50, but that seemed impractical from a play standpoint, so finally opted for the blurple frac, which anchored the set more.

The set eventually came together when @ChaosRock helped complete the final missing rack, because I needed at least 2 racks of the $25s.

Finally, for the $500 — when they first surfaced on eBay, I really wanted to find a barrel of the Azure white 3ta $500 hot stamp that had both yellow and pink spots, but wasn’t really sure where those had all been distributed, and gave up that search a while ago.

I figured this blaze option was a rarer chip anyway. Only thing that doesn’t work about it is the repetitive 3d14 spot pattern to the hundo. If anyone has a barrel of those white 3ta $500, please hit me up.
Even if all chips indicidually are great, there is a small thing that would tilt me a bit in this mixed set : same shapes used in different chips and not following a logical order / progression
Great set though with very nice chips !
It should not have been easy to create a lineup with this frac too !
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Some examples of the chips in my purge sales #41 to #50, coming up in the next 48 hours. Making room for a new acquisition.

- complete 1000ct ESPT set
- giant high-roller 2100 ct ESST set
- King’s Casino $1s - mint
- Le Cove $20s and $500s - mint
- People’s Choice $5s (old school Vegas leaded, shaped inlay spotted red chips) - mint
- Empress Casino secondary $5s - mint
- Sundance West hot stamps, $5/$25 - mint
- Sam’s Town $1s
- Mizpah $5s and $25s
- Eddie’s Fabulous 50s $500s - mint
- Nevada Hotel & Casino $5s / $25s - old school Nevada leaded spotted chips, buttery and delicious
- Cali yellow $5s - leaded, hot stamped
- other fun leaded racks (ready for labels)
- various fracs
- a couple of very special old school leaded wet chip sets - mint
- and maybe more.

Stay tuned!

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