You know you're getting old when: (2 Viewers)

I’m happily retired in the US.

Shit doesn’t happen overnight. Patience is the key, maybe you think you’ve been around long enough to have “earned” what other people have. You haven’t, you just want to whine about why others have worked hard at jobs, relationships, and careers and have things you don’t. All of it takes work and dedication. You can’t sit at home wondering why the world is passing you by while you buy into marketing ads that say you should have a better life.
Putting minimal effort into anything yields minimal results. That’s a tip from an old man who had nothing when he came into this world. I didn’t settle for that or whine about it.
I did stuff about it.
That’s why I work hours at a job taking shifts 24/7 and even made my hobby a business. I was noting retiring in the US is not worth the money to me, some of my family member isn’t in the US due to that reason. I lived in a different country for 7 years and decided to retire there simply due to the climate, seasons, people, and low medical costs. Please at least try to know our opinions. Don’t publicly criticize like I made you mad. The bare minimum I do is dealing with BS like people who lie and return a different chip that’s worth much less. Again, I’ve got no time for BS bye.
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That’s why I work hours at a job taking shifts 24/7 and even made my hobby a business. I was noting retiring in the US is not worth the money to me, some of my family member isn’t in the US due to that reason. I lived in a different country for 7 years and decided to retire there simply due to the climate, seasons, people, and low medical costs. Please at least try to know our opinions. Don’t publicly criticize like I made you mad. The bare minimum I do is dealing with BS like people who lie and return a different chip that’s worth much less. Again, I’ve got no time for BS bye.
Hey, have you ever sought professional help? Seriously, the things you post here to complete strangers is a big red flag about your mental health. You may already be seeing somebody, and if so that is an excellent step, but the things you continuously post have some of us concerned. A lot of people will say “that’s just green chip being greenchip” but I’d sure hate for anything to happen to anyone on this site because somebody didn’t speak up. If you see something say something is a good motto to live by.
If you don’t need help, and you are just a person who want endless pity and despair, then just tell us that you are ok, you are just whiny and attention seeking. Then we can go about our business without worrying about the things you post.
Hey, have you ever sought professional help? Seriously, the things you post here to complete strangers is a big red flag about your mental health. You may already be seeing somebody, and if so that is an excellent step, but the things you continuously post have some of us concerned. A lot of people will say “that’s just green chip being greenchip” but I’d sure hate for anything to happen to anyone on this site because somebody didn’t speak up. If you see something say something is a good motto to live by.
If you don’t need help, and you are just a person who want endless pity and despair, then just tell us that you are ok, you are just whiny and attention seeking. Then we can go about our business without worrying about the things you post.
I’ve always enjoy chippin’ and trading w @greenchip!

Hopefully you (Shungo/@greenchip) are just venting…hope you get on the right track!!!
I’ve always enjoy chippin’ and trading w @greenchip!

Hopefully you (Shungo/@greenchip) are just venting…hope you get on the right track!!!
Do you know him well? Is it off track to assume he is asking for help in a subtle way by posting these things? It’s hard for some people to talk straight up so they talk around the problem - and sometimes it’s a real problem. They also can get defensive and lash out at those that are genuinely trying to give them the help and attention they so desperately need so it can be hard to say something to them. One or two comments about life generally sucks is ok, everyone does it. But this person continuously and regularly posts highly personal things that highlight their mental problems.

If he is just seeking attention, he should stop it, it’s annoying and all it gets is pity interactions, which may be what he want. But he is cluttering up our threads with the stupid whining and attention seeking a 5 year old would do.

If he seriously feels the way he continually posts then he really should get counseling. There are plenty of social services available if he cant afford it. He keeps posting about how hard he has to work but then he buys incredible amounts of singles for stupid prices. Hard to feel financial sorry for someone doing that.
and even made my hobby a business
So you are running a business here on PCF and you don’t pay for Vendor status or even supporting member status.
Sounds shady and scammy to me. Maybe you should look at your attitudes and actions before you accuse others of being seedy and deceitful. You are right there with them.
I’m happily retired in the US.

Shit doesn’t happen overnight. Patience is the key, maybe you think you’ve been around long enough to have “earned” what other people have. You haven’t, you just want to whine about why others have worked hard at jobs, relationships, and careers and have things you don’t. All of it takes work and dedication. You can’t sit at home wondering why the world is passing you by while you buy into marketing ads that say you should have a better life.
Putting minimal effort into anything yields minimal results. That’s a tip from an old man who had nothing when he came into this world. I didn’t settle for that or whine about it.
I did stuff about it.

Well Done Reaction GIF
having dealt with multiple 3 year olds on poop strikes during potty training, I am somewhat an expert in this area. Please PM for details and suggestions.
I’ve found the recipe for full send…. Looking at you bucket of prunes…

Trying to find the proper input to yield dog poop consistency now. I’m honestly jealous of my pups poops. They’re just so perfect and simple :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
I’ve found the recipe for full send…. Looking at you bucket of prunes…

Trying to find the proper input to yield dog poop consistency now. I’m honestly jealous of my pups poops. They’re just so perfect and simple :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Magnesium my friend. Cucumbers are an excellent source.
You know you have gotten old when you shake your fist at young folks, tell them how you worked your way through college, bought your house, never took out a car loan because you weren't lazy or self-entitled. Get a job! Oh, and it was MUCH harder to do back when you were starting out.

You have become really old when you actually start to believe that was true -=- DrStrange
You know you have gotten old when you shake your fist at young folks, tell them how you worked your way through college, bought your house, never took out a car loan because you weren't lazy or self-entitled. Get a job! Oh, and it was MUCH harder to do back when you were starting out.

You have become really old when you actually start to believe that was true -=- DrStrange
1978 worked at the shipyard. $5 an hour. $200 gross $153 clear. My father says $100 in bank $53 to me. I told him I was thinking $100 for me and $53 in the bank. He’s like no fucking way, and if your bank book is light you’ll be sorry . You’ll thank me. End of summer comes, passed road test got license and bought a cream puff Chevy off an old lady. 4 door that fit all my friends and we were off to the races.
In 1978, I was going for an Engineering degree at an in-state university. Texas A&M University. Tuition was $4 per credit hour. Call it $75 per semester. Cost more to get tickets to the football games etc. than to go to class.

Anyone from Texas could go to A&M with a high school diploma in 1978. Grades / academics from high school didn't matter. Most students failed to survive academically to become sophomores. Wasn't crazy to work summers to pay for the fall & spring semesters back then.

Legend could have had a thousand bucks from his summer job - $500 per semester. I think he might have been able to get a room in an unairconditioned dorm with a dinner only meal plan. Not the lap of luxury but a plausible way to get a good education.
Northeastern was a co op school. We went to school 6 months and worked a co op job for 6 months to pay for the next semester. It was the 5 year plan. It took me almost 6
If the Smashing Pumpkins song "1979" were released today, it would be called "2008"
In 1978, I was going for an Engineering degree at an in-state university. Texas A&M University. Tuition was $4 per credit hour. Call it $75 per semester. Cost more to get tickets to the football games etc. than to go to class.

Anyone from Texas could go to A&M with a high school diploma in 1978. Grades / academics from high school didn't matter. Most students failed to survive academically to become sophomores. Wasn't crazy to work summers to pay for the fall & spring semesters back then.

Legend could have had a thousand bucks from his summer job - $500 per semester. I think he might have been able to get a room in an unairconditioned dorm with a dinner only meal plan. Not the lap of luxury but a plausible way to get a good education.
I went to a Texas college in 1980, (West Texas State) same deal @ $4 per hour. My next door neighbor was from out of state and had to pay $40 an hour!!!! We were amazed his family could afford it.
I don't remember how much college cost. It cost $50 to take the SATs, and my family could not afford it.

I got a job working sanitation for $5 an hour.

The best education doesn't need to come from a university.
I don't remember how much college cost. It cost $50 to take the SATs, and my family could not afford it.

I got a job working sanitation for $5 an hour.

The best education doesn't need to come from a university.
At University of Toledo it was $680/quarter in '85. Room and board was a little over $2k for the year.
You know you are old when you search for things like “antique poker” or “vintage poker” and you are older than any of the products listed. They have shit from 1990 as antique for christs sake
College tuition memories of an actual old fart:

I got out of the army after eight years in 1974 and went back to school on the GI Bill (which paid me $365 each month) at Trenton State College and Rutgers University. Tuition back then up until to the end of 1977 was a flat rate of $350 per semester for "full-time" students. Taking them at their word, I carried 30 semester hours each semester (only 28 the first semester, since they didn't believe anyone in his right mind would want to do that) as a math/comp sci major.

That was really great, because it freed me to take courses like "Philosophy of the Natural Sciences" (most interesting course ever) and two semester-long Shakespeare seminars at Douglas College -- things that normal hard science majors never had time to take. When I finally decided to take my bachelor's, I had 240+ semester hours on the record. The BS required only 120, so I definitely got my money's worth...

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