Curiosity 97. How old?This came out of my can. Not sure if that’s a bad thing????
View attachment 659781
Curiosity 97. How old?This came out of my can. Not sure if that’s a bad thing????
View attachment 659781
July....Curiosity 97. How old?
If it's a highly dry hopped beer like an NEIPA, it's most likely just settled hop debris. As long as the beer itself tastes fine, there's not much in beer that can hurt you. Alcohol is great for killing almost any kind of nasties that might make their way into a beer. So while it might not be totally appetizing, just drink most of it carefully, and dump the bottom. Or throw caution to the wind and suck it all down!This came out of my can. Not sure if that’s a bad thing????
View attachment 659781
So, you can now get 3 Floyd’s in MD. How fricken awesome
View attachment 663140
I concurI much prefer Alpha King >>> Zombie Dust
Gotta disagree. Zombie!I concur
Yup. ZD > AK.Gotta disagree. Zombie!
Not a fan.
How was this? I find most of the larger distribution brewery hazeys to be a little lacking. It seems to be a style that is best in smaller batches. With some noticeable exceptions such as Toppling Goliath and Treehouse.
Really? Your first? Ever?
Really? Your first? Ever?
I still remember my first sour from many years ago. It was in a Sam Adams multi-pack. I loved the other 3 beers and I think I bought two cases. But the sour was an awful fruited lambic. Pure drain pour after the first sip, until my neighbor told me his wife actually liked the swill, so I gave them to him.
Thankfully a while later I tried a few more actually good ones. Now I'm a sour head. IPAs and sours make up about 90% of what I drink. If you ever make it to Wisconsin, go to New Glarus. Their Belgian Red and Cranberry Lambic are two of the best sours in the world, in my opinion. I serve the cranberry lambic in a champagne glass, and have had people believing that it was champagne! Light, sparkling, fruity and pleasantly sour, not mouth puckering.
Don't give up completely on sours. Keep trying them. Go to breweries that specialize in them and get tasters, so your not wasting your money on a full six pack from the store. The best sours are some the the best beers in the world.
How was this? I find most of the larger distribution brewery hazeys to be a little lacking. It seems to be a style that is best in smaller batches. With some noticeable exceptions such as Toppling Goliath and Treehouse.
I think it may be a difference in people's palates. My wife has commented on some sours that I have had her taste that they taste like vomit! LOL! I sorta see where she is coming from, but then I was that kid that when my grandmother was baking, I would steal the lemons from her and eat them. No sugar, just straight up lemons.Yes, truly my first sour. My son likes them and this is his favorite. I have actually toured the New Glarus brewery but stuck to Spotted Cow and whatever their IPA is.
The sour taste is really not for me - kinda like gastric reflux![]()