Poker Zombie
Royal Flush
They could take a cruise out of Seattle up to Alaska and kill two birds with one stone.
@Poker Zombie , this has probably been asked many times before so sorry, but you do do all your own art, right? So fucking impressive. Seriously, I have zero artistic skills and your set looks professional, it blows me away how many different things you have done with your characters. Much respect.
I was also going to ask whether it was an Indy car or an F1 car but I'm assuming since it's a world tour set it's going to be an F1 since Indy cars are raced primarily in America. Love that one though, probably my favorite so far.
The actual Zombies are the work of Brian Snoddy. Liz (Mrs Zombie) acquired all the original artwork for the boardgame "Give me the Brain" while she was working for (and continues to work for) the company that produces it - Cheapass Games. It was while demoing this game that I met her, hence the Zombie Poker Club.
We alter the artwork through photoshop. Coloring, adding and subtracting, etc. The F1 car is actually from the 1986 Monaco GP promotional poster.
As far as artistic talent goes - I'm Vanilla Ice. All samples, cleverly combined.
Since Liz grew up in Anchorage, and has family in Vancouver, a NW tour is entirely possible someday.