I thought she turned her phone over to authorities who confirmed the message was a Twitter DM from Bryan. Maybe I misheard thoughI don't think the message has been shown to have come from Bryan at all though. Where did you hear that from?
I thought she turned her phone over to authorities who confirmed the message was a Twitter DM from Bryan. Maybe I misheard thoughI don't think the message has been shown to have come from Bryan at all though. Where did you hear that from?
Believe the latter is most likely. Hacking is not likely; dictating much more so.Even if it appeared to be a Twitter DM from Bryan, it could have been someone else using his computer or phone, using/hacking his account, and/or telling him exactly what to write?
Dictated by Nick Vertucci...Believe the latter is most likely. Hacking is not likely; dictating much more so.
Even if it appeared to be a Twitter DM from Bryan, it could have been someone else using his computer or phone, using/hacking his account, and/or telling him exactly what to write?
Yes, it clearly looks like what he wrote was scripted to give the appearance that these two didn't know one another and couldn't have possibly been working together.
It looks PAINFULLY scripted between both parties to me, and I don't buy it for a second. But there seems to be plenty of people who need "hard proof" to believe all these ridiculous coincidences reveal that most likely there was a coordinated cheating ring involved here.
Are these the good guys or the slimey guys? Serious question, it’s hard to keep upWell, new drama. Wouldn't be surprised if Berkey has invested or other deals with RFID tech or security company. He's talked about getting a new table to test for someone.
I really hope it's that he stole 15 candy bars/baseball card packs and cheated on an ethics test in high school though
Very interesting developmentWell, new drama. Wouldn't be surprised if Berkey has invested or other deals with RFID tech or security company. He's talked about getting a new table to test for someone.
I really hope it's that he stole 15 candy bars/baseball card packs and cheated on an ethics test in high school though
Well you must know that Vertucci is the good guy. His game is facing a serious cheating accusation and one of the employees was caught stealing. But he's just looking out for the poker community with this special podcast about Berkey , he isn't deflecting at all.Are these the good guys or the slimey guys? Serious question, it’s hard to keep up
So we got the slimy bunch and the good guys, and now it looks like the good guys are splitting up into the good guys and the other slimy bunch.Well you must know that Vertucci is the good guy. His game is facing a serious cheating accusation and one of the employees was caught stealing. But he's just looking out for the poker community with this special podcast about Berkey , he isn't deflecting at all.
Well, new drama. Wouldn't be surprised if Berkey has invested or other deals with RFID tech or security company. He's talked about getting a new table to test for someone.
I really hope it's that he stole 15 candy bars/baseball card packs and cheated on an ethics test in high school though
Well, new drama. Wouldn't be surprised if Berkey has invested or other deals with RFID tech or security company. He's talked about getting a new table to test for someone.
I really hope it's that he stole 15 candy bars/baseball card packs and cheated on an ethics test in high school though
He deleted the tweet lol
Sounds like the airing of grievances.Someone points out to HCL potential flaws in a security system without actually acusing anyone of anything and HCL owner alludes to discrediting information on the person pointing out the security flaws without saying actually anything …..
Hmmm. This strategy sounds so familiar.
I bet Vertucci knows more about streaming security than anyone. Trust me. Very stable…
FWIW I’ve seen wouldnt not written maybe as many as 8-10 times in informal business communication (emails) or documentation. It’s more likely than you’d think that someone who is not skilled at all in writing puts 2 similar terms like that in a doc in stream of conscious writing.I'm an English teacher. I've been teaching high school English for approximately 12 years now. I also taught English as a second language in South Korea for 3 years prior to that. I can't even fathom how many paragraphs, essays, stories, tests, etc. I have marked in my lifetime. I have never seen "wouldn't not" even with all of my English as a second language students. I've also never seen it in my day to day reading outside of work. Take that for whatever it is worth.
Since I'm posting, I might as well ask all the people who are arguing that she misread her hand and thought she had J3 (after staring at it for at least 10 seconds on the river with the 4 on the bottom of her hole cards) and that she just amazingly had no reaction when it was turned over (I've never seen someone not react in even the slightest way to a misread hand like this ever), and that she simply didn't want to look foolish at the moment on a live stream so she word-vomited a bunch of crap to save face - why the hell would she not simply stick to the "true story" that she misread her hand afterwards once everything blew up over the internet? Is your argument that she is simply that self-centered and/or dumb to not just tell the truth? Honestly curious. She doesn't seem the brightest, but is it really better to lie when all of this is blowing up online instead of just admitting she brain-farted?
For the record, I'm undecided on if she cheated, but there are a hell of a lot of strange coincidences that are very hard to ignore in this situation.
It would be awesome if statisticians used paragraphs too. Reading these actually makes me wince."No more likely under the theory that they cheated than they are under the theory that they didn't cheat" ??? Either you're trolling now, or you have a remarkable inability to process information.
Every single crazy twist and turn this story has taken over the past 2 weeks has absolutely increased the likelihood of cheating having actually occurred (as if the hand itself wasn't already enough to determine this with a high likelihood). This is Bayesian statistics living out right before your very eyes. If your Bayesian prior was 50/50 she cheated/didn't, then it just got bumped way the fuck up when Bryan was caught stealing $15k from Robbi's stack (and no one else's). It also got bumped up when Bryan was heard letting out a yell the moment he saw her giving the money back to Garrett. It also got bumped up when you see her and Rip gesturing and mouthing things to each other at the table. It also got bumped up with we saw that Bryan has a criminal record that includes at least one count of robbery. It also got bumped up when Robbi revealed that she was caught stealing a necklace from Macy's a few months before her 18th birthday. It also got bumped up when Robbi flip-flopped on her explanation for why she played the hand the way she did. It also got bumped WAY the fuck up when she reaches for her mic shortly after the hand and says, "just testing" with an inquisitive vocal inflection that suggests she is attempting to communicate with someone on the other end of the mic to ensure she is being heard correctly. It also gets bumped way up when shortly after the hands are tabled and everyone is talking about what happened, Rip says, "it's almost like there was some voice from outer space telling you to call there, haha". It also got bumped up when we learned that Robbi was caught trying to angle shoot her $5k buyin by not paying for it in the session with Julie Yorn just 2 days prior. And so much more. The list goes on and on. Each of these actions increases the likelihood that she was in fact cheating. Statisticians refer to this as "informing the prior".
It’s easier to just ignore that oneReading these actually makes me wince.
Nick was actually on Berkey's podcast earlier, had watched the very end of him on it and meant to rewatch it later.Well, Nitucci is going to be on the Only Friends pod today in ~10 minutes. Pretty solid thumbnail work having the deleted message up. The whole tweet would have been slightly better.
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Anything interesting or just more peacocking?Nick was actually on Berkey's podcast earlier, had watched the very end of him on it and meant to rewatch it later.
Nick was actually on Berkey's podcast earlier, had watched the very end of him on it and meant to rewatch it later.
I haven't followed this thread the last week, so I'm a bit late here but to those who belive her when she said she thought she had J3 and not J4 must somehow ignore that she looks at her hole cards for 14 seconds as Garret mentioned in his report on 2+2.