Have we finally reached market saturation?? (2 Viewers)

I think Tigers have stalled sales in the short term. We also got both chip room and NAGB sales at least once a year now so think you might be on to something.

Can't wait for the next NAGB so boat chips start lowering in price. ;)
The desire is always there.

The government isn’t giving out any more free money for a couple of months yet.

The people that have collected and accumulated all the free money from people spending it on nonessentials aren’t interested in poker chips yet, they are buying electric cars and land now.
Same question someone asks every month.

Classifieds are filled with people selling the same chips that are higher than historical prices and bump forever.

People can Stan for Jim as much as they want, but since I’ve been a member he lists at what he can sell everything at, not to help chippers. If eBay or somewhere else was a better business decision, that’s where he’d be. Jumers were mint Paulsons, they were also the most boring with what has to be an objectively horrendous label (no one even knew wtf they said or were) so they continue to sit in resales at that $2 mark. His recent sale was for solids, the “great deal” was for T set with solids except one spotted T100 that looks like a dice chip :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

We just had Tigers that were sold brilliantly, they were sold at the tippy top of their potential market, but now we’re on sale #18 of them. Multiple denoms have been resold by chippers at a loss.

We just forever continue to trudge forward. From here on out, there will always be great chips for sale. When people snap buy some sets for $10k, everyone that lists their Outposts or LCOs or Tonks or Mardi Gras are going to list for an insane price hoping to catch a whale.

So sure, classifieds are full of great chips and sets. I wouldn’t want to be a new chipper starting today.

(No negative tone above, it’s just the same question we see on a constant basis, goes hand in hand with the “is there a GB happening?! Look at all these chips!” weekly comments)
So sure, classifieds are full of great chips and sets. I wouldn’t want to be a new chipper starting today.

There are so many options for new chippers now that weren’t available even two years ago it’s incredible. Numerous RHC sales, numerous THC sales, cards molds, vintage chips out of the woodwork everywhere, hot stamps, inlay replacement, overstamping, hole filling, spa renovating, etc….. it’s an incredible time for a new chipper.
Maybe by your standards it’s not great, but it’s light years ahead of where it was when this site was created. That was a terrible time to be a new chipper, with very few options and very few sellers and EVERYONE was your competitor for anything.
Classifieds are full of nice chips for sale,
Aftermaths of Tiger, Inflation, extra expenses needed now that travelling is a thing again & did I mention Tiger

& flippers ( some regular plus some new flipper)
Jim lowers some prices during a sale to move chips
I believe he lowered the price when IOC have 3 set remaining and T5 IOC at 12 set remaining, he prob did it that fast so he can sell the remaining few sets so he can move to the Diamond Jack secondary sales this coming week.

T5 IOC breakdown is pretty horrible and added to the fact that T5 is hardly a popular T-format in the first place meaning it's not everyone first choices out of the multi options available this time round.

Most of the popular options are sold out within first min and by the 5th min all the popular options are sold out

title says, are we at market saturation point??
Nope, I don't think we will ever reach that point unless we had any great financial market crash / depression
I am getting priced out of my hobby. Getting harder to find deals. I used to just stay under a dollar a chip, when I first started. Made the jump to 2 -3 dollars a chip, but I just can't make the next jump. Sure, I still go after higher priced items, but in general, my interest is fading
There are so many options for new chippers now that weren’t available even two years ago it’s incredible. Numerous RHC sales, numerous THC sales, cards molds, vintage chips out of the woodwork everywhere, hot stamps, inlay replacement, overstamping, hole filling, spa renovating, etc….. it’s an incredible time for a new chipper.
Maybe by your standards it’s not great, but it’s light years ahead of where it was when this site was created. That was a terrible time to be a new chipper, with very few options and very few sellers and EVERYONE was your competitor for anything.
I’ll agree, my statement there was subjective.

My comment was based just on my experience. A very short time ago, I could have whatever I wanted. I had access to outposts, LCOs, tonks, Mardi Gras, aransas, SBs, matsuis, Bud Jones, BCCs, Roadhouse all for accessible pricing.

I’m not talking about the heyday back when people had what chips for pennis, I’m talking about recent history after I joined.

Now we have to deal with all our collectors posting things like the MG listing - “final price at $4 a chip with a horrendous breakdown or these go back in the vault”.

Or test the waters with the latest GB or ChipRoom sale - the former will be shrouded in secrecy and ambiguous language, the latter is a crapshoot on what you get and condition.

Everyone will always disagree on when are the “bad times” and “good times”, but the great thing is is that the times are always changing!

I do hope everyone enjoys chipping! If nothing else, my actions support my opinions. I sold everything off at fair pricing and got out of chipping. Now I just need to figure out how to set it up so I don’t see classifieds.
Feels that way (that we have reached saturation). We have had a massive supply of minty Paulsons in the past 6mo at almost peak pricing, which is causing buyers fatigue. That overhang is going to take a while to clear. Market is saturated or over-extended?

On the back of this, classifieds are full of abandoned projects, RHC sets that were offered only 12mo ago by TCR and bait that people can’t trade out of.
On the other hand there is still a whole “segment of chips” that aren’t showing up in the classifieds: the old school, shaped inlay Paulsons and TRKs.

Classifieds have been pretty “dull” for a while imo…
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Classifieds have been pretty “dull” for a while imo…

So they are full of crap nobody wants and they just sit there? Maybe that’s the slowdown, there’s only crap for sale? If we had better more exciting classifieds then sales would take off?
So they are full of crap nobody wants and they just sit there? Maybe that’s the slowdown, there’s only crap for sale? If we had better more exciting classifieds then sales would take off?

that’s just my opinion as clearly stated, and I described the classifieds as « dull » not cr*p lol it’s dull to me because it’s always the same stuff that comes up for sale.
the latter is a crapshoot on what you get and condition.
I sense some grumpiness toward the chip room, and I’m not sure it’s fair. Yes, the used Indiana Grand primary $5s were definitely a shitshow because some people got barely used $5s and some people got heavily used $5s. But I’ve followed the chip room sales pretty closely over the years, and that’s the only time I can remember where the used chips pictured were in noticeably better condition than the used chips that some people received. And I’m sure he would have accepted returns from people who weren’t satisfied. So I’m willing to give the guy a one time pass on that one.
We have had a massive supply of minty Paulsons in the past 6mo at almost peak pricing, which is causing buyers fatigue.
Assuming you’re talking about the tigers, I wonder how much of an affect they’ve had. I think there’s a tiny percentage of chippers who shell out for those things. Yeah, you’re talking about A LOT of money coming out of the deepest pockets. But I think for the vast majority of us, those things just sort of soar above our heads and don’t really affect much.
Maybe by your standards it’s not great, but it’s light years ahead of where it was when this site was created. That was a terrible time to be a new chipper, with very few options and very few sellers and EVERYONE was your competitor for anything.
True, and even though there were much fewer "everyone"s back then.... there was a lot less "anything"s to chase.
I sense some grumpiness toward the chip room, and I’m not sure it’s fair.
0 grumpiness, I’m *STOKED* to have near mint chips from my home casino at a reasonable price.

I just think the level of mob mentality/echo chamber here is a bit over the top, I guess you could say some level of grumpiness - but with the membership not with TCR.

Not saying anything or anyone is objectively right or wrong, but the wording and understanding is muddled at best. If someone else sold chips in the same way, they’d be crucified. Sale listing doesn’t mention that chips vary in condition wildly, so much so that the market value of your purchase can be in the range of $1000s different than someone else’s. It also doesn’t say that chips are a specific condition, so that makes it okay was the opposing argument.

In every other interaction I’ve ever had or seen, that wouldn’t remotely fly. Yet it’s not to be said or discussed publicly. Again, I’m all for Jim and 100% believe he’d take care of any issue - that’s not what I have qualms with. It’s the different rules for different vendors, sellers, chippers, modding, etc. based on….idk what.
I think there’s a tiny percentage of chippers who shell out for those things. Yeah, you’re talking about A LOT of money coming out of the deepest pockets. But I think for the vast majority of us, those things just sort of soar above our heads and don’t really affect much.
This is so spot on!

I know we can't picture it now, but it's mad to think that they'll be a flurry of people rushing to sell their Tigers in a couple of years' time once the next much-better-than-average NAGB surfaces.
There are so many options for new chippers now that weren’t available even two years ago it’s incredible. Numerous RHC sales, numerous THC sales, cards molds, vintage chips out of the woodwork everywhere, hot stamps, inlay replacement, overstamping, hole filling, spa renovating, etc….. it’s an incredible time for a new chipper.
Maybe by your standards it’s not great, but it’s light years ahead of where it was when this site was created. That was a terrible time to be a new chipper, with very few options and very few sellers and EVERYONE was your competitor for anything.
It’s never been tougher to sell chips on the secondary market.
Forgot that part. Again, everyone’s response will be completely subjective, but I call bullshit.

I just sold 20,000ish chips. That ranged from $20 a rack up to premium racks.

All of that during a huge Buyers market while everyone was dropping everything for Tigers. Selling a mass amount of chips at the worst possible time and didn’t even have to take any huge losses.

Are there very specific chips that instasell and others that might be difficult to move, sure. But it being “tough” to sell chips? My subjective response is this forum is filled with jackwagons and poker players who have to win every transaction, which leads to stale classifieds and refusals to be flexible in sales.
There are so many options for new chippers now that weren’t available even two years ago it’s incredible. Numerous RHC sales, numerous THC sales, cards molds, vintage chips out of the woodwork everywhere, hot stamps, inlay replacement, overstamping, hole filling, spa renovating, etc….. it’s an incredible time for a new chipper.
100% agree. I think for a new chipper or someone who like everything, it’s a great time.

For those of the new chippers who develop specific tastes and gravitate towards the universally accepted “better” chips, whelp, they’re fucked.
Sales have been slow for a long time now imo. I’m surprised anyone even had money for tigers with the way things were looking. That was a temporary uptick of action and liveliness. Back to the same slow it was before. Publicly anyways…
On the other hand there is still a whole “segment of chips” that aren’t showing up in the classifieds: the old school, shaped inlay Paulsons and TRKs.
Lol how many people even have them to sell if they wanted to anymore
Forgot that part. Again, everyone’s response will be completely subjective, but I call bullshit.

I just sold 20,000ish chips. That ranged from $20 a rack up to premium racks.

All of that during a huge Buyers market while everyone was dropping everything for Tigers. Selling a mass amount of chips at the worst possible time and didn’t even have to take any huge losses.

Are there very specific chips that instasell and others that might be difficult to move, sure. But it being “tough” to sell chips? My subjective response is this forum is filled with jackwagons and poker players who have to win every transaction, which leads to stale classifieds and refusals to be flexible in sales.
+1 just last week I bought and sold a fair amount of chips. I’m smart and fair in both my buying and selling. Goes a long way if you have reasonable expectations of the market.
never been tougher to sell chips
One of my hobbies is digging for chips we never see anymore. There were many times in the past where chips were bumped for weeks on end that we could never imagine today.

We just came out of a period of money printing where anything listed was sold within seconds if it was even halfway decent. So it’s a stark contrast.
I know we can't picture it now, but it's mad to think that they'll be a flurry of people rushing to sell their Tigers in a couple of years' time once the next much-better-than-average NAGB surfaces.
"Going through my fourth divorce and need to sell; these just happen to always coincide with each new NAGB. Mint btw."
Feels that way (that we have reached saturation). We have had a massive supply of minty Paulsons in the past 6mo at almost peak pricing, which is causing buyers fatigue. That overhang is going to take a while to clear. Market is saturated or over-extended?

On the back of this, classifieds are full of abandoned projects, RHC sets that were offered only 12mo ago by TCR and bait that people can’t trade out of.
On the other hand there is still a whole “segment of chips” that aren’t showing up in the classifieds: the old school, shaped inlay Paulsons and TRKs.

Classifieds have been pretty “dull” for a while imo…
My wanted ads tho have been fire

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