This thread. Hella fun to read!
68 degrees with a stiff breeze
.... hearing my Mustang roar as I shift 5th to 6th....
Umm, if it roars going into sixth, that means you missed the shift.
Either that, or it's your wife roaring 'cuz you're doing 85 in a school zone.
Things that make me Happy thread
This view:
So, my mother-in-law purchased the house (from which I am standing on the deck taking this pic) back in the mid 60's. The house is 2 houses from the beach on Long Beach Island, NJ. My wife would spend many summers and off-season weekends here, and would describe this place as heaven. When I met my wife, we would come up here on the weekends. My wife has a huge family, and on any given weekend, different family members would come and hang out. I fell in love with this beach quickly, and would give anything to have a house here.
In 2005, my in-laws health started to decline, and they could no longer maintain the property. The house was sold, and my in-laws moved in with us. The house was sold to a cousin, but he didn't give family any discounts on rent (and grossly over-charged rent). He sold the house a few days before hurricane Sandy rolled through.
Amazingly, the house took no damage from the storm. Some of the houses next to us could not say the same. The house on the water looks to have been completely rebuilt.
After an 11 year hiatus from LBI, we decided to come back for vacation this year. While looking for rentals, my wife found her house, and quickly contacted the owner. We were able to secure the house for the week, and it was been a great week so far.
The beaches here are so different than the MD beaches. The sand is finer, the atmosphere better, and there are not 100s of people crowded around. I now have to agree with my wife, that this has to be what heaven is like. This is now my happy place, and couldn't think of any place better to be.
We have the grandson for a couple of days.
Peppered Turkey![]()
* Poker chips, yours and mine (Yepp, still)
* All of you friends here
* Being fit
* Eating healthy
* Gym, running, badminton
* Having sex (with women)
* Cuddling and kissing (also with women)
* Fly fishing
* Beer
* Whiskey
* Snowboarding
* Vacations and traveling
* Good music
* Own apartment
* My job
* Mr friends here
* New Nike Air Force 1 shoes (every time I get a new pair)
* My parents, family and relatives
Our son Ben has been jamming on one for a year or so now, even taking lessons. It's not so bad, but I do hear some sour notes! Last night like many, I just ask him to stop around 9:45.I'll move this to the bullshit thread about a week after Christmas, but I just got Trey (10 years old) an electric guitar.