72 Hours of Bagpipes - Wellness Check? (8 Viewers)

Is it possible...that they just really like bagpipes and techno?

Maybe the husband or some other person (e.g. a parent) has dementia or something and the music calms them?

Or this is a marital spat that has spiraled out of control? Each is blasting music in their respective rooms until the other person backs down over something. Or moves out? I could see Valentines Day triggering them to up the ante.

Maybe her wild eyes were embarrassment that they had annoyed the neighbors enough that one came over to talk? But not so embarrassed she has turned it off?

I'm speculating wildly here, but looking for a reasonable basis for the behavior that does not involve a psychotic break.

Frankly (ha, ha), I would probably visit them again and directly address the noise complaint and ask them to turn down or off the music.
techno viking GIF
Is it possible...that they just really like bagpipes and techno?

Maybe the husband or some other person (e.g. a parent) has dementia or something and the music calms them?

Or this is a marital spat that has spiraled out of control? Each is blasting music in their respective rooms until the other person backs down over something. Or moves out? I could see Valentines Day triggering them to up the ante.

Maybe her wild eyes were embarrassment that they had annoyed the neighbors enough that one came over to talk? But not so embarrassed she has turned it off?

I'm speculating wildly here, but looking for a reasonable basis for the behavior that does not involve a psychotic break.

Frankly (ha, ha), I would probably visit them again and directly address the noise complaint and ask them to turn down or off the music.
You might be right about all that! But I'd still connect a lot of that to some type of breakdown lol, maybe not murder. Id knock and address it but I'm putting out other fires and will be out of town the whole next week; if its still going after that then I'll try mentioning something again.

Its not the noise that bugs me, its just the eerie feeling that something is happening/terribly wrong. Might just be the fact that I love horror movies, but it just seems off.
1. Police are our local authority, I might call again but last time they told me nothing would come of it other than lowering the music. I dont mind the tunes too much, cant hear them inside, but its just creepy!
2. I'd lose. This house is bricked up and they've already got two dramatically different music types going, no shot a 3rd type will phase them lol
Who said it has to be music?

Most municipalities have a code enforcement officer, sometimes called a zoning enforcement officer, often the same person as the building inspector. If your town has a noise ordinance, you could try to get him/her involved.

If it continues, I would actually file a formal complaint. I believe when that happens, they are forced to investigate at least a little.

I would also go over again (preferably with a friend or other neighbor). If necessary, say that you are trying to avoid filing a police report, but that this is simply unacceptable.
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Feel like a noir detective. Car has been leaving each day but music still plays. Haven't knocked since or seen them, windows closed but light is on. Confirmed with the school shes been going to work but no one has seen the man of the house. Techno beats got louder or the bass got turned up, yard has slight vibrations from it.
Also, what did I just read?

If you’re gonna resurrect me from the dead, give me *something* to work with.

At this rate, admins should start paying for schills like me to come back and post.

Oh wait, I hear my neighbors music if I’m outside my house, let me go see if the wife knows how to use our home protector. BRB!
Also, what did I just read?

If you’re gonna resurrect me from the dead, give me *something* to work with.

At this rate, admins should start paying for schills like me to come back and post.

Oh wait, I hear my neighbors music if I’m outside my house, let me go see if the wife knows how to use our home protector. BRB!
Always a pleasure! I'm just annoyed I didn't think to tag you myself, oversight for sure.
Pretty sure this is just @MrCatPants having a poker game. No need to worry.
So actually - there is a guy in my game who played in a bagpipe band! He's the one I originally inherited my player group from.

I've tried to peer pressure him into playing bagpipes for us but no dice ‐ the best we got him to do was show us a video.

I'm usually good at getting people to display their talents, but not him.

He moved out of state years ago and I don't hear from him much anymore. I think he and his wife have been having some problems and a lot of stress at work. He has a high publishing requirement in his job in higher ed.

I wonder I'd should text him, see how he's doing.
So actually - there is a guy in my game who played in a bagpipe band! He's the one I originally inherited my player group from.

I've tried to peer pressure him into playing bagpipes for us but no dice ‐ the best we got him to do was show us a video.

I'm usually good at getting people to display their talents, but not him.

He moved out of state years ago and I don't hear from him much anymore. I think he and his wife have been having some problems and a lot of stress at work. He has a high publishing requirement in his job in higher ed.

I wonder I'd should text him, see how he's doing.
Just a shot in the dark: does he have a type of sleeping disorder? No wonder he didn't want to play for you guys, he'd pass right out.

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