Here's my take (not that I need to justify myself):
You have a person who veers away from poker (according to the OP), and decides to liquidate his massive hoard of chips (we're are all very excited at this). Then you have the OP who graciously agrees to assist with selling these chips to the fine folks here on PCF. OP's plan (from my understanding), is to list these chips in lots/groups to help sell off the owner's chips. Some of these lots have already sold.
This is a for-sale classified. This in no way resembles any group buy I have ever seen, and very much resembles most classified ads I've seen (even for massive sets/collections)..
As stated already by myself and Tommy, a group buy typically involves a group of individuals working together to purchase a bunch of X, using mass buying power or just organizing an order to meet minimums from various vendors. Generally, the community has input into how the purchase progresses. There have been many examples of people selling off chip collections, and they never called it a "group buy". People just call it a classified ad. It's like the argument of porn vs art... You just know porn when you see it.
Once the thread is moved (by me), the OP argues that there's a cool factor associated with the GB subforum, and wanted his listing posted there. There are several arguments made why this should happen... such as that unless all of the sets are spoken for, none of the sets will sell (is this really the case), Do those who have purchased sets already have some contingency that these sets are not actually up for sale unless all the remaining sets in the entire collection also sell? There is also the argument that everyone has now saved 25% off these chips because of this massive buying power of the group? 25% off what? Not for me to say. I do know the OP has graciously stepped up to make this sale happen, and that many in the community are grateful.
Despite these arguments, this sale just "feels" like a classified ad to me, and Tommy has posted like-wise as well. When someone reported the thread, indicated it probably belonged in the classifieds, I looked at it and agreed. Thread moved, not a big deal. Not sure why it is a big deal? There was no subversive plot to undermine the sale, or to dredge up some old overly-hashed out GB vs. WTS arguments from some old thread. However, there just might be black helicopters circling your house right now...? (ha, made you stop and listen for a sec).
If you still have questions about staff actions, please refer to the
If you are genuinely concerned about defining a GB or want clarification, I'd suggest a PM to Tommy (and not arguing with site staff in a thread). I'd also like an explanation of why it's so important to have this listed as a GB? Is there some status or benefit in this?
I'm genuine scratching my head trying to figure out what the big deal is all about. Like I said, threads get moved around all the time. Sounds like there were some pre-existing GB vs WTS issued harbored in the community.