I heard something interesting about the whole FTX thing that kind of relates to chips. It seems far fetched to have a valuation of 32B. What they did with their native token of FTT was create a bunch of tokens (250M) but only offer up for sale some of them, like 1 million tokens for example. By creating a market with thin liquidity the price per token trends upwards.
Say for example those 1 million FTT tokens reach a price of $75/ea. Then what FTX did was mark down the remaining 249 million tokens at $75/ea. on their balance sheet. This was a clever way to puff up their balance sheet despite there likely not being a real market for all the FTT tokens in existence. IF they did release all the tokens at once then the price would have been much lower.
I thought of the example as it relates to chips. Just because a single sells on
eBay for $100 and you happen to have 4 racks of those chips it doesn't mean you have $40,000 worth of chips.