Chip Values (1 Viewer)

Lying Episode 17 GIF by Law & Order
That never came out of my mouth. But in the situation I referenced, what am I to do. Where do I turn?

It looks like @BNads86 and @upNdown are the go to guys for the pricing. At least they are the ones who police it so they should know all the values of all the chips. I’m still waiting in the other thread for their “values” so I can know what to sell my stuff for.
This is part of my point. I messaged a seller in a FB group last night. He sent me to his list of available chips (singles) and told me to send him back a list of the ones I wanted with a 1 time offer. He stated he would only accept or reject 1 time and that's it. My problem is, I go online, say to eBay (only other place than here I know to look) and the chips I wanted each have sold for 0.99 up to 10.00 or so. Other listing have each chip at 20 -75 and have been listed over and over. I don't know what to offer him. So I send an offer of 4-5 per chip. Then I basically get told I'm trying to lowball him and now I'm out a chance to buy any of them.
Some sellers are going to be easier to deal with than others. And to @ekricket point, if they haven’t actually listed things for sale, you should try not to think of them as sellers - they’re probably hobbiests who have better things to do. Sometimes they’ll interact with you like that Facebook guy, and sometimes they’ll be like me and just simply ask for what they paid.

The overarching point here is that this isn’t an easy hobby. So I hear you, but you just need to educate yourself, and/or find some trusted help.

One good resource for pricing, especially singles, is Spinettis. They have an actual retail store in Vegas, as well as a website. So I expect their prices to be higher than what I’d expect to pay here. And single prices are sometimes significantly different from rack prices. But it’s another reference to get you in the ballpark.
So, smallish rant here from a complete newb. Browsing the classifieds I come across a wanted ad where 2 member are virtually going at each other because the OP did not list in the ad exactly what he wanted and what price he was willing to pay. This now poses a question for the chipping Gods here on PCF.

If there are parts to my set that I need to find. Say fracs for example (seems like a lot of people looking for these). What do I post if I don't know what it is that I want. I don't know the difference between THC, RHC, SCV, WHTC. I have no idea where pricing comes from on chips. Some 1s and 5s sell for 1-2 each where others sell for 20+. What do us new guys do? And why snap at eachother because someone asked a question out of ignorance. It may be a dumb question, but if I don't know, I don't know.

So far I have had GREAT experiences on PCF, and can see the family/brotherhood aspect where most everyone looks out for and helps out others Let's keep it that way. Now, with that being said help me understand and learn. Please.

Rant over
But in all semi-seriousness, what @Josh Kifer said and what @Rieguy said.
It probably a lot for newbie to understand and know the difference in chips and pricing at the start.

There’s no short cut, you need to read/learn along the way to get a better understanding of the hobby.

Knowing a few more experienced chippers will help picked up the learning process when u have questions

We are living in such a fast pace environment nowadays that most people just getting too used to finding information within seconds
It looks like @BNads86 and @upNdown are the go to guys for the pricing. At least they are the ones who police it so they should know all the values of all the chips. I’m still waiting in the other thread for their “values” so I can know what to sell my stuff for.
Yes. Come to me for the prices on chips I’m offering to sell.

You could have said “I paid $140 for this rack.” But you came across as impatient and annoyed and as somebody who was looking to profit. Which is fine. You do you. But I just can’t imagine why you’re surprised or offended or why you even care about the reactions you get.
I had to unblock and unignore some people just to follow this tasty thread

Gosh I hope it wasn’t me. That would be devastating, to learn that some of the most virtuous and highly regarded PCF members might have me blocked. I would fret and cry for days if I felt like that was happening. I’m always trying to be with the”it” crowd, and I’m always in awe of your ability to be in the “cool kids club”.
checking previous post history to see if I'll be missing out on anything of substance by using the ignore button for the first time.........

nope! looks like we're good to go
Yes. Come to me for the prices on chips I’m offering to sell.

You could have said “I paid $140 for this rack.” But you came across as impatient and annoyed and as somebody who was looking to profit. Which is fine. You do you. But I just can’t imagine why you’re surprised or offended or why you even care about the reactions you get.

You are going to have to show me were I came off as a flipper. I reminded him it was HIS ad and asked what HIS offer was in HIS WANTED AD.
checking previous post history to see if I'll be missing out on anything of substance by using the ignore button for the first time.........

nope! looks like we're good to go

lol, now you have to unblock this just to see what I said. lol.
I had to unblock and unignore some people just to follow this tasty thread
Well, thanks for joining the party.
There’s no short cut, you need to read/learn along the way to get a better understanding of the hobby.

We are living in such a fast pace environment nowadays that most people just getting too used to finding information within seconds
There obviously is not a short cut. Not that I can find anyway. True statement about having nearly the world of knowledge at our fingertips. You know if you read it on the internet, it has to be 100% true.

Most of yall are saying essentially the same thing, some in their own smart-ass way (which I totally get, and can appreciate). So don't be shocked when a PM pops up in your notifications from some new guy in Mississippi asking dumb questions.

@Josh Kifer and @inapinch have both been more than gracious in chatting and educating me. Can't thank them enough.
You are going to have to show me were I came off as a flipper. I reminded him it was HIS ad and asked what HIS offer was in HIS WANTED AD.
I didn’t mean to call you a flipper. I’m just saying that the only reason not to speak first in a negotiation is to maximize your profit (or minimize your loss.) And like I said, fine, sell how you want.
Yay for you. Nobody is more virtuous on this site than you. At least that’s what you tell us constantly.
Ayo, you're the one talking like you're offering a helping hand by finding some chips in your closet and selling them to a new player. I didn't say I was virtuous, I said there's more ways to help someone other than selling them racks you don't use.
I didn’t mean to call you a flipper. I’m just saying that the only reason not to speak first in a negotiation is to maximize your profit (or minimize your loss.) And like I said, fine, sell how you want.

Thanks for the permission. I’ll make sure to ask you first next time before I offer chips to someone asking for them in a wanted ad.
Ayo, you're the one talking like you're offering a helping hand by finding some chips in your closet and selling them to a new player.

What would you call responding to someone who asks about chips and showing them the same chips they are asking about?

So in your eyes the people that didn’t respond are the ones helping out. Figures.
Honestly, me and the guy that wanted the nickels were on the path to getting a deal done. He made an offer, I would have counter offered, and in the end we both would have been happy with some kind of agreement. Negotiation I believe the word is called.

But thanks to @BNads86, @upNdown, and a couple others this deal has been derailed and the original poster looking for the nickels is SOL. If you guys call that helping a newbie then I’d hate to see what you call screwing one out of a potential deal. Because that’s what your little derail and rants caused.
I'm new to the chip world too. I'd say do your fair share of research so you dont get taken advantage of but at the end of the day just go with what your comfortable with for what you want.

If you don't know the difference between the molds, materials, and all that then you have some more reading to do. And you need a variety of samples so you know what your comparing against each other. Thats how you know what the value is. Cause theres no way I'm personally ever buying a $800 rack of any denom/brand/edgespot. But I know there are people that will.
didn’t mean to call you a flipper. I’m just saying that the only reason not to speak first in a negotiation is to maximize your profit (or minimize your loss.) And like I said, fine, sell how you want.

I’m still trying to understand this.

So by your logic, the person who responds to the wanted ad should put themselves at a disadvantage first? They aren’t actively selling anything, why would they put themselves at a disadvantage for no reason? Is this how you sell chips?

I don’t see this as anything but for what it is - a made up reason to bash me for some tone - that didn’t exist - that you read into a post.
I’m still trying to understand this.

So by your logic, the person who responds to the wanted ad should put themselves at a disadvantage first? They aren’t actively selling anything, why would they put themselves at a disadvantage for no reason? Is this how you sell chips?

I don’t see this as anything but for what it is - a made up reason to bash me for some tone - that didn’t exist - that you read into a post.

Don’t ask me how I sell chips - I always sell them to PCFers my cost. If you recall, you got a good deal from me on a rack of those casino royale 8Vs a couple years back. I don’t expect everybody to sell the way I do, but you asked.

But yes, I did stick my nose where it didn’t belong this morning, because of your tone. If you really think that tone didn’t exist, why else do you imagine we’re here right now?
And like I said previously, your tone was impatient and annoyed. Which would seem more defensible if you were doing the guy a favor. But since you demanded he name a price and refused to be low-balled, it didn’t seem like favors were forthcoming.
Why are we still discussing this?
But since you demanded he name a price and refused to be low-balled, it didn’t seem like favors were forthcoming.

This is totally made up in your mind. I didn’t demand anything. I asked his offer to see if we were on the same page. You are the one who read something into it that didn’t exist.

That’s why we are discussing this. Because your behavior and assumption spiraled all of this into what it is. And you know what it isn’t? It isn’t helping the OP at all.

But that’s not important to you here evidently. Just bashing me and justifying it with your assumptions is what the important thing is here.
This is totally made up in your mind. I didn’t demand anything. I asked his offer to see if we were on the same page. You are the one who read something into it that didn’t exist.

That’s why we are discussing this. Because your behavior and assumption spiraled all of this into what it is. And you know what it isn’t? It isn’t helping the OP at all.

But that’s not important to you here evidently. Just bashing me and justifying it with your assumptions is what the important thing is here.
Hey. I have nothing against you. I wasn’t the first or only guy who thought your tone was way off. That’s it. People tell me when they think I’m out of line - that’s what happens.
Hey. I have nothing against you. I wasn’t the first or only guy who thought your tone was way off. That’s it. People tell me when they think I’m out of line - that’s what happens.

You people have never met me. Yet you think it’s ok for you and others to read stuff into my posts that doesn’t exist. You can ask me if you think I’m out of line, you don’t have to go full nuclear and start making assumptions and posting on them with no info.

People tell you when you’re out of line- do you think you could extend that courtesy to others? And not by calling someone opportunistic and a flipper because they ask for a starting spot in negotiations - no matter what tone you or others imagine.
Every one of those posts by you and others was either an insult or derogatory or demeaning the chips I was offering. You think that’s constructive? You think that’s what newbs want to see in their wanted ads?

I know you will have a lot of “buts” and “well, what abouts” but that doesn’t excuse you or the others actions here.

Just start an Ekricket bash thread and don’t clutter up others who are actual trying to build sets or those that are trying to help them.
You people have never met me. Yet you think it’s ok for you and others to read stuff into my posts that doesn’t exist. You can ask me if you think I’m out of line, you don’t have to go full nuclear and start making assumptions and posting on them with no info.

People tell you when you’re out of line- do you think you could extend that courtesy to others? And not by calling someone opportunistic and a flipper because they ask for a starting spot in negotiations - no matter what tone you or others imagine.
Every one of those posts by you and others was either an insult or derogatory or demeaning the chips I was offering. You think that’s constructive? You think that’s what newbs want to see in their wanted ads?

I know you will have a lot of “buts” and “well, what abouts” but that doesn’t excuse you or the others actions here.

Just start an Ekricket bash thread and don’t clutter up others who are actual trying to build sets or those that are trying to help them.
Honestly, me and the guy that wanted the nickels were on the path to getting a deal done. He made an offer, I would have counter offered, and in the end we both would have been happy with some kind of agreement. Negotiation I believe the word is called.

But thanks to @BNads86, @upNdown, and a couple others this deal has been derailed and the original poster looking for the nickels is SOL. If you guys call that helping a newbie then I’d hate to see what you call screwing one out of a potential deal. Because that’s what your little derail and rants caused.
Derailing? No way! Such wow!
how dare you GIF

If I was driving when I read all those posts I’d do exactly that.

But seriously, just start an Ekricket bash thread and take off on it. I don’t mind really, I don’t know you people or anything about you, except massive amounts of hate that you need to express anytime I post. I’d welcome it, get all that bad thoughts and imagined misdeeds out of your mind. It’s healthier than just secretly hating. But if you feel better posting memes do that too.
If I was driving when I read all those posts I’d do exactly that.

But seriously, just start an Ekricket bash thread and take off on it. I don’t mind really, I don’t know you people or anything about you, except massive amounts of hate that you need to express anytime I post. I’d welcome it, get all that bad thoughts and imagined misdeeds out of your mind. It’s healthier than just secretly hating. But if you feel better posting memes do that too.
Man, Im sorry it went this way, this isnt a big deal. The only massive hate I've experienced here got banned lol, this was just about an awkward interaction. I'm sorry for my part in it. Youre a valued member but your sarcasm gets momentum really quickly, the chips are nice and fit the bill.

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