I'm too lazy to see if it's already been addressed but are the denoms intentionally "cut off" on some chips? That would tilt me to no end but to each his own. Some of the text is also waaaaaayyyyy too close to the edge imo.
Post #39 shows reserve list, because, yeah, 39. That was really well thought out...
Claims made on all but 1 sample set. Hopefully, David sends these to be the first set on the newly repaired FDL mold, and they need to produce a lot more as as practice runs.![]()
Each set comes to $15.80, plus shipping. I will be bringing the set to S@P II in Atlanta, so anyone that attends can get theirs in person and save the shipping.
I have no idea when CPC will be ready to go, though. I'm pretty sure David wants to get as many FDLs produced in a row without having to change out mold cups, so just because I'm ready, and David might be ready, does not mean the others in on the FDL revival are ready.
Links was right, my text was too close to the edge. David suggested a 2% reduction, so I'm going with that. Reduced the whole inlay art, except the denom, by 2%.
Once again the experts on PCF are always right!
On a side note, this tells me the the Zombies are nearing production!![]()
Shaggy is the first on the overflow list for sample chips. Hopefully David/JimB produce a ton of extras. I have already ordered more 25Ks for samples than I have for my own set, so while not the prettiest chip in the lot, it is the collector's item.