it was in a game that has since broken (sad face) with guys who had a lot more money than me at the time and didn't really have a clue about anything beyond NL tourney (i.e., 25 BBs, get in any pair pre, etc). they played an uncapped $1/2 NL/PLO game.
one night after i'd been playing in the game only a couple of months, i flopped top set and the second nut flush draw in the PLO round. i got a bunch of money in 4 or 5 ways then turned aces full. got in a bunch more money 3 ways and the guy snap tables quads and celebrates ("boo ya quads, bitch!") because he doesn't know any better. they loved running it twice and doing props and anything they did on high stakes poker, so the guy asks if we run it twice. i don't often refuse to run it twice when the other guy has quads, so naturally i accepted. the third guy had mucked his hand when he saw the first guy's quads, so i have no idea what he had. first round binked quad aces, second round binked my gutter to a straight flush draw i didn't realize i had until i got all the money in.
the best part was that the guy who lost the whole thing just laughed and rebought and i was sitting there thinking that if i had lost that whole pot to a dude who spiked his two outer twice i'd be ready to slit my wrists. as i said, it's a very sad thing that the game is no longer going (guy who hosted it got divorced and the rest of the guys started just going to borg to $5/10 NL instead of the home game).