Derail and WTF Merge Thread (32 Viewers)

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The recipe for success is 30% skill, 30% hard work, 30% perseverance and 11% attention to detail.
sleep 8 hours
work 14 hours
takeout dinner and shower 2 hours
pay taxes to support Europe's easy lifestyle (to fight 'socialism') :
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Reminds me of being in a meeting trying to establish who was at fault for a car crash. I put forward an offer of 50/50 only to be that “this feels like it’s more of a 60/60”.
Awww... poor little cubby on the receiving side of that "deposit". :cry: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Up at the observatory we have black bears, especially in the fall when they are up near the summit where there are acorns and black walnuts aplenty for them to feast on as the weather starts to turn in the fall. The easiest way to tell when they have arrived for the season is based on very carefully and strategically located "bear bombs" they leave, more often than not in the dead center of the road, hence the answer to the question "wherever the hell they want, but usually right in the middle of the road."

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(this was a smaller "delivery", but much too artfully placed to pass up the photo opportunity)

I know if I were a bear and had to do my business, I'd pick the middle of a smooth piece of tarmac and definitely not out in the shrubberies where my backside could collect thorns or stickers. :oops:

Only related to wild bears, my "one in a hundred" absolute favorite bear photo I took up on the mountain over 12 years ago now.

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At this point the bear and I had an "uneasy understanding" where I was able to get within 75 feet (maybe closer!!) while taking photographs for nearly 45 minutes. I'd take a few photos, the bear would hear the shutter of my camera and look up at at me. I'd get another photo, then carefully look away, pointing the camera down and away as to not appear to be confrontational with the all-staring and non-blinking telephoto lens aimed in its direction. Not long after this picture, the bear decided it had had enough and trotted off into the brush and I made my way back to my car to head back to the telescope for a night of work. The adrenaline letdown as I sat in the car was pretty strong and it took several minutes before I felt enough strength return to my legs to be able to drive the car, but the wave of energy that returned later that evening when reviewing the photos, including this one, made the event totally worth it!

(As a post-script to the story, we are incredibly fortunate that we do not feed our bears nor do we have garbage available to them to get to. We do our best to keep them as wild as possible, and while any wild bear is incredibly dangerous, especially a mom with cubs, we are a small staff and do our best to let them do wild bear things. One of the highlights of working where I do I getting to see a wide variety of wild animals in their natural state, and I owe that privilege to my co-workers and other custodians of the mountain doing their best to do the same. We're all very tuned into what the wildlife are doing up there and do our best to not interfere. I've been more afraid of a few elk I saw in Rocky Mountain National Park than I ever was of the bear in the photo above, simply because I knew this bear was purely wild and those elk had been habituated being around people.

The short story is, don't do this ^^^^^ at home. I've backed off doing this in the last several years, even "knowing" our bears and the environment. I really did not give them the level of respect they deserved at the time, and have taken to giving a lot more space, and often not even leaving my car.)
Thats how they did it back then. Jabba's Palace and lots more...and before there were Green Screens there were Blue Screens!
Thats how they did it back then. Jabba's Palace and lots more...and before there were Green Screens there were Blue Screens!
There’s no blue screen or green screen there. Those stormtroopers are painted on to glass and the scene is then filmed through the glass. I knew they did it for backgrounds etc. but didn’t know that they painted in the people.
Right I just meant for fx & how times have changed. (Nowadays they just use green screens/i dont think blue exists) My father was actually a technical illustrator that helped with the escape pod sequence. Still have an original Ralph MqQuarrie painting from when I was 7...
Right I just meant for fx & how times have changed. (Nowadays they just use green screens/i dont think blue exists) My father was actually a technical illustrator that helped with the escape pod sequence. Still have an original Ralph MqQuarrie painting from when I was 7...
That’s pretty cool.
Another proud moment from the UK…

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I'm willing to say that this may be true.

Just spit-balling numbers, 15% of the population is what, 10 years old or less? Another 12% is older than 60 and or infirm to the point they should not be standing on a chair?

Given the popularity of shows like Idol, 27% of the population being idiots seems a bit on the low side.
I'm willing to say that this may be true.

Just spit-balling numbers, 15% of the population is what, 10 years old or less? Another 12% is older than 60 and or infirm to the point they should not be standing on a chair?

Given the popularity of shows like Idol, 27% of the population being idiots seems a bit on the low side.
We have a show called “Love Island” which drains IQ points as you watch it.
Right I just meant for fx & how times have changed. (Nowadays they just use green screens/i dont think blue exists) My father was actually a technical illustrator that helped with the escape pod sequence. Still have an original Ralph MqQuarrie painting from when I was 7...
Blue screen is still used on occasion - it's very lighting and practical element dependent. The famous story, who knows if it's true, is Ron Howard's DP spent days lighting the Who-Ville set which was a combination of practical buildings and green screen backgrounds above and behind the set pieces. Ron walked in the morning of shooting and said to his DP "Uh, you know the Grinch is green right?" They lost a day and had to switch to blue screen.
Right I just meant for fx & how times have changed. (Nowadays they just use green screens/i dont think blue exists) My father was actually a technical illustrator that helped with the escape pod sequence. Still have an original Ralph MqQuarrie painting from when I was 7...
Wow, what a shout. Hes the reason I cant Google my name, Frank McQuarrie. Hes a cousin of mine, never met though.

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