Love the redhead. Want to date her.
Glove at the art exhibit. I am so gonna do that as a prank. Stand back and point out it's parallel between mankind's continued attempt to grasp but not knowing what they are grasping for.
Frisbee. Fucking laugh at it every time. Next time I'm utterly sick, I'm playing that video for instant laughter.
How much of that award will the kid ever see though. That guy doesn't look like he has 3.5M sitting around.
Zero. It was a purely moral victory. Although I'd imagine that guy could take a few lessons from Palin and get some speaker's fees from a few of the idiot groups who pay to hear her vomit quasi-sentences.
I was watching the whole thing thinking shouldn't an attorney be a hell of a lot more eloquent than this guy?
I think my gaydar may be malfunctioning because it was going crazy whenever that guy was on screen talking. Oh...wait...a few years ago some psycho assistant attorney general in michigan became fixated on a michigan student who was elected to a governing student body. the AAG began protesting in front of the kid's house and started a blog where he posted all kinds of bizarre accusations.
thankfully, the kid decided he'd had enough of this guy's shit and sued for defamation. he won and was awarded $3.5M and prevailed today on appeal. okay, cool. but here's the guy on anderson cooper a few years ago. the guy is out of his fucking mind. thank god in heaven he was later fire from the attorney general's office in michigan.
Holy shit this guy is amazing I'm dying
Zero. It was a purely moral victory. Although I'd imagine that guy could take a few lessons from Palin and get some speaker's fees from a few of the idiot groups who pay to hear her vomit quasi-sentences.
Seriously zero? The guy isn't going to at least have his wages garnished for life or anything?