Jim sold out of his 400k+ HS chips in a matter of weeks. He can now literally buy a mansion from the profits in most metropolitan areas. I don't think he was intentionally pricing his high demon chips as low as he did relative to their market values. It's not like he's been active on here following the market. For years, people have been asking if he's even still around. He never participates in the forums outside of his for sale threads. I think he priced all the chips at about 75 to 80% of what HE thought they were worth because he knew he'd be selling them for YEARS if he were to sell them at full market pricing. Once he realized that the higher denom chips were worth even more than he originally thought, he raised his prices on them accordingly.
Todd seems to be taking a different approach. He wants full market value (and in some cases, above market value IMO) for his chips and is probably OK with selling through them over the next few years to maximize profits (he's still trying to sell through the garden city chips on
eBay to this day). I'll be shocked if he sells more than a few of his high denom sets on new years day. He got some great chips and wants to maximize his profits on them. Nothing wrong with that, but it's a different strategy than Jim took. Jim now gets to kick back and relax while he swims in our money, while Todd will probably be working quite a bit more to sell through his over time.
No one took advantage of Jim. He set the prices as he saw fit to unload them as fast as he could. The market will ALWAYS dictate the prices of chips. Find me any other business where the middleman recieves full retail prices for their truckloads of merchandise. He definitely tried to maximize his profits. He just didn't know quite what they would be worth at first.
A lot of people's collections here took a big hit in value when these chips hit the market. Jim withheld his chip counts until after the sale for a reason (one which couldn't possibly have been anything other than self serving). Would you liked to have known that there were almost as many 25k chips in circulation as there were 5k chips? I sure would have before I bought two racks of them off the secondary market. Also, some of us were rather disappointed with the condition of the used Horseshoe Cleveland chips after receiving them. I bought thousands of chips based on him saying that they would be in pretty good condition as they were only in play for 3 years. I was absolutely shocked by how shitty their condition was once they arrived. I have no idea how the $1s got so beat up. They look like they were bagged up using a lawnmower. I spent weeks cleaning thousands and thousands of these chips. Reselling these on
eBay for 20 cents more than what you bought them for, AFTER cleaning them, is pretty much selling them for a loss after
eBay and PayPal take their cut (unless you're happy with earning less than $1/hr for your cleaning services - in which case, call me). I wouldn't have purchased them had I known what kind of condition they'd be in. Also, these were obligatory purchases if you wanted to get your hands on the higher denoms in the pre sale. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that he brought these to the market, and that his pricing strategy was to sell them quickly, but I'm sick and tired of reading about "poor ol' Jim" and how all these evil flippers took advantage of him. Are you guys really this ignorant of how markets work? Jim is a business man, and he runs a good business with excellent customer service. But if you think he's a fellow chipper just trying to hook up all of his chipping buddies with his latest find, you're not very bright. If it weren't for investors (or as you call them, "flippers"), Jim would still be sitting on half of his chips.
I'm sitting here laughing because guys like me are being slut shamed for "flipping" these chips, meanwhile, I'm over here adding up my losses on this "investment". It's a fun hobby. Some of us buy way more chips than we need up front, unsure of which ones we are going to like or what we plan to keep. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. But if you think guys like me are sitting here trying to buy dirty used casino chips for 59c each, then spend countless hours cleaning them, only to later resell them on
eBay for 79c each just to turn a few dollars profit then, again, you're not very bright.
Stop bitching about the market prices. They are what they are. Jim doesn't dictate the market prices, he just takes his best guess at what he can sell his chips for, then sells them. All the slut shaming is getting old. It doesn't make you look noble, it makes you look ignorant.
If you guys travel to another country and forget to convert your cash into local currency, then find yourselves as the beneficiaries of the global market as your cash increases in value overnight due to some crazy unforseen event (think Mexican peso vs Trump election) are you going to pay it forward when it comes time to paying for your meals and hotels because you got your cash at a good price? I didn't think so. So stop being hypocrites please.