Tourney Frogzilla’s quest for youtube fame (4 Viewers)

Wasn’t planning to play today, but with the WSOP Circuit at Choctaw, attendance is quite depressed (1/2 of normal) and so final table chances are double.

Bullet #31 (1/8/22 level 8)
10 minutes left of reentry. This thread isn’t called Frogzilla quest to become a ten thousandaire. High variance incoming

Fold T2, fold T4, fold K5 in BB to a jam, complete 46o in SB limped 5 ways, donk bet pot on A46hh one caller, jam brick turn no love. Up to 1.3x starting
Fold two more hands
Last hand of registration, UTG limp, MP 3 bet big, I ship AKo, MP calls with KK, had some sweat as my K had a live flush draw on the all spade flop, but alas bricked
Bullet #32 (1/8/22 level 9)

Weird hand at 2k blinds where UTG, who has been posting his ante by his blind, seemed to raise to 4k, folds to me in SB I call with JTo, BB calls, UTG checks (?!). Seemed a little sheepish, I went ahead and led out 1/3 pot on Q96 and got it through

Blind vs blind 6 bb effective, I won the last bvb encounter vs our man, check back K4. Flop AKK checks through. Turn I bet 1bb, he raises to 2.5bb, I pause, he string jams the other 2.5 into the pot saying “it’s going in on the turn”, I call him he 1.5, he jams turn, I call and show the k, he mucks. Strange
Im still in headed into level 13. 140k w 25 left, big blind 6k after break

A hero call was finally good…limped BB with A4 4ways, 889 checked around, turn J checked around, river 4 checked to button who bet half pot, SB fold, I called, MP fold. Button really didn’t want to show, so I showed first. Not a big deal
Chilling in the car on break and my watch is needling me

Button (12 bb) raises to 3.2bb. Defend BB with A9o, flop A76, check to button who jams ~pot, I call, see 88, hold

224k, 24 left
Blinds 3k/6k/6k nearing $ bubble, Open :ad::jc: to 14k, BB (chip leader) 3! To 25k, I call

Flop :9d::td::jd: BB leads 75k, I jam for ~240k, he snap calls with :9c::9s:, brick brick out in 20th
Bullet #33 (3/26 level 1)

Won exactly 0 pots, and not for lack of trying. Some rusty bluffs, but the dagger was when I called off 145bb 5-bet with KK, was up against the QQ, but did not hold
2 limps, raise :ac: :tc: to 6bb in HJ, SB, BB and MP call. Flop :as: :qd: :td:, bet 50%, bb call, mp min raises, I call BB folds. Turn :5c: MP bets 33%, I call. River :7c: MP checks I bet 33% MP folds

Sitting around 2x starting
hand before this one I folded AK UTG to overbet on 99887, spewy chip leader villain shows the 22
Next hand V limps button, hero pops :ac::ad: to 4bb, v calls. Flop :as::kc::qd: I check, villain bets 33%, I call. Turn :9s:, I check, villain bets pot, I start running my mouth “are you gonna really bluff me two times in a row?”, I jam (about a pot size raise), i get a tank call from Q9o for the drawing dead full double

Ribbit ribbit
470k headed to 3 tables. Mostly standard Cbets, double barreling turn, picking up folds.

Trapped a guy who loved to overbet jam flop, with 77 on 742, but he didn’t bite. He did lament not jamming flop. Close

Nice showing Legend. Congratulations on making the final table.

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