Tourney Frogzilla’s quest for youtube fame (2 Viewers)

Bullet 34 (4/2 level 1)

Tournament upsized to $500 and 400bb stacks

The run good is still on
Level 2 400bb effective pick up :kc::kd: in LJ, UTG1 opens 4bb, I raise 11bb, bu flats, UTG1 4! To 35bb, I flat, bu folds
Flop (82 bb) :as:::kh::tc: utg2 bets 35bb I call
Turn (152 bb) :as::kh::tc::7s: utg2 bets 70bb I call
River (300bb :as::kh::tc::7s::4s: utg2 checks, I bet 150 bb, he calls and mucks

That’s razor thin but today is my day (edit: villain claimed AK)

Next hand win another 180bb or so with 88 in 3! Pot, A82 flop
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Someone tried to flat open, 4bet shove for 272 bb

I tank call AK. Up against 66 and lost. Still doin fine
160 so far. 3 hrs of reg left. Probably end up around 250
Strange game. Flop :4d::6d: on :2d::3d::7d:

Not a good flop, lose a ton betting 3 streets hard against :jd::8d:

Next hand the deck is triggering me but I defend :8d::5d:

Flop :ad::2d::3d:, I confirm with the dealer that he indeed did shuffle, then get stacks in on the flop and double through :4d::6d:
Worst slow roll I've seen all year. (In comedy, we refer to that as a 'call back.')

Also, called a tadpolezilla, amirite?
I call him Pokey

Bullet 34…hero call top pair on paired flush board, he had nut flush, out.

Registered on break, bullet 35 upcoming, level 9, registration now closed

Edit: bullet 35: 3! jammed QQ from SB for 20bb, bb snapped AKs and won the flipperooski gg
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Bullet 36 (4/9 level 1):
Dealt in as I’m sitting down, hand was pretty …MP :ah::kh: . Opened, CO 3!, , called a 4 bet from older gentleman in SB. Flop also pretty :qh::th::4c: but I bricked out. Later called a strange raise when I rivered two pair. 5bet jam with AKo, brick out against KK, that was certainly a quick one
Bullet 37 (4/9 level 1)
Not much action for me early, level 5 I got KK in preflop against AA, no king for me, sitting at 20% of starting ( 14bb)
Bullet 37 (4/9 level 1)
Not much action for me early, level 5 I got KK in preflop against AA, no king for me, sitting at 20% of starting ( 14bb)
You’re in luck. It’s pretty easy to make decisions at 14 bb
Bullet 37 ended somehow. No idea, forgot to log it:
Edit: I just remembered. I open shoved 14bb from sb with QJo and bb woke up with QQ

Bullet 38 (4/9 level 5)
Sitting a little over average, opened :ah::js: to 2.3 from UTG, 45 bb deep. CO call, BB call. Cbet 3 bb on :tc::7s::4d: both call. Bet 11 bb on :jc: turn, button jammed on me, tank folded.

Lost more calling EP open from HJ with :ks::qs: , BU 3 bet to 8bb SB jammed for basically the 3 bet size…EP 4! To 25bb, I fold my 22 bb stack. They had :tc::7c: and :qh::th: somehow

Bullet ended :kc::tc: into :ah::kd:

Bullet 39 incoming. Got the same seat tho. Which is always fun
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Today should be interesting. The buy-in got upsized (again) to $600, and annoyingly it’s slightly higher vig than the $500 ($100 out of $600 or 16.7% vs $75 out of $500, 16.3%)

However, there is a fun wrinkle, this is a “Mystery Bounty” with $200 bounties and as usual TCH is quite detailed in mechanics. The major challenge in running this seem to be distributing/determining the prize eggs in the short time between registration closing and

-No bounties for the first 8 levels while registration open
-After registration closes, players are issued a bounty egg (Easter!) which contains the prize for whomever stacks you. You cannot open the egg or you get kicked out
-once you knock someone out (level 9+) staff opens their egg and pay you the prize.
-Bounties range from $200 to $3200, the number that matters for optimal play is average bounty prize, and that’s just a function of how many eliminated pre registration. First 30 fund a $6k WPT package up top for 1st ($2500 cash, $3500 main event ticket so you can donk off a vacation flopping set under set #memories). Next 60 fund:
2x $3200 WPT packages ($2100 cash, $1100 tourney ticket)
3x $1200 bounty
6x $700 bounty

Anyways, getting there early, hopefully won’t have to rebuy, I suspect the novelty will push this one past capacity and the alternate line will be long and arduous.
Bullet 40 (April 16 level 1)

Down to 700 at one point. Still alive though.

35 bb deep.

HJ opens to 3.5bb with :jd::8d:
I 3bet to 10bb with :as::qc:

Flop :ad::jc::7s: HJ x, I bet 30% he called.
Turn :js: xx
River :td: Hj jam for 75% pot effective, i call and get a 3 min head start on the break.

Which is nice, I get plenty of time to eat this rib sandwich getting smoked next door
Bullet 41 (April 16 level 5)

600/1200/1200 Active older man with 10 gold rings opened HJ to 2400, I 3bet :kc::jc: from SB to 6900 (dealer disappointingly called out 6 thousand 9 hundred) HJ calls.
Flop :7c::4c::3c: ok alright check, he bets 10000, I call. Turn :qd: I check again, he jams and covers, I call. He has :ad::7h: full double
Bullet 41 (April 16 level 5)

600/1200/1200 Active older man with 10 gold rings opened HJ to 2400, I 3bet :kc::jc: from SB to 6900 (dealer disappointingly called out 6 thousand 9 hundred) HJ calls.
Flop :7c::4c::3c: ok alright check, he bets 10000, I call. Turn :qd: I check again, he jams and covers, I call. He has :ad::7h: full double
Wow, nice, that’s kind of a loose jam.
Raised :qd::qs: MP a limp to 3.5bb, 6 (!) callers, flop :2d::7d::7c:, I bet 1/2 pot, one of the callers raised pot, I dont love it but call, he has :ad::8d:, run out is clean, Im at 4x starting.

Cover table with bounties soon.

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