Tourney Frogzilla’s quest for youtube fame (8 Viewers)

Quest for more YouTube, Memorial Day edition. 6 day 1 flights from Monday-Saturday, $500 BI, 12% cash (4% cash day 1, 8% advance day 2). Should be well over 1000 entries in total.

A lot of turnout…100+ entries for every flight, 250+ for the Friday, and who knows how many they can jam in for today. At least 50 registered as of typing, and it’s only 9 am, doesn’t start for another hour. They have 26 tables total, hope the fire marshal doesn’t audit today, I’m guessing that won’t go well.

I swung by Monday and kept flopping sets, rivering flushes, sunrunning to “bag” just under avg stack. Updates to follow on Sunday

Some stack pics from day 1



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Quest for more YouTube, Memorial Day edition. 6 day 1 flights from Monday-Saturday, $500 BI, 12% cash (4% cash day 1, 8% advance day 2). Should be well over 1000 entries in total.

A lot of turnout…100+ entries for every flight, 250+ for the Friday, and who knows how many they can jam in for today. At least 50 registered as of typing, and it’s only 9 am, doesn’t start for another hour. They have 26 tables total, hope the fire marshal doesn’t audit today, I’m guessing that won’t go well.

I swung by Monday and kept flopping sets, rivering flushes, sunrunning to “bag” just under avg stack. Updates to follow on Sunday

Some stack pics from day 1
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View attachment 918794
Go Froggy Go!!!
I’m probably just being paranoid but have started to get concerned about deck manuevers. It’s probably nothing, but the combo of
-Joey Ingram having a mechanic on his YT
-TCH allowing dealers to play in the tourneys
-and just plain old running bad

…so I’ve started watching the shuffles, the cuts, and the deals. And every now and then, you see a dealer whose riffles are sloppy, really sloppy. False shuffle sloppy. It didn’t get to the point yesterday, but it was getting close. Anyone ever called floor on a dealer for poor shuffling?
What's gifts to ladder up multiple times in that stack! Way to go!
Yea, incredible. The 3x pot donk shove on 862 from a middle stack into chip leader is a doozy. I texted nothenry to send that hand (ended up being QJ) when the delay catches up, but he busted the very next hand.
No YouTube fame in this post…just a list of bad beats and a chip pics from an expensive (down 20k), but excellent ‘22 Vegas

Bad Beat #1: Took Southwest Airlines, got an aisle seat, last to board is none other than 7’0” (the whole mavs summer league team on the flight, fuck you mark Cuban charter these guys a jet please) I do the humane thing and moved to the middle. We both suffered.

Bad beat #2: get wrecked in the $400 deep stack, win 0 hands

Bad beat #3: get wrecked in $200 deep stack, while the last all-in run out occurs before the river is dealt, and this is 100% true, there is a guy, with a starting stack in hand and my seat card. Never seen that before. Usually my seat card only given out AFTER I bust. lol wow

Bad beat #4: main event line, after already registering, is like an hour long

Bad beat #5: Chris “BigHuni” hunichen does an expert level chat-n-cut, instead of calling him on it I just ask him if my mirror glasses are douchey and he gives me the bad news

Bad beat #6: Bluff off my main stack on an ridiculously soft table because of blockers and the stupid randomizer I committed to

Bad beat #7: I play razz because of how funny I think it’d be to win a razz bracelet

Bad beat #8: I try to inebriatedly tell my 7’0” Marcus Bingham story and the table says “is that the end I thought you were going somewhere with that”

Bad beat #9: start with A523, end with A523T5T

Bad beat #10: AA < JJ in MGM mystery bounty

Bad beat #11: go to aria daily get 22 in 5 ways against AK, AJ, AQ, and KJ. They had each other’s outs!

Bad beat #12: mgm mystery bounty still open reg, and in overlay…option 1 is hike back to ballys in 110 heat and grab cash from the room safe…

Bad beat #12 (part 2): yes I’m approved for mgm line of credit, congrats frog; no frog you can only pull a marker at tables not slots or poker

Bad beat #13: run to ballys (hello Walgreens yes one miller latte for frog please), run back to mgm (hello Walgreens one more miller latte for frog please), rejam JJ on the BU over some open somewhere, BB wakes up with KK

“Bad” beat #14: Tiltedly 4bet A9dd to 27k in the one drop, IP Brazilian soul reads me and 5 bets to 42k (the classic 1.6x) with JJ, runout AJ488, SPR 0.5, that’s a river snap call for frog because how is that not QQ, GG

Vegas is cool though.




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Been quite a while, but we have a sweat. 2x avg stack with 50 left. Several Miller lattes in at this point. They are lucky.

Run like the sun!
And if you end up with all the chips at the end, please destroy them all! I’m not sure which is worse - “1k” and “5k” denoms, or the obnoxious font.
Run like the sun!
And if you end up with all the chips at the end, please destroy them all! I’m not sure which is worse - “1k” and “5k” denoms, or the obnoxious font.
Had to make it fit inside the fake spots. At least it's fully printed out on the rolling edges. I've seen far worse designs, sadly.

And oh yeah, tear 'em up Froggie!
MP raised 2.2, I defended 88 from BB. Flop 964r, I check, MP piles for 4x pot (?!?!?!?!?!), tank, randomize, roll a 70-30 fold, get shown AA. Whew.

ITM 24 left 9 hit stream

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