Full House
^^^ That's why I like my Springfield XDm. It has the same grip angle as my 1911.
Those are my favorite pistols. I know there are plenty of "nicer" pistols out there both in terms of form and function, but when I bought my first plastic handgun and was deciding which flavor of polymer pistol to drink I chose the XDm and have loved them ever since. Glocks are great guns, one of the best no doubt, but in my opinion when you compare the two head to head the Springfield is a nicer and more comfortable gun for me that the Glock has to have aftermarket add ons to come close to.
I don't have many guns at all, I had one of those famous leaky boats as well, but if I had a collection I would have all the lengths, finishes, and calibers covered over about six pistols in the XDm line.

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