Guns you own (4 Viewers)


The primer from the first round dislodged and prevented the next round from loading...
OK that's a little scary
Looking for a decent priced MK18 upper. Anyone got any leads? Prefer mod 1 but mod 0 works too :)
Lurking around this thread doing research. Figured I finally cave and post here, seeing as it's technically it's own subforum lol. With the potential of home ownership looming, the wife has eased up a bit on gun ownership. What pistols would you recommend for a lefty under $400?
Lurking around this thread doing research. Figured I finally cave and post here, seeing as it's technically it's own subforum lol. With the potential of home ownership looming, the wife has eased up a bit on gun ownership. What pistols would you recommend for a lefty under $400?
From one lefty to another, learn to shoot right-handed. Trust me.

Buy a Glock 19. Even a used one. Put night sights and a rail mounted flashlight on it for home protection at night.
From one lefty to another, learn to shoot right-handed. Trust me.

Any particular reason?

Buy a Glock 19. Even a used one. Put night sights and a rail mounted flashlight on it for home protection at night.

Used Glock

What are the pros and cons? What about Canik, Sig Sauer and Taurus, which I believe are ambidextrous?
What are the pros and cons? What about Canik, Sig Sauer and Taurus, which I believe are ambidextrous?
I am lefty at most things. I am even left eye dominant. But the vast majority of guns are right handed. And I want to be able to pickup any gun and be able to fire it competently. I do practice a bit left handed (one handed) at the range as well.

A Glock 19 is the best all around handgun in my (and many folks’) opinion(s). There is no handgun more reliable. Parts and magazines (even very reliable aftermarket Magpul mags) are plentiful. It fits my hands and my wife’s hands just fine.

Cons: No safety. Some don’t like the grip angle.

Sigs are nice but expensive. Taurus has had QC issues in the past, but I’m not sure if they have addressed them. I don’t know much about Canik.
Glocks are reliable
Used Glocks typically retain their value
Great aftermarket
If you get a Glock in 357 sig or 40 you can purchase a 9mm barrel and mags and have a gun that shoots multiple calibers

Plastic (personal preference)
No manual safety (personal preference)
I'm sure there are others

Not sure how friendly they are for lefties.

Out of the other guns listed I only have experience with Taurus which can be hit or miss, I had to send in a revolver twice before they got it right, it was a used gun I got in a private sale. I was not charged for the service so that's a plus but it was a bit of a hassle. The second is a PT 92. It's that chrome version. I love it. I've shot 500 rounds through it. Some of it dirty reloads and I have not had a single FTF or FTE. Haven't even cleaned it and it just keeps running.
From one lefty to another, learn to shoot right-handed. Trust me.

Buy a Glock 19. Even a used one. Put night sights and a rail mounted flashlight on it for home protection at night.

HK VP9 is completely ambidextrous. But at about $650 in the current market above your price point. I love shooting it. Probably the best factory trigger for a modern service pistol at that price point.
Thoughts on suppressors/silencers on HD guns. Useful or overkill?
I would never. How hard do you think a HD case is gonna be when you add you using a can and looking like a mall ninja asking for a fight.

And adding a few inches to a pistol isn't going to make it handle better in a high stress situation.
This was parachuted to my uncle by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE).
My father's brother fell in combat carrying this, against the Communists (he had meanwhile killed several Wehrmacht soldiers before the Communists started a civil war against fellow Greeks, amidst the Nazi occupation).
It's totally ruined, having been buried in the ground for years (it was buried when our village fell under communist rule, for a single fateful month, in December 1944).
I don't want it to ever be able to fire again. It did fire when it should have.
I 've been struggling for years with bureaucracy to have it legally registered.:rolleyes:
Pesta MP40.jpg
Cz p10c is a pretty good option, just picked up one for 365 NIB.

+1 on the CZ although the cheapest I've ever seen them was around $429. The stippling is a bit aggressive - I didn't care for it so I wrapped it with a Talon Grip.

They're basically a Glock clone - but they're reliable with good accuracy and 15+ rd mags.

The only issue is that when re-assembling after a field strip, the barrel and guide-rod can become displaced when placing the slide back on the frame, and the result is the barrel and guide rod sticking out the front. I've had this happen several times and it's a bitch to get back into place every time it happens. There are all sorts of complaints on the web about this. Other than that though, it's a great gun.
+1 on the CZ although the cheapest I've ever seen them was around $429. The stippling is a bit aggressive - I didn't care for it so I wrapped it with a Talon Grip.

They're basically a Glock clone - but they're reliable with good accuracy and 15+ rd mags.

The only issue is that when re-assembling after a field strip, the barrel and guide-rod can become displaced when placing the slide back on the frame, and the result is the barrel and guide rod sticking out the front. I've had this happen several times and it's a bitch to get back into place every time it happens. There are all sorts of complaints on the web about this. Other than that though, it's a great gun.
I got lucky on GB with one, but the dude took 27 days to ship and it was a low cap gun. But hey.... For the price...
Lurking around this thread doing research. Figured I finally cave and post here, seeing as it's technically it's own subforum lol. With the potential of home ownership looming, the wife has eased up a bit on gun ownership. What pistols would you recommend for a lefty under $400?

Normally I would recommend a Glock 19 as others have. You can also find a police trade in M&P 1.0 sometimes for under $400. The only problem with that is a lot of police used 40 caliber which isn’t that popular anymore with modern 9mm ammo. (You can also get Glock police trade-ins as well but may have the same .40 cal situation)

That said do you live in NY? Magazine size ban states are the only situation where I would recommend a .45. The difference between 45 and 9 mm ballistically is extremely small nowadays A 9 mm usually wins with the advantage of capacity. But if you’re only allowed to have seven rounds in your pistol why not take that slight advantage?. The disadvantage is that ammo cost a lot more and may discourage you from practicing. 9mm is also easier to shoot for people new to pistols. I reload pistol ammo so the price difference is negligible for me. So if you’re on a budget and buying ammo stick with the 9mm as easy to shoot and cheap.

For a modern .45 service pistol I do think S&W M&P is actually a better choice than a Glock in .45. If I lived in NY I would have this. It’s the same size as a Glock 19.

But again that is me and I reload and have a ton of .45 ammo ..... and have been shooting .45 pistols in IDPA and classes for 20+ years. My carry gun is a 9mm though
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Looking for a decent priced MK18 upper. Anyone got any leads? Prefer mod 1 but mod 0 works too :)
New or private seller? Daniel Defense sells them and that is the only place to source the
rail for the mod 1. Honestly, unless you are looking for a historical clone, the Geissele URGI is what is being issues now new and evidently SOCOM is moving to 11.5” barrels like the FBI HRT uppers are. Geissele also contracted for those rails.

If it were me I would try to get a Colt 6933 upper on sale from Brownells, grind the front sight post down or replace it with a Geissele gas block then swap the hand guards for the Geissele 10.5” URGI rail. Buy a Colt BCG or a quality GI OEM AO Precision.

Or if you are ok not having a Colt barrel (as it would be issued) just wait until Geissele’s Black Friday sale and get the whole upper for 30% off of they offer the 11.5”s again.

If you SBR a lower add a Geissele SSA trigger and you will basically have the next generation “MK18”;)

For an old fashioned Mod 0 buy the Colt upper above and replace the hand guards with the proper KAC rails etc.
Normally I would recommend a Glock 19 as others have. You can also find a police trade in M&P 1.0 sometimes for under $400. The only problem with that is a lot of police used 40 caliber which isn’t that popular anymore with modern 9mm ammo. (You can also get Glock police trade-ins as well but may have the same .40 cal situation)

That said do you live in NY? Magazine size ban states are the only situation where I would recommend a .45. The difference between 45 and 9 mm ballistically is extremely small nowadays A 9 mm usually wins with the advantage of capacity. But if you’re only allowed to have seven rounds in your pistol why not take that slight advantage?. The disadvantage is that ammo cost a lot more and may discourage you from practicing. 9mm is also easier to shoot for people new to pistols. I reload pistol ammo so the price difference is negligible for me. So if you’re on a budget and buying ammo stick with the 9mm as easy to shoot and cheap.

For a modern .45 service pistol I do think S&W M&P is actually a better choice than a Glock in .45. If I lived in NY I would have this. It’s the same size as a Glock 19.

But again that is me and I reload and have a ton of .45 ammo ..... and have been shooting .45 pistols in IDPA and classes for 20+ years. My carry gun is a 9mm though
Normally I would recommend a Glock 19 as others have. You can also find a police trade in M&P 1.0 sometimes for under $400. The only problem with that is a lot of police used 40 caliber which isn’t that popular anymore with modern 9mm ammo. (You can also get Glock police trade-ins as well but may have the same .40 cal situation)

That said do you live in NY? Magazine size ban states are the only situation where I would recommend a .45. The difference between 45 and 9 mm ballistically is extremely small nowadays A 9 mm usually wins with the advantage of capacity. But if you’re only allowed to have seven rounds in your pistol why not take that slight advantage?. The disadvantage is that ammo cost a lot more and may discourage you from practicing. 9mm is also easier to shoot for people new to pistols. I reload pistol ammo so the price difference is negligible for me. So if you’re on a budget and buying ammo stick with the 9mm as easy to shoot and cheap.

For a modern .45 service pistol I do think S&W M&P is actually a better choice than a Glock in .45. If I lived in NY I would have this. It’s the same size as a Glock 19.

But again that is me and I reload and have a ton of .45 ammo ..... and have been shooting .45 pistols in IDPA and classes for 20+ years. My carry gun is a 9mm though

I believe they actually relaxed the magazine ban issue a bit. I think it's between 7-10 rounds now.
I own and use a Glock 34 Gen5 for monthly IDPA matches. I also own a Beretta 686 from Coles (upgraded wood) for all of my clay games. Looking at joining a skeet league once we get to a new normal with COVID.
What does everyone recommend for gun storage? Specially, metal and polymer guns (I have both) and one of them comes out every 2-4 weeks, the other comes out maybe twice a year. I know that foam isn’t recommended because of the rusting issue but I need to store them locked and/or unusable because of children.
What does everyone recommend for gun storage? Specially, metal and polymer guns (I have both) and one of them comes out every 2-4 weeks, the other comes out maybe twice a year. I know that foam isn’t recommended because of the rusting issue but I need to store them locked and/or unusable because of children.

If you don’t have a safe or a lockbox, you can run a barrel lock or the supplied lock through the gun. Both types of locks prevent the slide from going into battery And require a key to open. If you store them for long periods of time, be sure to but a coat of oil on the metal parts of the gun. Especially the barrel. It helps keep the rust at bay along with pitting inside the barrel. When I have stored my guns for periods of time, a light film of oil or grease has worked. You will clean them prior to using them again anyways. I also use some type of desiccant near the gun for moisture control when storing for long periods. We use this method at work to store weapons as well.

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