Guns you own (4 Viewers)

For you experienced AR-15 guys: would you recommend a certain lower parts kit or does it really matter as long as it is built to mil-spec? Or would you recommend buying stuff piecemeal? I am very uneducated on AR builds so far, but from what I understand it's really the Upper that houses all of the stuff you want to splurge on? Aside from perhaps a more tuned trigger?

Any good step-by-step resources you could link to for a total newb would be awesome. I'm fairly mechanically inclined so I'm planning to mostly build from scratch and buy stuff in stages as to spread out the cost.
They are pretty standard. However, many will upgrade the trigger, safety, stock, grip, and even trigger pins. Those are all parts that you can buy piecemeal, either now or later on. It all depends on what you want on your rifle.

If you are looking for an upgraded parts kit, I would check Palmetto. They often have kits with better triggers and stocks.

For builds, there are some good ones on youtube that will even tell you what tools you will need. I recommend buying a complete upper that is 5.56 (make sure) rather than building one yourself.
For you experienced AR-15 guys: would you recommend a certain lower parts kit or does it really matter as long as it is built to mil-spec? Or would you recommend buying stuff piecemeal? I am very uneducated on AR builds so far, but from what I understand it's really the Upper that houses all of the stuff you want to splurge on? Aside from perhaps a more tuned trigger?

Any good step-by-step resources you could link to for a total newb would be awesome. I'm fairly mechanically inclined so I'm planning to mostly build from scratch and buy stuff in stages as to spread out the cost.
I would definitely recommend buying a lower parts kit from a vendor that either makes their own stuff or sources them and stands behind them. I used a Sons of Liberty Gun Works LPK as they are known for super high quality. If I was to do another build I would probably try Geissele as they are making a lot of their own parts and you can get their new bolt release. BCM and Sionics are also highly respected. I’d personally get a kit without a trigger as I always upgrade my triggers. Geissele had some kits sold through Brownells that included one of their trigger...which is a sweet combo

You want to be sure that the parts are made of the proper materials, treated correctly, and sized to spec. Also some cheap parts kits will use crappy springs. If you wanted to piece stuff together Brownells and G&R Tactical stock a lot of Colt parts ...which are the de facto mil spec. But that may not be cost effective
Unfortunately a lot of stuff is out of stock now
Looks like BDU has a few more of these in stock if anyone is looking:

View attachment 542241

Now off on this rabbit trail we go...
Can’t believe those are in stock. I got an email from BDU last week that Eotechs were back in stock. Just got it today and slapped it on my old Colt that I swiped the Aimpoint off of for my 11.5”. Hoping that the holographic reticle will play nicer with my astigmatism in my right eye

I have two handguns, a CZ Shadow 2 for USPSA (my favorite handgun by far) and a Sig Sauer P365 for everyday carry. I also have a remington wingmaster 870 shotgun. I have been trying to get ahold of a Ruger AR556 MPR but they are impossible to find right now.
Can’t believe those are in stock. I got an email from BDU last week that Eotechs were back in stock. Just got it today and slapped it on my old Colt that I swiped the Aimpoint off of for my 11.5”. Hoping that the holographic reticle will play nicer with my astigmatism in my right eye

I couldn't believe it either. I have an FFL in the family and I watch his Aero dealer portal often to no avail. I was pretty set on an M4E1 as a good mid-range lower to buy for my first build. Just happened to check BDU this morning and snap bought it. They're all gone now...I think there were 8 left after I bought mine.
I would definitely recommend buying a lower parts kit from a vendor that either makes their own stuff or sources them and stands behind them. I used a Sons of Liberty Gun Works LPK as they are known for super high quality. If I was to do another build I would probably try Geissele as they are making a lot of their own parts and you can get their new bolt release. BCM and Sionics are also highly respected. I’d personally get a kit without a trigger as I always upgrade my triggers. Geissele had some kits sold through Brownells that included one of their trigger...which is a sweet combo

You want to be sure that the parts are made of the proper materials, treated correctly, and sized to spec. Also some cheap parts kits will use crappy springs. If you wanted to piece stuff together Brownells and G&R Tactical stock a lot of Colt parts ...which are the de facto mil spec. But that may not be cost effective
Unfortunately a lot of stuff is out of stock now

I need to slow down a bit after buying the G19 and G44 plus accessories, so I'll have plenty of time to do some research and browse around. I was mostly concerned about getting my paws on a stripped lower just in case it becomes even harder after the election. I do like the idea of buying an LPK instead of piecemeal...with the likelihood of swapping the trigger out later as you mentioned. I can deal with mil-spec for a time.

Sweet Eotech BTW.
I need to slow down a bit after buying the G19 and G44 plus accessories, so I'll have plenty of time to do some research and browse around. I was mostly concerned about getting my paws on a stripped lower just in case it becomes even harder after the election. I do like the idea of buying an LPK instead of piecemeal...with the likelihood of swapping the trigger out later as you mentioned. I can deal with mil-spec for a time.

Sweet Eotech BTW.
Lowers are good to have and I’ve been looking at that exact one for a while. I like the design, the screw in bolt release, and the integrated trigger guard. I found a LMT Defender and an ambi LMT MARS lower for a great price last year but that particular Aero will be my next.

As far as after the election concern, I think the SCOTUS thing may change a lot. Clarence Thomas and Alito have been wanting to hear a gun case for a while and with a 6-3 Constitutionalist majority they are probably going to get a few. Law makers will realize that arbitrary bans based on purely cosmetic features or randomly selected magazine capacity will not pass strict scrutiny...meaning they will have to be able to prove any ban would significantly impact public safety to infringe on a right. Being that all types of rifles are only responsible for less than 3% of gun murders and the AWB of the 90’s had zero measurable effect they may stop trying. These BS AWBs make be done with in the near future.

That said $80 is a good price for that lower at any time.
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Aero has drastically ramped up their production to meet demand. They've been catching up the last couple of weeks...

What grip is that?

Good to hear. More and more I'm thinking I ought to complete out this rifle before the election...even if I would prefer to spread the cost out over a few months. I'm leaning towards an Aero upper so hopefully they get more stock soon.
Ammo prices are insane now... I picked up 250 rounds of 115g 9mm factory reloads for $80 yesterday... Today someone on Armslist trying to sell winchester white box 100 9mm for $75... yikes,
Ammo prices are insane now... I picked up 250 rounds of 115g 9mm factory reloads for $80 yesterday... Today someone on Armslist trying to sell winchester white box 100 9mm for $75... yikes,

I've been searching the internet and my local gun/sporting stores judiciously over the last ~2 months as I was trying to buy my 9mm handgun. Thankfully I've had a few lucky finds. I'm also visiting my local BiMart once a week when I know they receive their ammo shipment. It's a 2 box limit on 9mm, but slowly and surely I've been able to gather a decent number of rounds.
Aero has drastically ramped up their production to meet demand. They've been catching up the last couple of weeks...

What grip is that?
It’s an Ergo grip. In the last 5 or so years Magpul, BCM, etc have made grips with a more of a right angle which is more comfortable on your wrist. The traditional grip angle is better for more of a bladed stance. It’s very comfortable feeling in the hand I just wish they made one with a modern straight angle. I’ve put those on my other rifles and may swap this out

EDIT: I swapped the grip to a Magpul K+. You can see the angle difference
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I've been searching the internet and my local gun/sporting stores judiciously over the last ~2 months as I was trying to buy my 9mm handgun. Thankfully I've had a few lucky finds. I'm also visiting my local BiMart once a week when I know they receive their ammo shipment. It's a 2 box limit on 9mm, but slowly and surely I've been able to gather a decent number of rounds.
I was telling all my gun buddies last year to follow the mantra “buy it cheap and stack it deep”. I admit I was a bit caught off guard at the extent of panic buying in 2008. When things died down by 2011 I started buying magazines and ammo...but not enough before Newtown basically shut my shooting down for two years. I couldn’t even get reloading supplies.
Not this time. When stupid Walmart caved to the media and sold off all their ammo below cost I cleared out two stores of .223 and .45 at .14 cents a round! I reload .45 but cant reload it for that price. I should have bought more when .223 was down to $270 a case of 1000 and 9mm was $180 per 1000. Luckily I have a decent supply now
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What kind of car do you like?

HK = Mercedes
Sig = BMW
Glock = Toyota
Smith & Wesson = Ford
Ruger = Chevy
CZ = Volvo
Taurus = Kia with no warranty

I'm a CZ guy, so I'm legally obliged to say that the CZ p10c, except for being better than a Glock in every way, is just like the Glock 19.

Personally, I like the p07 even better than the p10c
@trever what kind of car is a Colt?
9mm Springfield Xd
38 S&W bodyguard
30/6 win
30/30 marlin
12g moss pump
12g rem semi auto

(Don’t laugh it’s Cali guns)

Wish I had a S&W Shield 9mm... almost impossible to get
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Here you go...
View attachment 545712
It’s a horrible wee thing that fits so far into a parking space that you think there’s an empty space until you pull right up alongside it :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Maybe the Airsoft version :p

BTW, last year my wife balked when I told her I was buying another Colt 6920 to keep in the safe and possibly flip if needed for a nice profit if things get goofy around the election. Payed $899.

Yesterday I saw this and showed it to her

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Maybe the Airsoft version :p

BTW, last year my wife balked when I told her I was buying another Colt 6920 to keep in the safe and possibly flip if needed for a nice profit if things get goofy around the election. Payed $899.

Yesterday I saw this and showed it to her

View attachment 545832
We don’t have guns over here. If things get goofy we just put more nails in our bit of wood :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Can of worms alert...

Coming from a place and time where gun ownership usually meant a .22 rifle for shooting gophers and possibly a shotgun for bird hunting (and if you were really serious, a bolt action 30.06 for game hunting), can someone explain to me where the boundary in the USA is between weapons and firearms that are considered "protected" under the second amendment and those that are considered not acceptable in the hands of ordinary citizens?

From what I can gather, the amendment talks about the need for a well armed militia, and that the right to bear arms shall not be abridged, and all that. But AFAIK you can't legally possess and use hand grenades, tanks, APCs, RPGs, Claymores and other anti-personnel mines, mortars, ballistic missiles, artillery, chemical weapons, nukes, etc. (or can you?). And it seems like a well equipped militia would need all of that these days.

On the other hand, some military grade stuff like assault rifles, automatic weapons, high capacity magazines, body armor, etc. are not only permitted but seemingly prized by regular folk. So where is the line between weapons that are and aren't allowed? And from a societal viewpoint, the more difficult question of where "should" that line be?

Seriously trying to understand this.
Can of worms alert...

Coming from a place and time where gun ownership usually meant a .22 rifle for shooting gophers and possibly a shotgun for bird hunting (and if you were really serious, a bolt action 30.06 for game hunting), can someone explain to me where the boundary in the USA is between weapons and firearms that are considered "protected" under the second amendment and those that are considered not acceptable in the hands of ordinary citizens?

From what I can gather, the amendment talks about the need for a well armed militia, and that the right to bear arms shall not be abridged, and all that. But AFAIK you can't legally possess and use hand grenades, tanks, APCs, RPGs, Claymores and other anti-personnel mines, mortars, ballistic missiles, artillery, chemical weapons, nukes, etc. (or can you?). And it seems like a well equipped militia would need all of that these days.

On the other hand, some military grade stuff like assault rifles, automatic weapons, high capacity magazines, body armor, etc. are not only permitted but seemingly prized by regular folk. So where is the line between weapons that are and aren't allowed? And from a societal viewpoint, the more difficult question of where "should" that line be?

Seriously trying to understand this.
This is not a politics thread. Let’s keep it that way. ;)
Can of worms alert...

Coming from a place and time where gun ownership usually meant a .22 rifle for shooting gophers and possibly a shotgun for bird hunting (and if you were really serious, a bolt action 30.06 for game hunting), can someone explain to me where the boundary in the USA is between weapons and firearms that are considered "protected" under the second amendment and those that are considered not acceptable in the hands of ordinary citizens?

From what I can gather, the amendment talks about the need for a well armed militia, and that the right to bear arms shall not be abridged, and all that. But AFAIK you can't legally possess and use hand grenades, tanks, APCs, RPGs, Claymores and other anti-personnel mines, mortars, ballistic missiles, artillery, chemical weapons, nukes, etc. (or can you?). And it seems like a well equipped militia would need all of that these days.

On the other hand, some military grade stuff like assault rifles, automatic weapons, high capacity magazines, body armor, etc. are not only permitted but seemingly prized by regular folk. So where is the line between weapons that are and aren't allowed? And from a societal viewpoint, the more difficult question of where "should" that line be?

Seriously trying to understand this.

I could be wrong on some of these facts, so don't take them as legal advice or anything silly like that.

Nationally in the US you can own almost anything actually, as long as you can get a "permit" for it. The National Firearms Act (or NFA for short, passed in 1934) regulates certain categories of weaponry. Primarily the NFA regulates Machine Guns, Short-Barreled Rifles (SBRs), Short-barreled Shotguns (SBSs), Suppressors (often referred to incorrectly as "silencers"), Destructive Devices, and a more nebulous category "Any other weapon".

Any of the above weapons require that you pay a $200 tax, register the weapon with the ATF, pass an extensive background check, and comply with more stringent regulations as compared to a non-NFA controlled weapon. BTW ALL legal firearm purchases require a background check, with the exception of private sales...but the NFA check is more extensive.

Tanks, Hand Grenades, etc are regulated under the "Destructive Devices" category. Well, technically only the weaponized portion of these devices is regulated, so you could own a tank that is disarmed but still runs.

Laws differ from state to state pretty dramatically, but the NFA is the baseline for these types of weapons across the nation.
I could be wrong on some of these facts, so don't take them as legal advice or anything silly like that.

Nationally in the US you can own almost anything actually, as long as you can get a "permit" for it. The National Firearms Act (or NFA for short, passed in 1934) regulates certain categories of weaponry. Primarily the NFA regulates Machine Guns, Short-Barreled Rifles (SBRs), Short-barreled Shotguns (SBSs), Suppressors (often referred to incorrectly as "silencers"), Destructive Devices, and a more nebulous category "Any other weapon".

Any of the above weapons require that you pay a $200 tax, register the weapon with the ATF, pass an extensive background check, and comply with more stringent regulations as compared to a non-NFA controlled weapon. BTW ALL legal firearm purchases require a background check, with the exception of private sales...but the NFA check is more extensive.

Tanks, Hand Grenades, etc are regulated under the "Destructive Devices" category. Well, technically only the weaponized portion of these devices is regulated, so you could own a tank that is disarmed but still runs.

Laws differ from state to state pretty dramatically, but the NFA is the baseline for these types of weapons across the nation.
Thanks, that's a pretty good summary, and a good starting point for more info.

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