How did you get that sight so fast? I ordered mine weeks ago!!First upgrade, HoloSun Sight!
View attachment 506535
How did you get that sight so fast? I ordered mine weeks ago!!First upgrade, HoloSun Sight!
View attachment 506535
Is that an old stingray??My beauty...
Is that an old stingray??
No, it's not mine but my son just purchased this .45 Springfield 1911.
Had a chance to shoot one last week. It was easy, smooth and really accurate with a 5" stainless match barrel. Great value at just under $1,000View attachment 506514
I would imagine that is VERY loud!
Love the newer small roll marks Springfield is using.
you are allowed to own more than one 10/22!
they are very affordable after all.
Tire stores sell paintball guns in Canada??I think? Bought it back in the 90's from Canadian Tire. It was fun.
So, if I defend my family I'm screwed legally and would have to give our rainy day funds to a lawyer to keep my ass out of jail? This is basically what I took away from these series.
Kinda away from owning a home defense weapon, doesn't it? You're better off just being robbed because the law favors the perp.
Keep in mind that the company is selling insurance so the incentive is to scare you about the risk. And I say that as someone who has bought the platinum level insurance for probably the last 5 years. Knowing the risks is good because you won't take the use of force lightly.
Oh, I definitely agree that they're trying to upset you on insurance, but don't you think they have at least a modicum of truth?
45-70 ?
Yes45-70 ?
Looks like a pretty short barrel. You might want to get a nice shoulder pad
Gone a-berr-huntin