So in 2011 it turned out somewhere in the factory actually marked all the low cards on the decks, and they found out when it became obvious under final table lighting. They ended up having to bring in other decks to cover. I dont think they ended up finding out exactly what happened but there’s a few articles/forum posts/videos online discussing. So Pokergurus on
eBay actually ended up buying all the overrun from 2011, and also ended up buying all the 2012 wsop decks so a lot of the decks have ended up in collector hands such as mine and there’s reviews on youtube.
KEM is/was owned by USPCC which kept the wsop contact to 2014, but they switched the WSOP cards to Fourniers after that, so 2012-14 are Fourniers.
Ok back to typical posts for TCR threads:
So glad my wallet is safe for this sale saving up for next sale. But god these look so nice just the full
THC on everything… vs. my Jacks are only
THC on the $1